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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Estonian Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Alena Shymchonak | Impressionist painter

Alena Shymchonak is a painter who comes from Estonia. She produces a lot of paintings for collectors in different countries.
She like using palette knife and oil painting to produce her paintings.
Alena’s works found collectors in UK, USA, Canada, China, Japan, Australia, Hong Kong, Turkey and many European countries.
She’s always available for Individual oil painting commissions.

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Eduard Zentsik, 1975

L'artista Estone Eduard Zentsik è un pittore, fotografo, grafico, designer, autore di installazioni, performance ed improvvisazioni musicali.
Zentsik è nato a Sillamae, Estonia.
Ha esposto le sue opere a livello internazionale e molte delle sue opere si trovano in collezioni private in tutto il mondo.
È stato partecipante e vincitore di concorsi internazionali di arte e fotografia.

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Eduard Zentšik (Estonia, 1975)

Eduard Zentšik is a contemporary Estonian genre-busting artist.
In his creative work, he has managed to unite localness with globality, to shatter one’s hope for the result awaited from the artist, to put up a serious façade with ease whilst playing an ironical game with unknown rules and to deceive the spectator in such a way that nobody has noted that.
It is only at first perusal that his self-positioning as “Unknown Artist Zentšik" is an offer for the spectator to believe into the primacy of the art object over the art source.