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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Serbian Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Dragan Ilic Di Vogo (Serbian painter, 1962)

"Boundaries of art have no shape, colour and smell; therefore, even if they existed, we would not be able to know that we have stepped on them. If you seek art, you may find it in everything around you. Mainly in style, since man is style. I find the man to be the most perfect work of art, shaped and painted by the Creator himself.
The art is always one and the same, though it may be more or less present at a particular moment and in particular place. The art does not progress or regress, it only goes through transformations. The consciousness about art does not progress either, although we wish it would. The need for art does not grow or decrease.
Thanks to God, art is constant, while we are the ones who change, appear and disappear. Cheers!" - Dragan Ilic Di Vogo.

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Stojan Milanov, 1963

Stojan Milanov è nato a Belgrado, in Serbia.
È un pittore professionista dal 1985 e membro di ULUPUDS dal 2005.
I suoi temi sono la figura umana ed il paesaggio urbano, la tecnica: olio su tela.
Laureato presso l'Università di Architettura di Belgrado.
Ha partecipato a numerose mostre collettive e incontri d'arte.
Nel 2005, è stato premiato "Artista dell'anno" dalla Simic Galleries, California.

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Endre Penovác, 1956 | Watercolor painter

Serbian painter Endre Penovác was born in Tornjoš. He finished Academy of fine arts in Novi Sad. He works as an independent artist.
He started to display in 1981, and since that time, he make group or independent exhibits in country and abroad, Croatia, Germany, France, Hungary, Bosnia. Endre Penovác lives in Bačka Topola.
He lives in Bačka Topola.

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Micko-Vic / Miodrag

Micko-Vic è il soprannome del pittore professionista - Miodrag. Micko è un artista autodidatta.
Micko è nato in Serbia, in una città industriale vicino a Belgrado.
Dopo la laurea in ingegneria elettrica presso l'Istituto Nikola Tesla, si è presto trovato in una professione che non era affatto adatta alla sua personalità, cosi si da all'arte.
Il suo stile di disegno parla dell'artista come rappresentante del cubismo moderno.
Nei dipinti di Micko-Vic ci sono forme cubiche affilate e colori brillanti, e prima esegue le sue opere con una matita ed un pennello, poi acrilico e gel.
I temi principali di Micko-Vic sono ritratti, paesaggi e scene della vita quotidiana.

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Nenad Mirkovich, 1951

Mirkovich, il cui nome Nenad nella sua lingua madre (serbo) significa "sorpresa", offre quell'elemento di sorpresa offre quell'elemento nei suoi dipinti di paesaggi tranquilli, coste fragorose, sinfonie pacifiche ed energici gruppi jazz.
Collezionisti di tutte le età e di diversi stili di vita trovano qualcosa nel variegato repertorio di Nenad Mirkovich per deliziare i sensi. Si delizia con le reazioni degli spettatori quando scoprono che lo stesso artista di talento ha dipinto tutte queste scene.
Nenad Mirkovich afferma, tuttavia, che i vari soggetti e gli stili che usa nel suo lavoro non sono così diversi come sembrano a prima vista.

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Djordje Prudnikoff in Italy

At the International competition for new ideas in furniture design, in 1968 in Italy, Djordje Prudnikoff (1939-2017) was granted a reward and 3 months scholarship by the company called Sormani from Milan for perfecting himself in furniture design.
During and after his studies he was mostly occupied with creations in the field of applied arts and took part in projects for furniture and applied pottery for several well-known Italian enterprises.
His work were selected for the ITALIAN DESIGN exhibitions in many European metropolises, and that was the time when Italian design was considered one of the best in the world.

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Djordje Prudnikoff

Djordje Prudnikoff (1939-2017) was an graphic designer from Belgrade, Serbia. Born in Užice Prudnikoff has been claimed as one of the most original contemporary artists to emerge from the former Yugoslavia.

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Micko-Vic | Cityscapes

Maltese painter Micko-Vic is a self taught artist with a flair for creativity running through his genes. He first sketches out the scene with pencil and brush, and then adds a combination of acrylic and impasto gel with a palette knife layer upon layer within each scene to get the final, textured effect.
During the last 12 years living in Malta, he studied the culinary arts.
Whilst working as a chef, painting was a hobby limited to free time but, by studying and delving deeper into artistic methods he gradually created a style of expressive and innovative art.

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Djordje Prudnikoff | Realist painter with classical training

Son of a Serbian woman and a Russian man Djordje Prudnikoff [Ђорђе Прудников] was a painter, graphic artist and designer, championed as one of the greatest and most original contemporary artists to emerge from the former Yugoslavia.
Prudnikoff studied art at Belgrade academies of Fine Arts and of Applied Arts, lucubrated industrial design in Vienna.
In 1946, the family moved to Belgrade. After completing his grammar school, Djordje was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts.
Few months later he left it to enroll at the Academy of Applied Arts where he graduated in the class of Professor Mihailo Petrov.
During his studies Prudnikoff was rewarded several times for graphic design. Graphic industrial design was his preoccupation while staying in Wienna, in 1967.

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Vladimir Dunjic, 1957

Vladimir Dunjic was born in Cacak. He graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in the class of Professor Mladen Srbinovic in 1981.
He has been a member of ULUS, the Serbian Association of Fine Arts, since 1982.
He has also taken part in several solo and group exhibitions, both in Yugoslavia and abroad. He works and lives as a free lance artist in Belgrade.