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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Irish Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Alfred Elmore | Victorian painter

Alfred Elmore RA (1815-1881) was a British history and genre painter.
Alfred Elmore was born in Clonakilty, Ireland, the son of John Richard Elmore, a surgeon who retired from the British Army to Clonakilty.
His family moved to London, where Elmore studied at the Royal Academy of Arts.
His early works were in the troubadour style of Richard Parkes Bonington, but he soon graduated to religious work, notably The Martyrdom of Thomas à Becket, commissioned by Daniel O'Connell for Westland Row Church in Dublin.

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John Cooney, 1964 | Figurative painter

John Cooney is an artist from Carrickfergus. He paints in watercolour and oil.
- "I was born in Newry, Co. Down but have lived most of my life close to Belfast.
I went to art college in Belfast and Manchester, achieving a first class honours degree in illustration.
While at college, I won first prize at the North West Artists exhibition sponsored by BP.

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Oscar Wilde / Rene Magritte | Quotes / Aforismi

Rene Magritte | A la rencontre du plaisir | Christies

Avere avuto una buona educazione è un grande svantaggio. Ti esclude da tante cose.
Nulla invecchia come la felicità...
'Esperienza' è il nome che tutti danno ai propri errori.
«Come definiresti l'uomo malvagio?»
    «Quel tipo d'uomo che ammira l'innocenza».
    «E una donna malvagia?»
    «Quel tipo di donna di cui un uomo non si stanca mai».
«Dicono che, quando muoiono, gli americani buoni vanno a Parigi.»
    «Veramente? E dove vanno gli americani cattivi, quando muoiono?»
    «Restano in America».
Qual è la differenza tra la letteratura e il giornalismo? Oh! Il giornalismo è illeggibile e la letteratura non viene letta.
A dire il vero, se le classi inferiori non ci danno il buon esempio, a che cosa servono? Esse tuttavia sembrano essere assolutamente prive del senso di responsabilità morale.
A durare son soltanto le qualità superficiali. La natura più profonda di un uomo si scopre molto presto.
A questo mondo vi sono solo due tragedie: una è non ottenere ciò che si vuole, l'altra è ottenerlo. Questa seconda è la peggiore, la vera tragedia.

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Roderic O'Conor | Romeo and Juliet, 1898-1900

This extraordinary painting, Roderic O'Conor's answer to "The Kiss"🎨 by Edvard Munch, belongs to a group of imaginative compositions the Irish artist🎨 worked on during the closing years of the nineteenth century.
Living in isolation in the small Breton town of Rochefort-en-terre, whilst keeping in touch by letter with Gauguin🎨, de Chamaillard and Seguin, O'Conor composed from memory to create works of Symbolist🎨 intent.

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William John Leech (1881-1968) | Impressionist painter

William John Leech was an Irish painter🎨, well known for his illustrations of Concarneau harbour. The works of Leech feature coastal and harbour scenes, landscapes, interiors, still life and portraits.
He went to school at St Columba's College, Dublin in Rathfarnham, later studying at the Metropolitan School.

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Aloysius O'Kelly | Breton girls on a beach

Aloysius O'Kelly (1853-1936) was an Irish painter.

Early life

Aloysius was the youngest of four boys and one girl to the Kelly family of Dublin. His grandparents on his father's side were natives of County Roscommon and his father ran a blacksmith's shop and dray making business in Peterson's Lane. It was his mother who directed him towards a career in the arts.

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Sir Frederic William Burton | Hellelil and Hildebrand, the Meeting on the Turret Stairs, 1864

The subject is taken from a medieval Danish ballad translated by Burton’s friend Whitley Stokes in 1855, which tells the story of Hellelil, who fell in love with her personal guard Hildebrand, Prince of Engelland.
Her father disapproved of the relationship and ordered her seven brothers to kill the young prince.

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Ken Hamilton

Nato da genitori irlandesi missionari in Nigeria, si trasferisce da piccolo a Belfast nell'Irlanda del Nord e li si formerà artisticamente per poi studiare i grandi artisti nei musei più importanti d'Europa.
Ken Hamilton ha studiato all'Università dell'Ulster presso il Belfast College of Art.
Cercando di conoscere la scienza dell'arte, Hamilton ha trascorso molto tempo a ricercare e sperimentare per imparare come nessun altro aveva fatto prima.
Al contrario di altri pittori, le opere di Hamilton non ritraggono tanto le sue stesse emozioni; invece hanno rivelato il mondo in cui viviamo oggi e ciò che sappiamo del nostro mondo oggi.
Le opere di Ken sono state esposte a Belfast, Dublino, Londra e New York.

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Oscar Wilde / Daniel Gerhartz

"Beauty is a form of Genius--is higher, indeed, than Genius, as it needs no explanation.
It is one of the great facts of the world, like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in the dark waters of that silver shell we call the moon. It cannot be questioned.
It has divine right of sovereignty. It makes princes of those who have it".

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Francis Bacon: "Il compito dell'artista è quello di approfondire il mistero".

Francis Bacon (Dublino, 28 ottobre 1909 – Madrid, 28 aprile 1992) è stato un pittore Irlandese.
È noto per le sue immagini crude e inquietanti.
Focalizzati sulla forma umana, i suoi soggetti includevano generalmente crocifissioni, ritratti di papi, autoritratti e ritratti di amici intimi, con figure astratte a volte isolate in strutture geometriche.

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Brian McCarthy (Irish painter, 1960)

"I was born in Dublin and as a child loved nothing more than drawing and painting. In 1976 I started selling my paintings in local galleries.
While I attended art college (1977-80), I found the pervasive avant garde ethos and the lack of technical training in painting very d...isappointing.
Like many other artists, I've learned my craft from what I consider to be the best sources - the great artists of the past. From a young age I read books about them and visited museums and galleries whenever I could.
I have always worked exclusively in oils, producing an average of about twenty five paintings a year. Irish exhibitions include 'The Living Art' at the Douglas Hyde Gallery (1981), several annual shows at the Royal Hibernian Academy, and the Oireachtas Art Exhibition as well as many group shows in commercial galleries both in Ireland and London.
< div style="text-align: justify;">My exhibition Masquerade, opened by the late Charles J. Haughey, sold out amid enthusiastic reviews".