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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Greek Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Konstantinos Kavàfis | Per quanto sta in te / As much as you can

E se non puoi la vita che desideri
cerca almeno questo
per quanto sta in te: non sciuparla
nel troppo commercio con la gente
con troppe parole in un viavai frenetico.

Marc Chagall | Over the Town, 1918 | Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia

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Ghiannis Ritsos | Il tuo corpo sulla spiaggia..

II tuo corpo sulla spiaggia sabbiosa
la sabbia attaccata alla tua carne
la sabbia sulle mie mani
sulla mia lingua
perch’io ti scopra

Vladimir Volegov

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Il Colosso di Rodi

Il Colosso di Rodi fu una delle sette meraviglie del mondo classico; era un'enorme statua di bronzo del dio Elio situata nel porto di Rodi nel III secolo a.C.
Secondo studi contemporanei il colosso non si sarebbe trovato all'accesso del porto, come porta di ingresso per le navi, ma era collocato su un pilastro all'interno di quella che è conosciuta come città vecchia od acropoli di Rodi (che divenne la città dei cavalieri di Malta), in posizione sopraelevata sulla collinetta subito antistante al porto, in modo che fungesse da faro.

Una ipotetica ricostruzione del Colosso Di Rodi

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Lytras Nikephoros | The Kiss (1878) at the Louvre

In "The Kiss", the scene is set in a courtyard, in which a slender girl is rising on the tips of her tows in order to kiss her beloved, whose head can be seen through the window high up.
The lily in the pot symbolises purity, while its slender stem echoes the slender girl’s motion. Ochre and white prevail, along with some red on the girl's fez.
The latter colour was a favourite of Nikephoros Lytras'.
The abandoned slipper suggests the girl's rush to meet her beloved, while at the same time marking space, that is, making us part of the scene. | Source: © National Gallery - Alexandros Soutsos Museum, Athens

Lytras Nikephoros | The Kiss, 1878 | National Gallery - Alexandros Soutsos Museum, Athens

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Charis Tsevis, 1967 | Designer Neo futurista

Charis Tsevis / Χαράλαμπος Τσέβης o Χάρης Τσέβης, è un visual designer Greco che vive e lavora a Pafos, Cipro.
Ha conseguito un Diploma in Graphic Design presso l'Akademie für das Grafische Gewerbe, München ed un Master in Visual Design presso la Scuola Politecnica di Design, Milano.
Gestisce un modesto studio sull'isola di Cipro al servizio di clienti in tutto il mondo.

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Michel Devanakis, 1962 | Figurative painter

Michel Devanakis is a contemporary figurative painter. He lives and works in Athens, Greece.
- "Restless autodidact, adventurer and traveller, making art to live and share my own moments of wonder and happiness!Works held in private collections in Canada, France, Greece and Italy.
Born and raised in Douala (Cameroon) from Greek parents, I studied Graphic Design and advertising in France.
In the years following my studies, I lived and worked in many countries (France, Bermuda, Mexico, Canada) before settling in Greece in 1997, where I founded my own agency.
I have been awarded for my design works and have been the art director for numerous magazines (+Design, Insider Athens, Bonjour, etc.)".

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Marie Spartali Stillman | Pre-Raphaelite painter

From Christie's:

Marie Spartali Stillman was both a gifted artist and a major Pre-Raphaelite muse, who features as a model in many of the movement's most memorable works.
Stillman was the youngest daughter of wealthy Greek parents.
Her father, Michael Spartali, had made his money as a cotton merchant and served as Greek consul-general in London between 1866-1882.
The Spartali family were prominent members of the cultured and affluent Anglo-Greek community that came to have an enduring impact on the history of Victorian art; they included Burne-Jones' and Rossetti’s great patron Constantine Ionides and his family, as well as Maria Zambaco, Burne-Jones' model and mistress, and Aglaia Coronio, who sat for Rossetti.

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Théodore Ralli | Pittore orientalista

Théodore Jacques Ralli o Theodorus Rallis (nome completo: Theodoros Rallis-Scaramanga; greco: Θεόδωρος Ράλλης; Costantinopoli, 16 febbraio 1852 – 2 ottobre 1909, Losanna) è stato un pittore, acquerellista e disegnatore Greco, che trascorse la maggior parte della sua vita lavorativa in Francia ed Egitto.
Dipinse opere di genere, ritratti, personaggi locali, soggetti architettonici, interni con figure e animali. Ma è meglio conosciuto per i suoi dipinti orientalisti.
Fu inviato a Parigi sotto il patrocinio del re Ottone di Grecia e studiò con Jean-Léon Gérôme, pittore francese e professore all'Ecole des Beaux-Arts, e con Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Nouy, entrambi noti per i loro dipinti orientalisti.
Ralli viaggiò poi molto in Nord Africa e Medio Oriente, stabilendosi per un po' al Cairo, in Egitto.

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Ghiannis Ritsos / Christian Schloe | Un albero

Quell'albero era cresciuto nella parte superiore del giardino,
alto, solitario, slanciato - la sua altezza
tradiva forse un'idea segreta d'intrusione. Non diede mai
fiori né frutti, solo un'ombra lunga che divideva in due il giardino
e una misura inapplicabile agli altri alberi, carichi e curvi.

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Yiannis Ritsos / Praxiteles | Omens / Segni, 1968

Praxiteles🎨 (Πραξιτέλης) of Athens (4th century BC) | Apollo Sauroktonos (detail)

The statues were quickly hidden by weeds. We didn’t know
whether the statues had shrunk or whether the grasses had grown. Only
a large copper hand remained visible, like a terrible benediction,
above the tangle of unsightly shapes. Woodcutters
passed by on the road below - they never turned their heads.

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El Greco (1541-1614) | 156 artworks | Page 4

Born in 1541 in either the village of Fodele or Candia (the Venetian name of Chandax, present day Heraklion) in Crete, El Greco was descended from a prosperous urban family, which had probably been driven out of Chania to Candia after an uprising against the Venetians between 1526-1528.

For more biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by El Greco see:
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Pantelis Zografos (Greek, 1949)

Παντελής Ζωγράφος was born in Athens, Greece, into a family with along tradition of producing fine artists. In greek language, the name of Zografos means artist: and following the Greek custom, Pantelis took the name of his paternal grandfather, a renowned iconographer.
Both of his parents were professional artists, and he spent much of his youth in their studio in Athens.
In 1971, after serving the Greek Air Force, Pantelis moved to America.

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Yannis Ritsos | The Meaning of Simplicity / Il senso della Semplicità

I hide behind simple things so you’ll find me;
if you don’t find me, you’ll find the things,
you’ll touch what my hand has touched,
Our hand-prints will merge.

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Ghiannis Ritsos / Jeffrey T. Larson | Debito autunnale

La casa profuma già di autunno.
E una volta ancora siamo impreparati,
senza pullover né sciarpe. Nuvole inattese
dal mattino oscurano le colline. Dobbiamo sbrigarci
a fare un po’ di provviste, perché tra poco arrivano
i venti sbraitanti. I vapori della cucina
occupano il primo posto nel silenzio del corridoio. A uno a uno
chiudono i locali sul mare. Sul molo bagnato

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J.H.W. Tischbein | Diogenes looking for an Honest Man, 1780

"Diogenes Looking for an Honest Man" is a painting attributed to German painter Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein (1751-1829).
It depicts Diogenes of Sinope with a lantern searching for an honest man.
Diogenes of Sinope used to stroll about in full daylight with a lamp; when asked what he was doing, he would answer, "I am just looking for an honest man".

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El Greco | The Adoration of the Name of Jesus, 1579

The larger version of this picture is in the Escorial in Madrid, and was probably intended for King Philip II.
El Greco🎨 made small copies of several of his own pictures to keep in his studio, of which this is probably one. The subject is thought to be an allegory of the Holy League, a military alliance between Spain, the Papacy and the Venetian Republic, which was formed to combat the rise of Islam and the Turks.
The Pope, the Doge of Venice and Philip II are shown kneeling in adoration of the name of Jesus, shown in the heavens as IHS, these being the first letters of Jesus in Greek (IHSOUS).
The name of Jesus was believed to have power over infidels, and the picture perhaps commemorates the League's victory over the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571 which was led by Philip II's brother Don Juan. It may have been painted after the latter's death in 1578. Heretics are shown being swallowed by a monstrous beast, symbolising Hell, swimming in a sea of fire. | © The National Gallery

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Charles William Mitchell | Hypatia of Alexandria, 1885

Charles William Mitchell (1854-1903) was an British Pre-Raphaelite painter from Newcastle.
A contemporary of John William Waterhouse, his work is similar in many ways.
His one famous piece was Hypatia, shown in 1885 and likely inspired by the Charles Kingsley serialized novel Hypatia, or New Foes with an Old Face. This painting is currently in the Laing Art Gallery.

Charles William Mitchell - Hypatia, 1885

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Nikolaos Gyzis / Νικόλαος Γύζης | Mother and Child, 1896

Nikolaos Gyzis /Νικόλαος Γύζης was considered one of Greece's most important 19th-century painters.
He was most famous for his genre painting.
Born: March 1, 1842, Tinos, Greece Died: January 4, 1901, Munich, Germany.
Education: Academy of Fine Arts, Munich.

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El Greco (1541-1614) | 156 artworks | Part.³

Domenikos Theotokopoulos (1541 - April 7, 1614), other wise known as “El Greco” due to his Greek heritage, was a popular Greek painter ⏩, sculptor, and architect of the Spanish Renaissance ⏩.
He was a master of post-Byzantine art by the age of 26, when he traveled to Venice, and later Rome, where he opened his first workshop.
For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by El Greco see:
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El Greco (1541-1614) | 156 artworks | Part.²

El Greco's dramatic and expressionistic style was met with puzzlement by his contemporaries but found appreciation in the 20th century.
El Greco is regarded as a precursor of both Expressionism and Cubism, while his personality and works were a source of inspiration for poets and writers such as Rainer Maria Rilke and Nikos Kazantzakis.
El Greco has been characterized by modern scholars as an artist so individual that he belongs to no conventional school.
He is best known for tortuously elongated figures and often fantastic or phantasmagorical pigmentation, marrying Byzantine traditions with those of Western painting.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by El Greco see: