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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Romanian Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Victor Brauner | Pittore / scultore surrealista

Victor Brauner (1903-1966) è stato un pittore e scultore Rumeno.
Pittore Dadaista poi Surrealista, ha fatto parte, come Constantin Brâncuși, Eugène Ionesco, Mircea Eliade, Panaït Istrati e Emil Cioran, dell'importante comunità di artisti ed intellettuali rumeni di Parigi.
Ha studiato alla scuola di Belle Arti di Bucarest dal 1919-1921.
Nell'ottobre 1924 espose per la prima volta le sue opere in una galleria, nello stesso anno pubblicò con Ilarie Voronca il primo e unico numero della rivista "75 H.P." da loro stessi fondata, nella quale è contenuto il manifesto della "picto-poésie": non solamente pittura, né solamente poesia, la "picto-poesia" contrappone forme geometriche differenziate dal colore e dal tocco del pennello, sulle quali vengono scritte parole a mano od a stampa, formando, secondo lo spirito che l'anima, sia futurista, o dadaista, o costruttivista, un vocabolario i cui significati non hanno senso che per il loro "scritto" sulla tela e sottolineano l'espressione dinamica dell'immagine.

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Mona Edulesco | Modern impressionist painter

Mona Edulesco is an Romanian painter and architect based in Lyon, France.
She is specializing in textural impasto palette knife oil paintings, rendered in an abstract manner, in a modern impressionist style.

- "The palette knife oil painting technique that I developed over the years confers expressiveness to my paintings and an amazing three dimensional aspect".
"I am fascinated by the explosive textures and the intense chromatic that you can explore and reinvent by working the medium of oil painting".

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Gyuri Lohmuller, 1962: "L'emozione è Arte"

Nato a Gataia, in Romania e pittore autodidatta, con mostre in Austria, Germania, Francia ed Ungheria, Gyuri Lohmuller preferisce i temi surrealisti.
I suoi dipinti riflettono le sue emozioni più profonde.
"L'emozione", dice, "è Arte".

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Demetre Chiparus (Romanian, 1886-1947)

Demetre Chiparus was a Romanian Art Deco era sculptor who lived and worked in Paris, France.
He was born in Romania, educated in Italy and took up residence in Paris in 1912.
Chiparus attended school at the Ecole des Beaux Arts. In 1920s Demetre perfected the technique of combining bronze and ivory known as chryselephantine, his art flourished; he was considered by many to be one of the best sculptors of Art Déco Era.
However, due to the huge commercial success of his work, he exhibited only sporadically at the Salon des Artistes Français.
He rose to fame in the 1920s and 30s, perfecting the technique of chryselephantine, a way of forming sculptures from bronze and ivory.

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Mihai Criste (Romanian, 1975)

Mihai Criste is a creative Romanian artist who is fascinated by abstration, mystery and surrealism. Mihai Criste was born in the Deva Hunedoara county in Romania.
A professional painter for more than 10 years, Mihai has participated in numerous contests and exhibitions.
His artworks combine several subjects in an attempt to confuse the viewer of what is reality.
Since 2001 Mihai has participated in various group exhibitions in Romania, the USA and England.
He furthermore collaborated with a number of Printing Houses to illustrate books, such as the children's book "The Wizard of Oz" and covers, such as for the book "About Clowns" by Norman Manea. Mihai's paintings strongly remind the onlooker of Magritte.
The oustanding precision with which Mihai paints his surealistic works is absolutely fascinating and immediately catches the recipients attention.
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Dorina Costras (Romanian, 1967)

Dorina Costras è nata ad Iasi, in Romania.
Ha lavorato come designer e come insegnante di belle arti.
Ora collabora per la decorazione come designer di interni e dipinge.
I suoi dipinti sono in stile fantasy e il tema favorito è dei costumi e maschere di carnevale, ma anche un universo fantastico con l'atmosfera della storia lontana dai nostri giorni.

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Octavian Florescu (Romanian, 1957)

Octavian Florescu was born in the Southern Romanian town of Craiova. In 1978 he interrupted his university studies in engineering to become a full-time artist painter.
For five years he studied church painting and restoration which gave him the opportunity to learn and master all painting techniques from the ancient fresco to the contemporary oil and acrylic.
The influence of the Byzantine style is noticeable in all his work.
In 1989, while in Hungary, he completely dedicated himself to surrealism that allows him to best express his ideas.
Over the past 21 years his paintings have been seen in Austria, Canada, France, Hungary, Mexico, Romania and the USA.

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Hermin Abramovitch

Hermin Abramovitch è un talentuoso fotografo rumeno.
Attualmente vivo in Israele e lavoro come responsabile della garanzia della qualità e degli affari normativi presso Harmonic at Harmonic, prima di lavorare nella Six Sigma Black Belt presso GE Healthcare.
Ha studiato presso l'Universitatea 'Politehnica' di Bucuresti, Romania. Parlando in inglese, ebraico, francese, rumeno.
Dicono che mangi fotografia invece di pane.