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Visualizzazione post con etichetta German Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Hermann Krüger | Park near Rome, 1899

"Park near Rome" (View of the Alban Hills) is an 1899 oil painting by German landscape painter of the Düsseldorf School Hermann August Krüger (1834-1908).
After initially studying art in Munich, Hermann Krüger continued his education in Düsseldorf from 1867 onwards, having spent time in Dresden and Berlin in between.
There, Kruger was a private pupil of Oswald Achenbach and undertook numerous study trips to Italy and Egypt.

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Jakub Schikaneder | The Kampa Lovers, 1894

"The Kampa Lovers" is an 1894 painting by the Czech painter and professor Jakub Schikaneder (1855-1924).
Schikaneder is known for his soft paintings of the outdoors, often lonely in mood.
His paintings often feature poor and outcast figures and "combined neo-romantic and naturalist impulses".
Other motifs favoured by Schikaneder were autumn and winter, corners and alleyways in the city of Prague and the banks of the Vltava – often in the early evening light, or cloaked in mist.

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Adolph von Menzel | Clara Schumann and Joseph Joachim in Concert, 1854

Adolph Friedrich Erdmann von Menzel (1815-1905) was a German Realist artist noted for drawings, etchings, and paintings.
Along with Caspar David Friedrich, he is considered one of the two most prominent German painters of the 19th century, and was the most successful artist of his era in Germany.
First known as Adolph Menzel, he was knighted in 1898 and changed his name to Adolph von Menzel.

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Alphonse Spring | Violin Player, 1890

Alphons Spring (1843-1908) was a genre painter of the Munich School and co-founder of the artists' society Allotria in Munich.
Alphons Spring, who wrote himself Alfons Spring from around 1878, was born in Liepaja in Latvia and studied at the art school and academy in Saint Petersburg.
He moved to Munich 1870 where he became a student of Professor Wilhelm Diez.

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Immanuel Kant: "To be is to do!" / "Essere è fare!"

"Pazienta per un poco: le calunnie non vivono a lungo".
"La verità è figlia del tempo: tra non molto essa apparirà per vendicare i tuoi torti".
"Abbi il coraggio di servirti della tua propria intelligenza!"

Caspar David Friedrich | Wanderer above the sea of fog

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Felix Ehrlich | Genre painter

Felix Ehrlich (1866-1931) was a German portrait and genre painter.
Ehrlich studied painting at the Königsberg Art Academy under Carl Steffeck since 1883 and became his master student in 1888.
Back in Berlin he was appointed court painter in 1896.
In the same year he married Bertha Homoth.
Felix Ehrlich portrayed Otto von Bismarck as well as Kaiser Wilhelm II and his wife, the crown prince couple and many high-ranking officials and officers.

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Kathrin Longhurst, 1971 | Pittrice iperrealista

L'artista figurativa contemporanea Kathrin Longhurst è nata nella Germania orientale comunista.
Pittrice figurativa di formazione classica, Kathrin Longhurst ha iniziato a frequentare corsi di disegno dal vero all'età di quattordici anni.
Quando Kathrin aveva solo quindici anni, la sua famiglia fuggì da "dietro la cortina di ferro", trasferendosi in Svezia.
Questa stridente transizione da un regime totalitario a una democrazia ha acceso la passione di Kathrin per l'esplorazione dei concetti di libertà di parola e di espressione, concetti che continuano a permeare il suo lavoro oggi.

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Mascha Kaléko | Ricetta

Scaccia la paura
e la paura della paura.
Per qualche anno le cose basteranno.
Il pane nel cassetto
e il vestito nell’armadio.

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Hugo Mühlig | Pittore impressionista

Il pittore Tedesco Hugo Mühlig è nato a Dresda da una famiglia di artisti; suo padre Meno Mühlig (1823-1873) era un affermato paesaggista e pittore di genere, così come suo zio Bernhard Mühlig (1829-1910).
Fu incoraggiato a seguire l'esempio e ricevette la sua prima formazione artistica da suo padre prima di studiare all'Accademia d'arte di Dresda tra il 1877 ed il 1880 sotto l'illustratore Viktor Paul Mohn (1842-1911).
Mühlig era un visitatore abituale della colonia di artisti ad Willingshausen, una pittoresca cittadina sulle rive del fiume Schwalm nella regione dell'Assia in Germania.

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Antonie Boubong | A Little Gardener, 1886

Antonie Boubong (1842-1908) was a German portrait, genre, and landscape painter.


Antonie Boubong was born on 8 June 1842 in Werneck, Bavaria.
She studied at the Stuttgart Art School with Wilhelm von Lindenschmit the Younger in Munich.
Antonie Boubong worked in Strasbourg.

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Fritz von Uhde | Genre painter

Fritz von Uhde (born Friedrich Hermann Carl Uhde; 1848-1911) was a German painter of genre and religious subjects.
His style lay in-between Realism and Impressionism, he was once known as "Germany's outstanding impressionist" and he became one of the first painters to introduce plein-air painting in his country.


Uhde was born in Wolkenburg, Saxony.
His family, moderately wealthy civil servants, had artistic interests.

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Joseph Oppenheimer | Impressionist painter

Joseph Oppenheimer (1876-1967) was born in Würzburg, Germany. From an early age his whole life was art.
At 15, before being old enough to enroll in the Munich Academy of Art, he left school and began studying art with some of the foremost German painters such as Fehr.
Perhaps the impetus for this was his chance meeting with The Iron Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, at the age on 14 when they both stayed at the same spa hotel in Bad Kissingen.
Joseph made a pencil sketch of Bismarck and presented it to him.

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Valerie Otte, 1977 | Figurative sculptor

Valerie Otte is an award-winning sculptor based in Germany whose work has been exhibited both nationally and in the UK.
Valerie Otte's art can be described as a play of the eyes at distance, which is a classical description for figurative sculpture.
The rule: Close observation.

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Heinz Kahlau | Se non ci sei..

Se non ci sei,
ho sempre
quel che hai detto
e ho il tuo volto.

Marc Chagall | The Lovers, 1929

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Princess Louise Hollandine | Baroque painter

Princess Louise Hollandine of the Palatinate (18 April 1622 - 11 February 1709) was a painter and abbess.
She was a daughter of Frederick V of the Palatinate, the "Winter King" of Bohemia, and Scottish princess Elizabeth Stuart, daughter of King James VI and I.
She is also known for her romantic involvement with the Marquess of Montrose.

Early life

Born in April 1622, Louise Hollandine was born at the Hague Palace in Holland, as her father was living in exile at the court of his uncle, Maurice, Prince of Orange.

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Hermann Hesse | Sull’Amore / The one who loves is happy!

"Quanto più invecchiavo, quanto più insipide mi parevano le piccole soddisfazioni che la vita mi dava, tanto più chiaramente comprendevo dove andasse cercata la fonte delle gioie della vita.
Imparai che essere amati non è niente, mentre amare è tutto, e sempre più mi parve di capire ciò che da valore e piacere alla nostra esistenza non è altro che la nostra capacità di sentire".

Marc Chagall | The Lovers, 1929

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Edgar Ende | Surrealist painter

Edgar Karl Alfons Ende (23 February 1901 - 27 December 1965) was a German surrealist painter and father of the children's novelist Michael Ende.
Ende attended the Altona School of Arts and Crafts from 1916 to 1920.
In 1922 he married Gertrude Strunck, but divorced four years later.

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Heinrich Heine | Die Lorelei / Il canto di Lorelei, 1824

Il Lorelei è una roccia nel fiume Reno, oggetto di numerose leggende, poesie e canzoni.
Secondo la leggenda, Lorelei era una bellissima ondina del fiume Reno, che attirava a sé gli uomini col suo canto e con il suo aspetto, causando naufragi e sciagure.
Un giorno, per vendicare il figlio morto, un nobile inviò i suoi soldati ad uccidere la fanciulla, soldati che seppero resistere al suo incanto e che l'avrebbero uccisa, se lei non avesse chiamato suo padre in aiuto: egli mandò un cavallo di schiuma che condusse la ninfa nelle profondità del fiume, da cui ella non fece più ritorno.
Da allora, i marinai non dovettero più temere gli inganni di Lorelei.

Charles Edward Hallé (1846-1914) | Lorelei, the Nymph of the Rhine

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Friedrich Kaulbach | Portrait / Historical scenes painter

Theodor Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Kaulbach (8 July 1822 - 17 September 1903) was a German painter from Bad Arolsen, Principality of Waldeck and Pyrmont.
His father was Christian Kaulbach (1777-1847), a cabinet maker in Arolsen.
He was also the cousin and at one time the student of the painter Wilhelm von Kaulbach, son of Philipp Karl Friedrich v. Kaulbach (1775-1846), goldsmith and amateur painter.

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Georg Macco | Orientalist painter

Georg Macco (23 March 1863, Aachen - 20 April 1933, Genoa) was a German landscape painter and illustrator, associated with the Düsseldorfer Malerschule.
He is primarily known for his Orientalist works.
He was inspired by stories of his great-great-uncle, the history and portrait painter Alexander Macco, who painted a portrait of the Queen of Prussia and was a close friend of Beethoven and Goethe.