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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Italian Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Giovanni Segantini | Mezzogiorno sulle Alpi / Midday in the Alps, 1891

"I am now working passionately in order to wrest the secret of Nature’s spirit from her.
"Nature utters the eternal word to the artist: love, love; and the earth sings life in spring, and the soul of things reawakens"

"Midday in the Alps" is an oil on canvas painting by Italian painter Giovanni Segantini (1858-1899) executed in 1891.
It currently resides at the Segantini Museum in St. Moritz.

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Vincenzo Cabianca | Macchiaioli painter

Vincenzo Cabianca (1827-1902) was an Italian painter of the Macchiaioli group.
He was born in Verona in modest circumstances. He began his artistic training at the Verona Academy under Giovanni Caliari, and then studied at the Venice Academy from 1845-1847.
An admirer of Giuseppe Mazzini, he became associated with the Young Italy movement and was taken prisoner while participating in the defense of Bologna in 1848.
After his release he lived in Venice from 1849-1853.

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Giovanni Segantini | Spring in the Alps, 1897

"Spring in the Alps" was created in 1897 by Italian Divisionism / Symbolist painter Giovanni Segantini (1858-1899).
The painting is in the collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles.

"Spring in the Alps" depicts a panoramic alpine landscape near the village of Soglio - visible on the right with its recognizable church tower - in Val Bregaglia in southwestern Switzerland.

Giovanni Segantini | Spring in the Alps, 1897 | J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

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Ludovico Carracci | The penitent Saint Peter, 1613

Although mentioned by Ludovico's earliest biographer Malvasia as early as 1678, all trace of this monumental and imposing image of repentance was lost until its rediscovery only thirty years ago.
Malvasia recorded how Ludovico had given to Count Camillo Bolognetti, a nobleman and occasional amateur painter in the Carracci workshop, 'la figura intera di quel S. Pietro piangente, così risentito e terribile'.
In a handwritten note included in the 1841 edition of his Felsina pittrice the picture is referred to as 'San Pietro piangente l'aversi negato discepolo di Cristo, figura sedente, meno del naturale'.

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Alberto Moravia: "Niente ha successo come il successo"

"A Roma è avvenuto il contrario di quello che avviene nelle altre capitali: la città si è ingrandita e arricchita; ma è rimasta legata a un’idea del vivere elementare e grossolana. Cinica, scettica, priva di ideali, materiale, ottusa, Roma presenta insomma lo spettacolo sconcertante di una capitale il cui fine principale anzi unico sia quello di vivere alla giornata o meglio di sopravvivere".

Renato Guttuso | Portrait of Alberto Moravia, 1982

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Gabriele D’Annunzio ad Eleonora Duse: Rimani!

Rimani! Riposati accanto a me.
Non andare.
Io ti veglierò.
Io ti proteggerò.

Eleonora Duse e Gabriele D’Annunzio

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Oscar Ghiglia | Post-Macchiaioli painter

Born and raised in Livorno, Italian painter Oscar Ghiglia (1876-1945) chose Florence to pursue his artistic ambitions.
Ghiglia was initially trained by his father, who was also a painter, before studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence.
He was particularly influenced by the teachings of Giovanni Fattori while also open to innovations from across the Alps, in particular to the oeuvre of Cézanne and from as well as Swiss and German artists such as Arnold Böcklin and Franz von Lenbach.

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Luigi Busi | Genre painter

Luigi Busi (1837-1884) was an Italian painter, born in Bologna.
Busi studied at the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna, though by 1868, he is documented to be in Milan.
He was named academic professor at the Bolognese Academy in 1871.
In 1876, he was named Honorary Associate of the Brera Academy.
His early training was in an environment characterized by Realist depictions.

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Ferdinando Vichi | Lo scultore Romantico

A raccontarci della vita dello scultore Italiano Ferdinando Vichi riportiamo l'articolo dello scrittore Italiano Marco Vichi, il quale, a sua volta, fa riferimento ad un articolo del giornale "Il Telegrafo", pubblicato il 2 novembre 1932.
Nel 1964, la famiglia Vichi donò all'Archivio Fotografico Toscano di Prato 786 lastre fotografiche realizzate dallo scultore fiorentino Ferdinando Vichi.

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Francesco Salviati | Christ Carrying the Cross, 1547-1548

The "Christ Carrying the Cross" is a painting by Italian painter Francesco Salviati, executed in 1547-1548. The painting is in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.
The small size of the painting indicates that it was intended for a bedroom or private chapel.
It focuses on a close-up of Christ’s face, as he makes his way towards Mount Calvary with the cross on his shoulder.

Francesco Salviati (1509-1563) | Christ Carrying the Cross, 1547-1548 | Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

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Giacomo Leopardi | Il Sogno / The Dream, 1820-1821

Era il mattino, e tra le chiuse imposte
Per lo balcone insinuava il sole
Nella mia cieca stanza il primo albore;
Quando in sul tempo che più leve il sonno
E più soave le pupille adombra,

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"Timor di me?" | La poesia di Pasolini per la Callas

Nell'estate del 1970, Pier Paolo Pasolini (Scrittore, poeta, autore e regista cinematografico e teatrale italiano, 1922-1975) compose dieci poesie pubblicate nella raccolta Transumanar e organizzar, silloge poetica del 1971, in cui Maria Callas (1923-1977) non veniva mai nominata, nonostante lei fosse, in Verba, «la ragazza ancora orgogliosa di essere di città e piena della morale antica».

Pier Paolo Pasolini e Maria Callas sul set del film "Medea"

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Alda Merini: "Tra le tue braccia"

C'è un posto nel mondo
dove il cuore batte forte,
dove rimani senza fiato,
per quanta emozione provi,
dove il tempo si ferma
e non hai più l'età;

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Raphael | The Deposition, 1507

The Deposition, also known as the Pala Baglioni, Borghese Entombment or The Entombment, is an oil painting by the Italian High Renaissance painter Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (1483-1520), now generally known in English as Raphael.
Signed and dated "Raphael. Urbinas. MDVII", the painting is in the Galleria Borghese in Rome. Commissioned by Atalanta Baglioni in memory of her son Grifonetto, the panel, encapsulates a story of love, loss, and devotion.

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Luigi Benedicenti | Hyperrealist painter

Luigi Benedicenti (1948-2015) was an Photorealist painter from Chieri (Torino), Italy, recognized for his seductive representations of sweets, pastries, and other still life compositions.
Benedicenti’s sensual use of light, reflection, and his invisible brush strokes make his gloss-like paintings seem edible enough to eat.
For his work, he chose the theme of food.

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Antonio Sgarbossa, 1945 | Il pittore Romantico delle figure

Il maestro padovano Antonio Sgarbossa, nato 'a Fontaniva (Padova), si avvicina all'arte giovanissimo, quando i genitori lo mandano ad imparare il mestiere di decoratore di piatti di ceramica in un laboratorio di Bassano.
È l'inizio di una lungo percorso di ricerca sulle potenzialità della materia cromatica e della rappresentazione pittorica, che lo porterà nel 1971 in Svizzera, favorendo una sua formazione in ambito europeo.

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Cesare Pavese | Donne appassionate

Le ragazze al crepuscolo scendendo in acqua,
quando il mare svanisce, disteso. Nel bosco
ogni foglia trasale, mentre emergono caute
sulla sabbia e si siedono a riva. La schiuma
fa i suoi giochi inquieti, lungo l’acqua remota.

Vladimir Volegov

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Alessandro Sicioldr, 1990 | Pittore di visioni subconsce

Nato a Tuscania (Italia), Alessandro Sicioldr si forma presso lo studio del padre, apprendendo i metodi ed i materiali della pittura e del disegno.
Dal Surrealismo attinge l’irrazionalità e l’analisi della psiche; dal Simbolismo la dimensione onirica.
Risulta chiara l’ispirazione al Manierismo ed ai pittori Fiamminghi nell’uso del colore, della luce e nella minuziosità dei dettagli.

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Luigi Olivetti | Genre painter

Luigi Olivetti (Revere, Lombardy, November 19, 1856 - Tivoli, January 28, 1941) was an Italian painter, both in oil and watercolor, and engraver.
His secular birth name was Luigi Giacomo Angelo.
In 1883, a Rome, exhibited a watercolor titled: "Città", and in 1884 at Turin, at the National Exhibition he exhibited "Cecilia la Guida delle Catacombe"; "La figlia del Borgomastro" and "Ricordi of the Brettagna".

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Francesco Bergamini

Francesco Bergamini (Rome, 1851-1900) was an Italian artist who specialized in interior genre, portraits and religious motif painting.
He also received several commissions for portraits and frescoes.
He received his formal training at the Academy in Carrare under the direction of Alessandro Venanzi (1839-1916), an artist who specialized in religious and historical scenes as well as portraiture and frescos.