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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Mongolian Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Otgoo Badam, 1984

Born in Ulaanbaatar, Badam Otgontuvden became an only Mongolian to teach in the Ilya Repin St Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, the largest arts educational Institution andone of the most important scientific centers in Russia.
It is also considered as a one of the most well known art schools in the world.
Otgontuvden has studied at the Production Vocational School named after Radjiv Gandhi from 1999-2002 and obtained a diploma of tannery profession.

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Zayasaikhan Sambuu, 1975

Zayasaikhan Sambuu, noto anche come Zaya, è un pittore Mongolo.
Zaya è nato in Mongolia, in un villaggio isolato nel deserto del Gobi.
A quindici anni decise di diventare monaco buddista ma le rigide regole del monastero erano in contrasto con la sua incontenibile creatività.