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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Lithuanian Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Mihail Aleksandrov, 1949

Mihail Aleksandrov is one of the most influential and recognizable Russian painters in the world.
He is collected in more than 20 countries.
Aleksandrov was born in Vilnius, Lithuania.
He attended the Vilnius Art School classes for five years and then studied at the Vilnius Pedagogical Institute.
He received his degree in Russian Language and Literature in 1971.

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Antanas Žmuidzinavičius (1876-1966)

Antanas Žmuidzinavičius (31 October 1876 - 9 August 1966) was a Lithuanian painter and art collector.
Educated at the Veiveriai Teachers' Seminary, Žmuidzinavičius worked as a teacher while pursuing art education in the evenings in Warsaw.
He further studied at the Académie Colarossi and Académie Vitti in Paris.
In 1906, he returned to Lithuania and organized the First Exhibition of Lithuanian Art and the Lithuanian Art Society which he chaired.
He also established the Vilnius Art Society which united artists of different nationalities.
In 1908-1909 and 1921-1924, he toured western Europe and the United States.

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Laimonas Šmergelis (Lithuanian, 1972)

Born in Utena, Lithuania Laimonas Šmergelis is a very talented artist, with many paintings full of vivid colors, surreal elements and great portraits. Laimonas was inspired from Picasso and Gustav Klimt..
1985 - Utena Children Arts School.
1989 - repeatedly graduated from Utena Children Arts School.
1995 - Siauliai Pedagogical University, Bachelor Degree in Arts and Crafts.
1997 - Siauliai Pedagogical University, Master’s Degree in Humanitarian Sciences, Fine Arts Studies.
Worked as arts teacher in a primary school. Since 2003 organizes courses in Utena Region Association for Disabled.Organized about 20 personal exhibitions. Since 1990 participates in group exhibitions (about 40 exhibitions).

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Natalie Shau, 1984 | Pop Surrealism painter

Natalie Shau is mixed media artist and photographer based in Lithuania (Vilnius). She refers to herself as a mixed media artist and photographer with an interest in fashion and portrait photography as well as digital illustration and photo art.
Some go as far as to describe her as a world-famous female representative of the hi-tec avant-garde of figurative art and leading illustrator and photographer in the digital art scene.
However, none of her shorter or longer biographies published on the internet make clear whether the Lithuanian ever attended art school at all or whether she is a mere autodidact. Considering the absence of any reference to an art education in her biographies, one rather has to assume the latter.

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Arunas Rutkus (Lithuanian painter, 1961)

Arunas Rutkus is one of those rare artists who, sensing the rhythm of globalization, joined the global art stage with great confidence.
The artist has exposed his works in more than 50 personal and group exhibitions across the globe, and his artworks can be found in museums, galleries and in private collections in the USA, Qatar, Monaco, France, United Arab Emirates, China, Russia, United Kingdom, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Estonia, Hungary, Spain, Israel, New Zealand, Lithuania.
Arunas Rutkus is famous for his unique painting style, characteristic for so called Eastern school – figurative poetic symbolism, and impeccable implementation technique.

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Arunas Rutkus, 1961 | VideoArt

Nato a Vilnius, Lituania, Aruna nel 1985 si è laureato alla Lithuanian Art Academy.
Oltre alla pittura ha studiato vetrate, affresco, mosaico, ceramica e scultura.
Nel 1987 sotto l'invito personale dell'Unione degli Artisti partecipato al Simposio di Arte Monumentale sotto la direzione di A.Karnaukhov a Mosca.

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Andrius Kovelinas

"Le donne sono state disegnate dal Creatore in modo straordinario!"

Andrius Kovelinas, pittore surrealista Lituano, dipinge la donna giocando con gli sguardi, le apparizioni, gli stati d'animo.
I suoi lavori sono tutti ad olio su tela, ma lo stile e la tecnica non sono per Andrius così rilevanti.
La preparazione - l'idea - è per lui essenziale e richiede molto tempo. Prima di iniziare un'opera su tela, Andrius si crea un disegno su carta.
Lui stesso dice di non essere in grado di creare un'opera velocemente. A volte per terminare un lavoro impiega anche 3 mesi. Il risultato è la bellezza e la perfezione estetica.