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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Norwegian Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Le bambine senza tempo di Berit Hildre, 1964

Berit Hildre è nata ad Alesund, in Norvegia. Vive nel Sud della Francia da circa vent'anni con il suo compagno e pittore Louis Treserras ed insegna scultura.
Berit Hildre: - "Le mie bambine sono come i fiori; fragili margherite nell'incavo di una valle, meravigliosamente fresche e belle, vulnerabili, in balia di tante cose che possono distruggere questo piccolo miracolo in un istante; una margherita, una bambina.
Le bambine credono negli angeli, nelle fate e nei troll, nei principi e nei maghi".

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Leis Schjelderup | Figurative painter

Georgia Elise (Leis) Schjelderup (1856-1933) was a Norwegian painter.
She came from the bourgeoisie in Bergen.
The family was part of an environment that cultivated literature, art and music.
Her father was a good singer, and her mother a skilled pianist.

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Edvard Munch | Dance on the Shore ,1900

Originally, The Dance on the Shore was part of the collection of twenty-two paintings entitled "The Frieze of Life".
The figures of dancing girls are at the centre of the action being observed by two figures in black – widows. The solitary woman in red symbolises the age of the climax of erotic strength.
The cycle of life is rendered in wide colourful lines dividing the space into multi-coloured bands. | National Gallery, Prague

Edvard Munch | Dance on the Shore, 1900 | National Gallery, Prague

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Edvard Munch | Evening, 1888

From very early on in his career Edvard Munch aimed to convey the angst and isolation characteristic of modern man. Evening reflects these interests.
It is considered to be the artist’s first treatment of the subject of melancholy and also looks forward to his more characteristic Symbolist compositions.
Munch used his sister Laura as a model on numerous occasions.

In this canvas she is depicted seated and in profile, in front of the house on the Norwegian fjord where they spent the summer of 1888. Her body occupies the foreground, albeit located on the far left-hand side and truncated at the bottom and on the left side.

Edvard Munch | Evening, 1888 | Munch Museum

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Edvard Munch | Summer Evening in Åsgårdstrand, 1891

In October 1889, aged twenty-five, Edvard Munch left his native Norway for an extended stay in France, supported by an artist’s grant from the Norwegian State. The terms of his bursary stipulated that he enroll in a traditional art school, but he lasted only a few weeks in Léon Bonnat’s studio before storming out during a dispute over color.

Instead, for the next two and a half years, Munch steeped himself in French modernism, returning home only for summer holidays.
He absorbed the plein air ethos of Impressionism at the Galeries Durand-Ruel and Georges Petit; at the Salon des Indépendants, he encountered the latest work of Georges Seurat, Paul Signac, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, and Vincent van Gogh.

Edvard Munch | Summer Evening in Åsgårdstrand, 1891

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Berit Kruger-Johnsen | The Dream Seller

Growing up in Oslo, Norway, nature has always played a major part in Berit Kruger-Johnsen's life. She studied for a degree in biology and upon completion was accepted into the only graphic design school in Oslo at that time.
Berit Kruger-Johnsen was taught by two British illustrators. She went on to work in the advertising industry for a year and now works as a freelance illustrator.
For the last thirteen years Berit Kruger-Johnston has been residing in Australia. She still has family based in Norway so frequently travels to her home town.

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E. E. Cummings | Lady, i will touch you with my mind / Signora, ti toccherò con la mia mente..

Jon Boe Paulsen🎨, 1958 | The Blue Hour

Lady, i will touch you with my mind.
touch you and touch and touch
until you give
me suddenly a smile, shyly obscene

(lady i will
touch you with my mind.)

you,that is all,

lightly and you utterly will become
with infinite care
the poem which i do not write.

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Edvard Munch | Il bacio, 1897

Il bacio è un dipinto ad olio su tela (alto 99 e largo 81 centimetri) di Edvard Munch, realizzato nel 1897 ed è conservato nel Museo Munch di Oslo.
Raffigura una coppia circondata dall'oscurità, in una stanza rischiarata solo da un raggio di luce proveniente da una finestra parzialmente ricoperta da una tenda. I due si abbracciano strettamente, fino a perdere la propria identità, allorché si miscelano in un'unica forma priva di tratti distintivi.
La critica d'arte Roberta Smith sottolinea come Munch abbia favorito «pennellate lunghe [...] che più che dipinte sembrano macchie».
Nel 1892, cinque anni prima della stesura de "Il bacio", Munch eseguì un'altra tela sul medesimo soggetto: si tratta de Il bacio con la finestra.

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Hans Dahl (1849-1937)

Hans Dahl (19 February 1849 - 27 July 1937) was a Norwegian painter.
Hans Dahl was famous for his paintings of Norwegian fjords and surrounding landscapes.
Dahl had his first exhibition in Düsseldorf in 1876. Dahl lived in Düsseldorf until 1888, when he moved to Berlin. Almost every summer, he was back to Norway. In 1893, he commissioned the firm of Jacob Digre in Trondheim to build his summer residence, Villa Strandheim.
It is located on the banks of the Sognefjord at Balestrand in the county of Sogn og Fjordane. Norwegian painter Adelsteen Normann had settled in Balestrand during 1891. Dahl's villa was of a similar design to the villa built for Normann.

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Johan Christian Dahl | Eruption of the Volcano Vesuvius, 1821

Johan Christian Claussen Dahl🎨 (24 February 1788 - 14 October 1857), often known as J. C. Dahl or I. C. Dahl, was a Norwegian artist who is considered the first great romantic painter in Norway, the founder of the "golden age" of Norwegian painting, and one of the greatest European artists of all time.
He is often described as "the father of Norwegian landscape painting" and is regarded as the first Norwegian painter ever to reach a level of artistic accomplishment comparable to that attained by the greatest European artists of his day. He was also the first to acquire genuine fame and cultural renown abroad. As one critic has put it, J.C. Dahl occupies a central position in Norwegian artistic life of the first half of the 19th century.

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Edvard Munch | Girls on the Bridge, 1899

Girls on a Bridge
Edvard Munch
Date: 1899 - 1900
Style: Expressionism
Period: European period
Genre: genre painting
Media: oil, canvas
Location: Private Collection
Perhaps more than any of Munch's painting, Girls on the Bridge has gained a wide measure of justly deserved popularity. The theme engaged and held Munch's interest through many versions in paint and print, from the waning years of the nineteenth century to his old age.

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Edvard Munch | Legacy / Eredità

When a norwegian Symbolist painter Edvard Munch (1863-1944)died, his remaining works were bequeathed to the city of Oslo, which built the Munch Museum at Tøyen (it opened in 1963).
The museum holds a collection of approximately 1,100 paintings, 4,500 drawings, and 18,000 prints, the broadest collection of his works in the world.
The Munch Museum serves as Munch's official estate; it has been active in responding to copyright infringements as well as clearing copyright for the work, such as the appearance of Munch's The Scream in a 2006 M and M's advertising campaign.
The U.S. copyright representative for the Munch Museum and the Estate of Edvard Munch is the Artists Rights Society.
Munch's art was highly personalized and he did little teaching. His "private" symbolism was far more personal than that of other Symbolist painters such as Gustave Moreau and James Ensor.

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Edvard Munch | Starry Night, 1893

This night landscape represents the coastline at Åsgårdstrand, a small beach resort south of Oslo in Norway, where Edvard Munch spent his summers from the 1880s onward.
Here Munch tried to capture the emotions called forth by the night rather than to record its picturesque qualities.
The color blue conveys the mysticism and melancholy of the landscape, which seems full of premonitions.
An abstract mound at the right represents a clump of trees; a white fence runs diagonally in front. The vaguely defined shape on the fence may be a shadow of two lovers, a recurring theme in Munch's work.

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Odd Nerdrum (Norwegian painter, 1944)

Odd Nerdrum is a Norwegian figurative painter, born in Sweden, and considered to be one of the greatest living figurative painters.
His work is held by museums worldwide.
Themes and style in Nerdrum's work reference anecdote and narrative.

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Edvard Munch | Girl looking out the window, 1893

Norwegian painter Edvard Munch is widely known for his iconic pre-Expressionist painting "The Scream" / "The Cry".
Edvard Munch, who never married, called his paintings his children and hated to be separated from them.
Living alone on his estate outside Oslo for the last 27 years of his life, increasingly revered and increasingly isolated, he surrounded himself with work that dated to the start of his long career.

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Frants Diderik Bøe - Norwegian Still Life painter

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Terje Adler Mørk, 1949 | Norvegia

Terje Adler Mørk è un pittore Norvegese del realismo classico.
Terje Adler Mørk è nato a Odda, in Norvegia.
Ha un background di Informatica e programmazione da Bergen e successivamente a Sarpsborg dove si è trasferito nel 1987.
Nel 2001 ha smesso di lavorare con i computer e ha iniziato a dipingere a tempo pieno.
Il suo soggetto prediletto è lo studio della figura umana per ricrearla come essere psicologicamente pensante.