Visualizzazione post con etichetta Spanish Art. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Spanish Art. Mostra tutti i post
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6 artworks to look out for at Tate Britain

Sir John Everett Millais | Mariana, 1851 | Tate Collection

This painting by British painter John Everett Millais (1829-1896) is of Mariana, a character from Shakespeare’s play Measure for Measure.
The story goes that Mariana’s fiancé Angelo leaves after her family’s money is lost in a shipwreck.
Still in love with him, she hopes they will be reunited.
Millais shows Mariana pausing to stretch her back after working at some embroidery, with the autumn leaves scattered on the ground marking the passage of time.
The stained-glass windows in front of her show the Annunciation, contrasting the Virgin's fulfilment with Mariana's frustration and longing.

Sir John Everett Millais | Mariana, 1851 | Tate Collection

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Eduardo León Garrido | Belle Époque painter

Spanish painter Eduardo León Garrido (1856-1949), was a significant figure in the Impressionist movement.
Trained at the Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, he later moved to Paris where he was influenced by French artistic trends, particularly the works of Manet and the Impressionists.
He is known for his elegant portraits and genre scenes, often bathed in soft, natural light.

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Olga Esther, 1975 | Pop surrealist painter

Olga Esther is an Spanish painter and illustrator who develops her work within Lowbrow or pop surrealism, painting impossible princesses.
She is a graduate of fine arts from Polytechnic University of Valencia, she is the recipient of two art scholarships in Prague and Mexico.
She also holds a master‘s degree in video games.
Now, she lives and works in Valencia.

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Javier Mulio, 1957

Javier Mulio was born in Alcoy, Spain on Christmas eve, 1957, and soon began demonstrating his prodigious creative gifts...
At the age of 16, Javier was enrolled in the academy of the classic Spanish master Mila Gomez where he perfected his technique.
Graduating in 1976, Javier became a professional artist, with local success that grew into international recognition.

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Angeles Anglada, 1965

Angeles Anglada si è formata professionalmente presso la School of Fine Arts di Saragozza e ha iniziato la sua carriera professionale nel 1989, quando ha iniziato a sviluppare le sue prime sculture.
In questi 18 anni ha partecipato a oltre 40 fiere ed esposizioni nazionali ed estere, le sue opere sono presenti in oltre 25 paesi.
Le sculture da Angeles Anglada sono tutti caratterizzati da una speciale sensibilità e tenerezza, con allegorie di coppia e maternità.

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Montse Valdés, 1959

Born in Barcelona, Spain, Montse Valdés began drawing at an early age and spent four years in Paris and one year in Asia during her youth.
Her travels back then have had an effect on her art, and following a brief sojourn in the world of theater, she decided to pursue painting at age 21 and began to create the wealth of generously sized, ethereal and peaceful portraits, figurative works for which she is known.
From 1981-1984, Valdés studied drawing, painting and pastel techniques at the Isidre Vilaseca Studio in Girona and the Artur Aldomà Puig Studio in Barcelona.

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Eliseo Meifrén y Roig | Pittore Impressionista

Eliseo Meifrén Roig (1859-1940) è stato un pittore Impressionista Spagnolo.
Appassionato di pittura, abbandona la laurea in medicina e si iscrive alla Scuola di Belle Arti di Barcellona.
I suoi maestri furono gli artisti Antonio Caba e Ramón Martí Alsina.
Completò la sua formazione a Parigi, dove si recò per la prima volta nel 1879, in compagnia dei pittori Ramón Casas e Santiago Rusiñol, e dove sopravvisse vendendo piccoli dipinti ed appunti, con temi prevalentemente urbani.

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Victor Hugo | Depuis six mille ans la guerre / For six thousand years the war

For six thousand years the war
Pleasing the quarrelsome peoples,
And God wastes his time doing
The stars and the flowers.

Francisco Goya | Third of May, 1808 | Museo del Prado

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Pedro Roldán Molina, 1954 | Modern impressionism painter

Pedro Roldán Molina was born in Rute in the province of Còrdoba, Andalucía.
From a very young age he carried out his first drawing studies, obtaining different prizes for painting and other techniques, in his town, and also a national one at eight years.
He continued his studies in Barcelona where he has spent his entire career, surrounded by the modernists and very close to the impressionists, but fundamentally alongside the great creators who took over those lands in the last decade of the last century.

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Jusepe de Ribera | Saint Joseph, 1635

Born in Spain, Jusepe de Ribera spent his entire active career in Italy.
He arrived in Spanish-ruled Naples between 1607 and 1614.
Caravaggio’s presence had a profound impact on Neapolitan painting.
Ribera then travelled to Parma, Rome, before settling in Naples.

Jusepe de Ribera | Saint Joseph, 1635 | Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

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Fernando Yáñez de la Almedina | Saint Catherine, 1510

This is one of the Spanish Renaissance's most emblematic depictions of a female figure and the best known of Yáñez de la Almedina’s works.
Both considerations are due to the visibility this work has received at the Museo del Prado, where it has been one of the essential icons in its galleries of 16th-century Spanish painting ever since it arrived in 1946.

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Salvador Fuster Vercher, 1966

Nato ad Alcoy, Salvador Fuster è figlio del pittore Rafael Fuster, dal quale ha ereditato la sua grande maestria nel disegno e nel colore.
Salvador Fuster è un pittore che, come suo padre, padroneggia tutte le tecniche pittoriche ed è considerato uno dei migliori ritrattisti del panorama artistico attuale.
La sua pittura è presente in gran parte delle migliori collezioni di pittura in Europa, in America ed anche la lontana Australia ha ritratti ed opere di questo grande artista.
Quando si entra nello studio di Salvador Fuster si ha la sensazione di essere entrati nella bottega di un artigiano, il fortino del demiurgo.

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Luisa Roldàn | Baroque sculptor

Luisa Roldàn | The Entombment of Christ, 1700-1701 | Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Entombment is one of the two "jewel-like sculptures" Luisa Roldán gave to the newly installed King Philip V of Spain in 1701, petitioning him to appoint her sculptor to the royal court.
In the previous decade she had pioneered a genre of sculpture - powerfully conceived and exquisitely modelled and painted figural groups, made on a deliberately intimate scale - of which this is perhaps the finest.

Luisa Roldàn | The Entombment of Christ, 1700-1701 | Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Pedro Salinas | Lì, oltre il sorriso / There, behind laughter

Lì, oltre il sorriso,
non ti si conosce più.
Vai e vieni, scivoli
per un mondo di valzer...

"Che allegra!" dicono tutti.
Ed è che tu allora
tenti di essere altra,
così somigliante

Michel Hendrich | Transmission

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Federico Garcia Lorca | Alba

Il mio cuore angustiato
avverte alle prime luci
la pena del suo amore
e il sogno di lontananza.

La luce d'aurora reca
una vena di rimpianti

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Wisława Szymborska | The End and the Beginning / La Fine e l'Inizio

Dopo ogni guerra
c'è chi deve ripulire.
In fondo un po' d'ordine
da solo non si fa.

C'è chi deve spingere le macerie
ai bordi delle strade
per far passare
i carri pieni di cadaveri.

Pablo Picasso | Guernica, 1937 | Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid

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Ingrid Tusell, 1978 | Pittrice surrealista

Ingrid Tusell è un'artista nata a Barcellona ed ora vive in un vecchio mulino restaurato nel terreno montuoso di Teruel, in Spagna.
Ingrid dipinge donne che ricordano le forti guerriere indigene.
Il loro sguardo congelato e intenso permea un senso di conoscenza "ultraterrena" e di energia universale femminile.
Spesso crivellati di vita animale e vegetale, i soggetti femminili di Ingrid si fondono all'interno dei loro ambienti consentendo loro di avere una connessione simbiotica con la natura.

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Nazim Hikmet | Il più bello dei mari / The most beautiful sea, 1942

Il più bello dei mari
è quello che non navigammo.
Il più bello dei nostri figli
non è ancora cresciuto.

I più belli dei nostri giorni
non li abbiamo ancora vissuti.

Ricardo Sanz | Carmen y el mar

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Pablo Picasso: "The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls"!

• "Painting is a blind man’s profession. He paints not what he sees, but what he feels, what he tells himself about what he has seen".
"La pittura è un mestiere da cieco. Non dipinge ciò che vede, ma ciò che sente, ciò che racconta a se stesso di ciò che ha visto".
"Dio in realtà non è che un altro artista. Egli ha inventato la giraffa, l'elefante e il gatto. Non ha un vero stile: non fa altro che provare cose diverse. Dio, quell'altro artigiano".
"Dipingere non è un'operazione estetica: è una forma di magia intesa a compiere un'opera di mediazione fra questo mondo estraneo ed ostile e noi".

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María Luisa de la Riva (1865-1926)

María Luisa de la Riva y Callol de Muñoz (1865-1926) was a Spanish painter.
Riva y Callol de Muñoz was born on 4 April 1865 in Zaragoza, Spain. She studied with Ricardo Bellver and Antonio Pérez Rubio.
She was married to fellow painter Domingo Muñoz.
She exhibited regularly at the Exposiciones Nacionales de Bellas Artes where she won medals in 1897, 1901 1887, and 1895.
Riva y Callol de Muñoz exhibited her work at the Woman's Building at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois and she also exhibited at the Exposition Universelle in 1889.