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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Palazzo Barberini. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Palazzo Barberini. Mostra tutti i post
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It is Ginevra Cantofoli the painter of the masterpiece known as the "Portrait of Beatrice Cenci"!

A long historical tradition has identified Beatrice Cenci in this portrait.
Formerly attributed to Guido Reni, it is now attributed to Italian Baroque painter Ginevra Cantofoli (Bologna 1618-1672).

The girl turns to us with an appealing and innocent gaze that reminds us of her tragic fate.
After years of oppression and abduction in a castle, Beatrice supported by her brothers and stepmother planned the murder of her father, Francesco Cenci, who was a dissolute and deprived man.

Ginevra Cantofoli | Woman in a Turban, 1650 (detail) | Gallerie Nazionali Barberini Corsini, Roma

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Pietro da Cortona | Allegory of Divine Providence, 1633-39

"The Allegory of Divine Providence and Barberini Power" is a fresco by Italian painter Pietro da Cortona, filling the large ceiling of the grand salon of the Palazzo Barberini in Rome, Italy.
Begun in 1633, it was nearly finished in three years; upon Cortona's return from Venice, it was extensively reworked to completion in 1639.