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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Moldovan Art. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Moldovan Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Arkady Ostritsky (Moldovan, 1948)

Arkady was born in Kishinev, Moldova. He was recognized very early as gifted in drawing and painting and by the age of 20 was accepted in Moldova's most distinguished Art Academy - the Repin Art Academy.
He graduated with distinction, earned many awards, and became one of his country's most important painters.
He was chosen to paint numerous monumental works in public institutions, and created many large frescos. He also became a distinguished art teacher and many young artists came under his tutelage.

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Aureliu Prodan (Moldavia, 1968)

Aureliu Prodan è nato nella famiglia del conservatore di dipinti, Serafim Prodan di Chisinau, Repubblica di Moldavia.
Ha ricevuto le sue prime lezioni d'arte da suo padre.
Fin da piccolo amava andare al Museo d'Arte dove lavorava suo padre, per ammirare i quadri esposti.
Era affascinato dai dipinti dei pittori russi, olandesi ed italiani.