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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Korean Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Chul-Hwan Park, 1964 | Still Life painter

Chul-Hwan Park is a Korean Still Life painter of flowers, with a Master of Painting from Hongik University Graduate School of Fine Arts in Seoul, Korea.
Park’s still-life paintings are of such vivid realism that one nearly expects his flower blooms to exude a fragrance like their real-life counterparts.
One recalls the legendary Korean painter Solgeo, whose painting of a pine tree on a temple wall was so real that it lured birds to nest. Like Solgeo, Park is a true artist of realism.

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Soon Warren | Watercolor painter

Soon Young Warren is a highly awarded artist, teacher and workshop instructor nationally and internationally.
She was born in South Korea and immigrated to the United States in 1987.
A full time artist, Soon has an associate degree in commercial art from Thomas Nelson Community College in Hampton, Virginia, and is a signature member of the National Watercolor Society, American Watercolor Society, Southern Watercolor Society, Texas Watercolor Society and Society of Watercolor Artists.

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Jeong Hae-Kwang (정해광), 1963 | Hyperrealist painter

Jeong Hae-Kwang in an Korean painter, born in Seoul.
In 1989 he graduated from the Department of Painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts at Chung-Ang University (Korea).
Jeong Hae-Kwang is known for his hyper-realistic paintings of portraits and figures.

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Taeil Kim | Abstract painter

Korean artist Taeil Kim / 김태일 begins his art by thinking, “how will I observe and re-create the figure?
Influenced by his observations of people's daily interactions with nature, he is able to create moving and unique portraits.
Kim is heavily influenced by the work of such masters as Rembrandt and 19th Century Impressionism.

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Sung Kim, 1940 | Paesaggista romantico

Nato a Seul, in Corea del Sud, Sung ha iniziato a mostrare il suo talento artistico già da bambino.
A partire dalla scuola elementare, Sung ha partecipato e vinto vari concorsi artistici mostrando la sua creatività e immaginazione artistica.
Ha deciso di perseguire la sua passione per l'arte e si è laureato con lode al Seorabol Art College di Seoul.
Successivamente apre il proprio studio e lavora come illustratore per diverse riviste e libri per bambini.

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Kwon Kyung Yup, 1975

La pittrice Sudcoreana Kwon Kyung-Yup, nota per i suoi ritratti realistici di soggetti malinconici, si descrive come una persona felice i cui dipinti mirano a rievocare ricordi.
Si è laureato all'Università Sejong in Corea.
Ha iniziato a migliorare le sue capacità artistiche prima con la fotografia.
Ama i dettagli nelle sue opere d'arte e cattura molto bene i dettagli, le emozioni e le espressioni nella sua arte.