Visualizzazione post con etichetta Russian Art. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Russian Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Nikolai Sverchkov | Equine painter

Nikolai Yegorovich Sverchkov / Николай Егорович Сверчков (1817-1898) was a Russian painter who specialized in genre and hunting scenes with horses.
He was also a member of the Imperial Academy of Arts.
His father was an Imperial groom and coachman. As a child, he worked with his father and began drawing animals.
Impressed with his work, his parents arranged for him to take lessons at the Imperial Academy of Arts with the battle painter, Alexander Sauerweid, from 1827 to 1829.

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Bella, Chagall's Eternal Muse

"In our life there is a single color, as on an artist’s palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of LOVE" - Marc Chagall

The love story between Bella Rosenfeld (1889-1944) and Marc Chagall (1887-1985) was a profound, almost mystical connection that began in 1909 in Saint Petersburg.
Bella, a 19-year-old from a wealthy Jewish family, crossed paths with Chagall, a 26-year-old aspiring artist still in art school.
Their love was instantaneous, a moment both would later describe as love at first sight.
Bella, who would go on to become a writer, was captivated by Chagall’s deep blue eyes, describing them as if they had “fallen straight from the sky” and floated independently.

Marc Chagall | Les Amoureux, 1928

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Olga & Aleksey Ivanov Illustration

Olga and Aleksey Ivanov are considered two of the top Egg Tempera Fine Artists in the country today.
Olga and Aleksey Ivanov are clearly a team built on ingenious creativity, mythology, technical precision, playful storytelling combined with a traditional execution proving masterpieces each time they offer a painting.
Olga and Aleksey Ivanov are considered two of the top Egg Tempera Fine Artists in the country today.
Their modern approach to an ancient art form shows reverence to the medium.

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Nikolay Dubovskoy | Hushing (Calm Before the Storm), 1890

Isaac Levitan: "Not everyone can convey such a capture from nature itself, like "Calm before the storm", where you feel not the author, but the elements themselves".

The painting Притихло" ("hushing" or "silencing", before the storm) display at the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, is a masterpiece of Nikolay Nikanorovich Dubovskoy / Николай Никанорович Дубовской (1859-1918), a Russian landscape painter, associated with the Peredvizhniki (The Itinerants) - group of Russian realist artists who formed an artists' cooperative in protest of academic restrictions; it evolved into the Society for Travelling Art Exhibitions in 1870.
The artist's most famous and landmark painting, which placed his name among the most famous Russian landscape painters.
It marked the beginning of the "Landscape of Mood" genre, developed by Nikolay Dubovskoy and Isaac Levitan.

Nikolay Dubovskoy | Calm Before the Storm, 1890 | State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

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Marc Chagall | Parigi dalla mia finestra, 1913

C'è l'Opéra, il Louvre, L'Arc de Triomphe, Notre-Dame, la Tour Eiffel, il Panthéon, Place de la Concorde, Saint-GermainDes-Pres. Esplodono in arancioni, verdi, blu, viola, rossi.
Ci volteggiano sopra amanti, animali, madri, fiori, angeli.
Chagall non smise mai di ricordarla, di trasfigurarla nei suoi sogni, di farla orizzonte su cui si mimetizzava tutto il suo immaginario intimo e poetico.
C'è la città con i suoi luoghi simbolici, e c'è il pittore con la sua storia, i suoi miti. Parigi evoca e accoglie al tempo stesso, si fa materia onirica nello sguardo di Chagall.

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Alexander Tolstoy (1895-1969)

Alexander Tolstoy, born in Saint Petersburg, was a Russian-Swedish count and painter, graphic artist, illustrator, master of still life and a female portrait, active in Dalarna, Sweden.
Tolstoy was educated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague and then studied in several countries.
His art consists of figure studies and women in national costumes done in oil.

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Vladislav Nagornov, 1974

Born in the old town of Penza, Владислав Нагорнов began to paint at the age of six.
At sixteen he joined the Savitsky Academy in Penza with the painter German Jakov.
In 2001 he graduated at the Ilya Glazounov Academy of Fine Arts.
His specialisation in historical subjects requires a strong discipline to recreate the characters, costumes, decoration details and narrative subjects.
He has followed the influence of artists like Ilya Repin, Sourikov and Ivanov among others.

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Giacomo Leopardi | Il Sogno / The Dream, 1820-1821

Era il mattino, e tra le chiuse imposte
Per lo balcone insinuava il sole
Nella mia cieca stanza il primo albore;
Quando in sul tempo che più leve il sonno
E più soave le pupille adombra,

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Ksenya Istomina, 1991

Ksenya Istomina / Ксения Истомина, born in Leningrad, Russia, embarked on her artistic journey at the Art School named after Sviridov.
Following this, she pursued her studies at the St. Petersburg Art College named after Roerich, specializing in the restoration department.
Ultimately, she graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Ilya Repin, focusing on painting within the studio of Yuri Kalyuta.

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Andrey Shishkin, 1960

Andrey Alekseyevich Shishkin / Андрей Алексеевич Шишкин è un pittore Russo.
Le sue opere sono uno degli esempi più importanti della moderna scena russa di "arte pagana" legata alla fede nativa slava in Russia.
È nato e cresciuto a Mosca.
Si occupa di pittura dagli inizi degli anni 2000 ed attualmente lavora in uno studio privato.

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Alexander Goryachev, 1973 | Romantic landscape painter

Alexander Goryachev / Александр Рудольфович Горячев was born in Yalta.
Interest in fine arts appeared from childhood.
The first works were copies of classics: I. Aivazovsky, I. Shishkin, Levitan...
He graduated from the F. Vasiliev art school in Yalta.
In 1986 he entered the Ivanovo Art School.

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Mihail Aleksandrov, 1949

Mihail Aleksandrov is one of the most influential and recognizable Russian painters in the world.
He is collected in more than 20 countries.
Aleksandrov was born in Vilnius, Lithuania.
He attended the Vilnius Art School classes for five years and then studied at the Vilnius Pedagogical Institute.
He received his degree in Russian Language and Literature in 1971.

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Vadim Markevich, 1969

Vadim Markevich was born in Riga, Latvia.
He graduated from the Lyceum of Arts and Restoration in St. Petersburg, and has exhibited since 1994 in the State Museum of Modern Arts, Minsk.
He went on to study at the Royal College in London in 1999, where he received an expert assessment of his work by Sotheby's.
The artist describes his work as neoclassical; a return to the more traditional style of painting.

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Il mondo allegorico di Sergei Rimashevski, 1964

Sergei Rimashevski / Сергей Римашевский was born in Grodno, Belarus.
Due to his high level of professionalism in his portraits, paintings, allegories he appears before the judges as a director and playwright.
His paintings, woven from real life experiences keep secrets, awakening the imagination.
The artist reveals the world of the individual, but the reading of this world is only available to thoughtful viewer, ready to plunge into the world of childhood.

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Cesare Pavese | Donne appassionate

Le ragazze al crepuscolo scendendo in acqua,
quando il mare svanisce, disteso. Nel bosco
ogni foglia trasale, mentre emergono caute
sulla sabbia e si siedono a riva. La schiuma
fa i suoi giochi inquieti, lungo l’acqua remota.

Vladimir Volegov

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Olga and Sergey Kamennoy

Sergey and Olga are the couple of artists working together under a pseudonym "KAMU Sergey and Olga" for more than 15 years.
Sergey Kamennoy / Сергей Каменной is Ukrainian and Olga Kamennoy / Ольга Каменная is Russian, born in Moscow.
Sergey was born in the city of Kharkov in 1959, Ukraine, in the artist’s family.

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Vera Kober, 1986 | Abstract painter

Vera Kober was born and raised up in difficult periods of collapse during the former USSR in family of musicians.
She studied fine art in school in Ukraine and end it in 1999 but her wish to pursue art education in college was not possible due to challenges of moving to another country with the family.
But Kober continued painting where her soul breathes and love flourishes in the face of difficulties.

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Oleg Aradushkin, 1951 | Impressionist painter

Oleg Afanasievich Aradushkin / Олег Афанасьевич Арадушкин is known in Russia and abroad as a distinguished and original master working in easel painting and graphic art.
He was born in Podolsk, Moscow Region in 1951.
He graduated from the Moscow State Academy Art College in Memory of the Year of 1905 and Gerasimov State Institute of Cinematography.
As an artist-director Oleg Aradushkin was involved in the creation of a number of feature films.
In 1977 he became a member of the Union of Artists.

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Tanya Chuvasheva, 1977 | Figurative painter

Born in Moscow, Татьяна Чувашева graduated from the Moscow Art Lyceum and the Surikov Art Institute in Moscow (faculte of monumental painting, studio under the guidance of professor E. N. Maksimov).
Member of the International Federation of Artists and National Artist's Union of Russia.
Refinement of colour with simple, but finely constructed composition of a canvas is a characteristic feature of T. Chuvasheva's art.

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Alexandr Melnikov, 1959 | Romantic painter

Alexandr Melnikov / Александр Мельников, originally of Russian descent, was born in Moscow region.
He is graduated in the High School of Arts of Odessa and in the National Academy of Kiev.
Aleksandr Melnikov participated in many exhibitions in Geneva (Switzerland), Marseille (France), Yoko Gama (Japan), Frankfort (Germany), Vancouver (Canada).