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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Genre painter. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Genre painter. Mostra tutti i post
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Georges Girardot | Le reverences de la lune, 1890

Georges Marie Julien Girardot (1856-1914) was a French figure, landscape and marine painter.
Girardot was born in Besançon, Doubs on 4 August 1856.
He was trained by the artist Albert Maignan in Paris.
Girardot was active in Paris, painting mostly genre paintings, female nudes and landscapes.

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Louis Rolland Trinquesse | After the Soirée, 1774

Louis Rolland Trinquesse (1746-1800) was a French Rococo painter.
He was a student at the Académie Royale from 1758 to at least 1770 and worked both as a portrait painter and a Genre painter.
His portraits are usually gentle and uncomplicated likenesses painted in pastel colours, for example the Young Girl (1777; Paris, Louvre).

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Alphonse Spring | Violin Player, 1890

Alphons Spring (1843-1908) was a genre painter of the Munich School and co-founder of the artists' society Allotria in Munich.
Alphons Spring, who wrote himself Alfons Spring from around 1878, was born in Liepaja in Latvia and studied at the art school and academy in Saint Petersburg.
He moved to Munich 1870 where he became a student of Professor Wilhelm Diez.

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Luigi Busi | Genre painter

Luigi Busi (1837-1884) was an Italian painter, born in Bologna.
Busi studied at the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna, though by 1868, he is documented to be in Milan.
He was named academic professor at the Bolognese Academy in 1871.
In 1876, he was named Honorary Associate of the Brera Academy.
His early training was in an environment characterized by Realist depictions.

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Jakob Kulle | Genre painter

Swedish artist Jakob Kulle Ohlsson (1838-1898) produced genre scenes depicting everyday moments from rural life.
They’re quiet and respectful, and generally lacking sentimental embellishments.
Grandmothers teach granddaughters the family craft, couples exchange loving glances, and the house cat polishes off the last of the chicken.

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Alfred Elmore | Victorian painter

Alfred Elmore RA (1815-1881) was a British history and genre painter.
Alfred Elmore was born in Clonakilty, Ireland, the son of John Richard Elmore, a surgeon who retired from the British Army to Clonakilty.
His family moved to London, where Elmore studied at the Royal Academy of Arts.
His early works were in the troubadour style of Richard Parkes Bonington, but he soon graduated to religious work, notably The Martyrdom of Thomas à Becket, commissioned by Daniel O'Connell for Westland Row Church in Dublin.

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Jean-Baptiste Madou | Genre painter

Jean-Baptiste Madou (1796-1877) was a Belgian painter and lithographer.
He created the Société Royale Belge des Aquarellistes.
Madou was born in Brussels.
He studied at the Brussels Academy of Fine Arts and was a pupil of Pierre Joseph Célestin François.

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Pierre de Belay | Post-Impressionist painter

Pierre Savigny de Belay or Pierre de Belay (1890-1947) was a French painter.
He painted more than a thousand canvases, as many gouaches or watercolors, and drew thousands of sketches.
In 1919, upon his demobilization, Pierre de Belay took up residence in Paris, and stayed there for the rest of his life.
His quarter was Montparnasse.

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Hans Andersen Brendekilde (1857-1942)

Hans Andersen Brendekilde è stato un pittore Danese.
Nato Hans Andersen in quella che oggi è una frazione di Odense e lontano parente dello scrittore connazionale Hans Christian Andersen, ebbe un'infanzia povera.
All'età di 10 anni lasciò la sua famiglia per vivere come pastore, dedicandosi poi dai 14 ai 17 anni alla lavorazione del legno.

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Alfred Kowalski | Genre painter

Alfred Jan Maksymilian Kowalski /Alfred Wierusz-Kowalski (1849-1915) was a Polish painter and representative of the Munich School.
He was born on 11 October 1849 in Suwałki to father Teofil Kowalski of the Wieruszowa coat of arms and mother Teofilia (née Siewierska).
Wierusz-Kowalski settled in Munich in 1876 after studies in Warsaw, Prague, and Dresden.
He studied for a year at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts, and worked under Józef Brandt and Alexander von Wagner.

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Robert McGregor | Genre painter

Robert McGregor RSA (1847-1922) was a Scottish landscape painter, genre painter, portrait painter and marine painter.
His genre was particularly painting working men such as fishermen, shepherds, crofters, pedlars, and farm labourers.
However he also painted Scottish, French and Dutch country and coastal scenery.
He usually signed his work in the right hand bottom corner.

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Thomas Faed | Genre painter

Thomas Faed RSA (1826-1900) was a Scottish painter.
Faed was born on 8 June 1826, at Barlay Mill in Gatehouse of Fleet, Kirkcudbrightshire, and was the brother of the artists James Faed, John Faed and Susan Faed.
He received his art education in the school of design, Edinburgh and was elected an associate of the Royal Scottish Academy in 1849.
He went to London three years later, was elected an associate of the Royal Academy in 1861, and academician in 1864, and retired in 1893.

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Felix Ehrlich | Genre painter

Felix Ehrlich (1866-1931) was a German portrait and genre painter.
Ehrlich studied painting at the Königsberg Art Academy under Carl Steffeck since 1883 and became his master student in 1888.
Back in Berlin he was appointed court painter in 1896.
In the same year he married Bertha Homoth.
Felix Ehrlich portrayed Otto von Bismarck as well as Kaiser Wilhelm II and his wife, the crown prince couple and many high-ranking officials and officers.

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Frank Buchser (1828-1890)

Frank Buchser è stato un pittore Svizzero.
È noto per i suoi ritratti di importanti personaggi americani del periodo successivo alla guerra civile e per le sue opere con temi orientali.
Buchser viaggiò a Roma passando per Parigi e Firenze e studiò arte a Parigi, Anversa ed all'Accademia di San Luca a Roma.
Mentre era a Roma si finanziò gli studi lavorando per la Guardia Svizzera.

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Anton Romako (1832-1889)

Anton Romako è stato un pittore Austriaco, considerato uno degli artisti più interessanti e pionieri dell'era "Ringstraßenepoche".
Romako dipinse un gran numero di scene di paesaggi (ad esempio da Bad Gastein), influenzato dal Scuola di Barbizon, ma è noto soprattutto per i suoi ritratti e scene storiche.
I suoi primi lavori mostrano l'influenza del realismo Biedermeier, mentre gli ultimi lavori sono dipinti in un nervoso espressionista stile che turbò i suoi contemporanei.

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Luigi Olivetti | Genre painter

Luigi Olivetti (Revere, Lombardy, November 19, 1856 - Tivoli, January 28, 1941) was an Italian painter, both in oil and watercolor, and engraver.
His secular birth name was Luigi Giacomo Angelo.
In 1883, a Rome, exhibited a watercolor titled: "Città", and in 1884 at Turin, at the National Exhibition he exhibited "Cecilia la Guida delle Catacombe"; "La figlia del Borgomastro" and "Ricordi of the Brettagna".

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John Sloan

John French Sloan (1871-1951) was born in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, the son of an amateur artist and occasional businessman.
In 1876 he moved with his family to Philadelphia and in 1884 enrolled in Central High School, where William Glackens (American, 1870-1938) and Albert Coombs Barnes were among his classmates.
In 1888 he began working for a bookseller and print dealer, and the following year he taught himself how to etch with the aid of Philip Gilbert Hamilton's The Etcher's Handbook.

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Francesco Bergamini

Francesco Bergamini (Rome, 1851-1900) was an Italian artist who specialized in interior genre, portraits and religious motif painting.
He also received several commissions for portraits and frescoes.
He received his formal training at the Academy in Carrare under the direction of Alessandro Venanzi (1839-1916), an artist who specialized in religious and historical scenes as well as portraiture and frescos.

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Angelo Inganni | Contadino che accende una candela con un tizzone ardente, 1850

Celebre per le vedute di Milano, l'Inganni fu molto apprezzato anche per le scene di genere.
A partire dagli anni '50 sviluppò il motivo della luce artificiale, prodotta da una lampada o da un tizzone ardente, riflessa sui volti di popolani e contadini.
La tradizione a cui si rifà è quella fiamminga e francese del XVII secolo - basti ricordare Georges de La Tour - già recuperata nell'Ottocento dal Waldmuller.
Lunga è la lista di opere in cui approfondisce lo studio della fiamma, molte delle quali esposte alle rassegne di Genova, Torino e Milano.

Angelo Inganni | Contadino che accende una candela con un tizzone ardente, 1850 | Gallerie di piazza della Scala

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Edgardo Saporetti (1865-1909)

Edgardo Saporetti (Bagnacavallo, 1865 - Bellaria, 1909) was an Italian painter of eclectic subjects, including portraits, landscapes and genre subjects.
He was the son of Pietro Saporetti, painter and docent of the Academy of Fine Arts of Ravenna, and initially studied there.
At the age of 15 years, he traveled to Rome to work under Cesare Mariani, director of the Accademia di San Luca, then moved to Naples where he worked in the studio of Domenico Morelli.