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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Israeli Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Dubi Roman, 1957 | Impressionist photographer

Dubi Roman, born in Haifa, is an Israeli artist whose roots in the holy city of Safed span five generations, influencing his deep connection to spirituality and geographical landscapes.
Despite residing in Tel Aviv, the country's bustling urban center, Roman consistently draws artistic inspiration from the untamed beauty of Israel's trees, fields, and flowers.
In his pursuit of encapsulating the play of light in nature, Roman’s work goes beyond mere visual representation.

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Naomi Fuks, 1966 | Mixed media painter

Naomi Fuks Is a contemporary artist applying her unique mixed media techniques over canvas combined with acrylics and chalk drawings.
Naomi began painting at the age of three.
She later studied painting and drawing at the Avni Institute of Art and Design and photography and illustration at the Vital Center for Design Studies in Tel Aviv.
In the first years after graduation, inspired by Gustav Klimt, she specialized in acrylic paints combined with colored pencils.

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Yigal Ozeri, 1958 | Photorealist painter

New York City based Israeli artist Yigal Ozeri is best known for his large-scale cinematic portraits of distinctive young women in rich prodigious landscapes.
With tinges of Pre-Raphaelite aesthetics, Ozeri brings an ethereal and uninhibited sensibility to his paintings.
His portraits denote art historical foundations in romanticism, while also offering contemporary notions of sensual femininity.

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Itzchak Tarkay (1935-2012)

Itzchak Tarkay was an Israeli artist. Tarkay was born in Subotica, on the Yugoslav-Hungarian border.
In 1944, Tarkay and his family were sent to the Mauthausen Concentration Camp, until Allied liberation freed them a year later.
In 1949, his family emigrated to Israel, living in a kibbutz for several years.

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Leonid Afremov | The summer sun of Sicily

Leonid Afremov (1955-2019) was an Jewish artist of Belarusian descent, mainly known as being a self-representing artist who promotes and sells his work exclusively over the internet with very little exhibitions and involvement of dealers and galleries.
Afremov was born in Vitebsk - the same town where Marc Chagall began his artistic career -and passed away on August 19th 2019 from cardiac arrest in Playa Del Carmen.

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Ronit Baranga, 1973 | Israeli sculptor

Ronit Baranga is a contemporary Israeli artist who lives and works in Israel. As a sculptor and installation artist, she creates figurative art on the border between living and still life, dealing with emotional states and relationships.
Her work has been displayed in museums and galleries around the world and is a part of many museum and private collections. Key exhibitions include Banksy’s group exhibition "Dismaland" and numerous solo and group exhibitions in New York, Istanbul, Taiwan, China, Germany, Tel-Aviv and Australia.
Baranga holds a B.A. in Psychology and Literature from Haifa University, studied Art History in Tel-Aviv University, and Fine Arts in Beit Berl College ('HaMidrasha'), Israel.

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Maya Green, 1957

Maya Green -born Maya Greenblat, is a Ukrainian-Jewish contemporary painter, graphic artist, illustrator and sculptor.
"I have been an artist my whole life.
Originally, i was born and raised in Ukraine and I first developed my love of art there. Since my childhood, I have been intrigued with the patterning of light and the interaction of color.
I studied at the School of Art in Ukraine.

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Odette Itah | Hazafon, Israel

Odette Itah è nata a Meknes in Marocco, ha studiato Arte drammatica e Teatro classico presso il Conservatorio di Arte a Meknes.
Ha prestato volontariato presso l'ospedale di Nahariya nel reparto di pediatria per 12 anni.
Ora vive a Nahariya, Hazafon, in Israel ed insegna francese.

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Evgeniya Alexandrov | Israel

Le opere di Evgeniya sono piene di fragile delicatezza, tristezza, speranza ed amore.
Sono come i sogni o la poesia, dove la solitudine è illusoria, il dolore lo è la luce e la musica dell'anima si sente come una piccola orchestra.
Evgeniya è un pittore professionista che ha partecipato a numerose mostre.
Suo i dipinti sono esposti in modo permanente nella Mannsohn House Art Gallery nella Vecchia Giaffa e si trovano anche in collezioni private in tutto il mondo.
Attualmente lei lavora presso lo studio del famoso scultore Frank Meisler a Giaffa.