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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Georgian Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Giovanni Vepkhvadze, 1949 | Memories of Tbilisi

Giovanni Vepkhvadze / ჯოვანი ვეფხვაძე (1949-2016) was born in a family of artists in Tbilisi.
In 1967 has entered Tbilisi’s State Academy of Arts on faculty of painting which has graduated in 1973.
The thesis - "In art studio of Beka Opizari" was created under the direction of the known Georgian artist Koki Makharadze.
In 1973 Vepkhvadze has been enlisted in the Creative workshop of painting of Academy of Arts of the USSR under the direction of the National artist of the USSR Ucha Dzaparidze.

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Matiko Mamaladze, 1964 | Romantic palette knife painter

Matiko Mamaladze is an award-winning artist, born in Tbilisi, Georgia.
She grew up in an artistic family, surrounded by her mother’s and grandfather’s paintings.
They were a source of inspiration to Matiko and encouraged her to study art.
The creative atmosphere she was immersed in influenced her to such an extent, that from early times drawing and painting became necessities she couldn’t imagine herself without.

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Givi Siproshvili (Georgian, 1940)

Givi Siproshvili /Гиви Сипрошвили is a professional painter and graphic artist. In 1971, graduated from Tbilisi Academy of Arts by specialty of painting. Since 1974, he became the member of the Union of artists of USSR and Georgia. Since 2000, he was the member of the International Federation of artists (UNESCO).
After graduating from the Academy of Arts, I participated both in numerous republic exhibitions and All-Union exhibitions. I have participated in more than 200-s group and in 7 personal exhibitions.
A member of the union of artists of USSR and Georgia. Member of the international federation of artists (UNESCO). Member of the union of artists of Russia.
He graduated from the Tbilisi Academy of arts in specialty of painting.
Painting of the artist differs originality, uniqueness, individuality and diversity of styles.

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Lado Gudiashvili Symbolist painter

Lado Gudiashvili / ლადო გუდიაშვილი (1896-1980) was a 20th-century Georgian painter.
Gudiashvili was born in Tiflis (now Tbilisi) on March 18 (30), 1896 into a family of a railroad employee.
He studied in the Tiflis school of sculpture and fine art (1910-1914), where he met the Armenian artist Alexander Bazhbeuk-Melikyan, and later in Ronson's private academy in Paris (1919-1926).

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David Martiashvili (Tbilisi, Georgia 1978)

David Martiashvili crea dipinti di persone, edifici e paesaggi urbani.
Martiashvili è un artista Georgiano nato a Tbilisi, Georgia.
Si è laureato presso la "Scuola delle Arti" (Geo Arte) per bambini dotati.
Si è laureato presso l'Accademia d'Arte di Tbilisi.

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Rusudan Petviashvili, 1968

Rusudan Petviashvili è una pittrice e disegnatrice Georgiana che si ispira alla mitologia ed all'immaginario avvalendosi di una tecnica insolita.
Rusudan Petviashvili è nata a Tbilisi il 25 gennaio 1968. Ha iniziato a dipingere ad un anno e mezzo ed a sei anni espone per la prima volta oltre cento opere grafiche e a colori: la maggior parte grandi, complicati disegni.
A otto anni Rusudan Petviashvili ha tenuto due personali a Mosca. Tre anni dopo un'altra mostra a Mosca e poi a Tbilisi. A tredici anni aveva già presentato i suoi lavori in molte città della Francia, compresa Parigi.