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Elenco degli Artisti Americani

L'arte Americana è l'arte visiva realizzata negli Stati Uniti o da artisti statunitensi.
Prima della colonizzazione, c'erano molte tradizioni fiorenti dell'arte dei nativi americani, e dove gli spagnoli colonizzarono l'architettura coloniale spagnola e gli stili di accompagnamento in altri media furono rapidamente messe in atto.
La prima arte coloniale sulla costa orientale si basava inizialmente su artisti europei, con John White (1540-1593) il primo esempio.
Tra la fine del XVIII e l'inizio del XIX secolo, gli artisti dipingevano principalmente ritratti e alcuni paesaggi in uno stile basato principalmente sulla pittura inglese.

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Il Post-Impressionismo

Vincent van Gogh | The starry night, 1888

Liberandosi dal naturalismo dell'Impressionismo alla fine del 1880, un gruppo di giovani pittori cercò stili artistici indipendenti per esprimere emozioni piuttosto che semplici impressioni ottiche, concentrandosi su temi di simbolismo più profondo.
Attraverso l'uso di colori semplificati e forme definitive, la loro arte era caratterizzata da un rinnovato senso estetico e da tendenze astratte.

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French Artists | Sitemap

Pierre-Auguste Renoir | La plage du Lavandou, 1894

French traditions in the fine arts are deep and rich, and painting, sculpture, music, dance, architecture, photography, and film all flourish under state support.
During the Renaissance led to Italy becoming the main source of stylistic developments until France matched Italy's influence during the Rococo and Neoclassicism periods.
During the 19th century and up to mid-20 century France and especially Paris was considered the center of the art world with art styles such as Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Cubism, Fauvism originating there as well as movements and congregations of foreign artists such as the École de Paris.

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Dutch Artists | Sitemap

Before the 16th century, the Church commissioned most Netherlandish art. Artists, such as Lucas van Leyden, produced elaborate altarpieces.
After independence from Spain, the chief patrons were the merchant class.
The 17th century was a golden age in portraiture, landscape, and genre painting, producing artists of the calibre of Rembrandt, Jan Vermeer, Frans Hals, and Jacob an Ruisdael.

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Award Winning Artists | Sitemap

List of Award Winning Artists who became famous for their unique artistic style, published from the Tutt'Art@. On our website You will find biographies, information and their most important works.

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Italian Artists | Sitemap

Telemaco Signorini | Bapin de Lilela, 1895

This list contains the Italian Artists: Painters, Sculptors, Writers, Poets and Musicians published on our website.

Marco De Gregorio (1829-1876) | School of Resina
Federico Rossano (1835-1912) | School of Resina
Vincenzo Cabianca (1827-1902) Macchiaioli painter
Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374) | Quotes