Visualizzazione post con etichetta Danish Art. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Danish Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Anna Ancher | Sewing fisherman's wife, 1890

Sewing fisherman's wife is an oil on canvas painting created by Anna Ancher (Danish Skagen painter, 1859-1935) in 1890.
The painting is in the collection of the Randers Museum of Art in Denmark.
Anna Anchers is celebrated for her transgressive use of color and her fabulous ability to capture a ray of sunlight.
The fine work Sewing fisherman's wife is significant for the artist's work with sunlight in an interior.

Anna Ancher | Sewing fisherman's wife, 1890 | Randers Museum of Art in Denmark

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Camille Pissarro at the Christie's

Camille Pissarro | Paysannes travaillant dans les champs, Pontoise, 1881

In Paysannes travaillant dans les champs, Pontoise, painted in 1881, Camille Pissarro (1830-1903) depicts a group of five young women harvesting peas on the rural outskirts of Pontoise, a bustling market town about forty kilometers northwest of Paris where he and his family had lived for over a decade.
Pissarro had first treated the theme of picking peas in two oils the previous year, and he returned to the motif at least three times following his move to the agrarian hamlet of Éragny in 1884.

Camille Pissarro | Paysannes travaillant dans les champs, Pontoise, 1881 | Christie's

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Camille Pissarro | The Avenue, Sydenham, 1871

"The Avenue, Sydenham" is an 1871 oil painting by a Danish-French Impressionist and Neo-Impressionist painter Camille Pissarro (1830-1903).
This work is a product of the Impressionism movement, measuring 48 x 73 cm.
It currently resides in the National Gallery in London, UK.

From The National Gallery, London: Following the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War in 1870, Camille Pissarro and his family left France and moved to London.
This picture is one of 12 he painted while in self-imposed exile there.
One of the largest paintings in the group, this springtime scene, with the trees just coming into leaf, would have been completed in April or May 1871, shortly before Pissarro’s return to France.

Camille Pissarro | The Avenue, Sydenham, 1871 | National Gallery, London

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Anthonore Christensen | Flowers painter

Anthonie Eleonore Christensen (1849-1926), generally known as Anthonore Christensen, née Tscherning was a Danish flower painter.
She exhibited from 1867 at Charlottenborg, winning the medal of the year in 1893.
As a painting teacher, her students included Queen Louise and Queen Olga of Greece.

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Hans Andersen Brendekilde (1857-1942)

Hans Andersen Brendekilde è stato un pittore Danese.
Nato Hans Andersen in quella che oggi è una frazione di Odense e lontano parente dello scrittore connazionale Hans Christian Andersen, ebbe un'infanzia povera.
All'età di 10 anni lasciò la sua famiglia per vivere come pastore, dedicandosi poi dai 14 ai 17 anni alla lavorazione del legno.

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Il Realismo Magico di Louise Camille Fenne

L'artista Danese Louise Camille Fenne è nata nel 1972 a Copenaghen, in Danimarca, da padre danese e madre inglese.
È cresciuta e ha studiato sia in Danimarca che in Inghilterra.
Incuriosita dalla possibilità di studiare tecniche tradizionali di pittura e disegno, Louise C. Fenne ha studiato disegno ad Aix-en-Provence, in Francia, ed al The Glypotek di Copenhagen prima di iscriversi nel 1995 alla The Florence Academy of Art, dove ha studiato disegno di calchi e figure.

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Anna Syberg | Watercolor painter

Anna Louise Birgitte Syberg (7 January 1870 - 4 July 1914) was a Danish painter.
Together with her husband Fritz Syberg, she was one of the Funen Painters (Fynboerne) who lived and worked on the island of Funen. She is remembered for her lively watercolours of flower arrangements.
Anna Syberg was born in Faaborg, Denmark. Her father was artist Peter Syrak Hansen (1833-1904).
She was the sister of artist Peter Hansen (1868-1928).

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Peder Mørk Mønsted | Paesaggi invernali

Si ritiene che ci siano ben 18.000 i dipinti che il danese Peder Mørk Mønsted (1859-1941) abbia realizzato durante la sua lunga carriera.
I suoi motivi preferiti includono paesaggi invernali innevati, acque ferme e foreste.
Il suo lavoro presenta spesso scene di fitta foresta e vita rurale danese rese con un alto livello di precisione, creando una visione romantica e poetica della natura. Mønsted divenne rapidamente noto per la sua capacità di rappresentare la grandezza e l'aspetto monumentale del paesaggio, con un occhio per i dettagli ed i colori accurati.
I suoi studi approfonditi di diverse tecniche artistiche gli hanno permesso di mescolare il naturalismo accademico con un approccio quasi fotorealistico a soggetti familiari.

Peder Mørk Mønsted nasce il 10 dicembre 1859 vicino a Grenaa, in Danimarca. Iniziò la sua formazione artistica ad Aarhus prima di recarsi a Copenaghen per studiare all'Accademia di Copenaghen dal 1875-1879.

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Viggo Johansen | Skagen painter

Viggo Johansen (1851-1935) was a Danish painter and active member of the group of Skagen Painters who met every summer in the north of Jutland.
He was one of Denmark's most prominent painters in the 1890s.

Early life and education

As a boy, Johansen already had a talent for drawing which was recognized by Wilhelm Marstrand.
He studied at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts from 1868-1875, specializing in figure painting, but did not pass the graduation examination.

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Emil Nolde | Pittore Espressionista

Emil Nolde (nato Hans Emil Hansen, 1867-1956) è stato un pittore ed incisore Tedesco-Danese. È stato uno dei primi espressionisti, membro di Die Brücke, ed è stato uno dei primi pittori di pittura ad olio e acquarello dell'inizio del XX secolo ad esplorare il colore.
È noto per la sua pennellata e la scelta espressiva dei colori.
I gialli dorati e i rossi profondi appaiono frequentemente nelle sue opere, conferendo una qualità luminosa a toni altrimenti cupi.
I suoi acquerelli includono paesaggi di tempesta vividi e minacciosi e fiori brillanti.
L'intensa preoccupazione di Nolde per il soggetto dei fiori rifletteva il suo interesse per l'arte di Vincent van Gogh.

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Morten Lasskogen, 1986 | Surrealist 3D painter

Morten Lasskogen is a Copenhagen-based visual artist.
- "After working as a photographer for nearly 10 years, in 2018 I started experimenting with 3d. I discovered that a lot of the things i knew about lighting and composition worked more or less the same way as with photography, but the big difference was: 3d didn't have the same limits - I could literally control the sun"!

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Bertha Wegmann (1847-1926)

Ritrattista Danese di origini Tedesche, Bertha Wegmann è stata la prima donna a detenere una cattedra presso l'Accademia reale Danese di belle arti.
All'età di cinque anni, la sua famiglia si trasferì a Copenaghen, dove suo padre divenne un commerciante.
Era un amante dell'arte e ha trascorso gran parte del suo tempo libero a dipingere.
Ha mostrato interesse per il disegno in tenera età, ma non ha ricevuto istruzione formale fino a quando aveva diciannove anni, quando iniziò a prendere lezioni da Frederik Ferdinand Helsted, Heinrich Buntzen e Frederik Christian Lund.

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Michael Ancher | Skagen girl in a red shawl, 1881

Michael Peter Ancher (1849-1927) came to Skagen in 1874 at the age of 25, and he was the only one of the visiting artists who settled permanently in the town.
He grew up on the island of Bornholm, and at the age of 16, he began his apprenticeship as a clerk at the Kalø Manor in Djursland.
Here, he began to draw and paint in his spare time, and in 1871 he was accepted as a student at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen.
Here, he met Karl Madsen, among others, who encouraged him to go to Skagen.

Michael Ancher | Skagen girl in a red shawl, 1881

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Camille Pissarro (1830-1903)

Camille Pissarro, in full Jacob-Abraham-Camille Pissarro, painter and printmaker who was a key figure in the history of Impressionism.
Pissarro was the only artist to show his work in all eight Impressionist group exhibitions; throughout his career he remained dedicated to the idea of such alternative forums of exhibition.

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Camille Pissarro | White Frost, Woman Breaking Up Wood, 1890

  • Painting, art in general, enchants me. It is my life. What else matters? When you put all your soul into a work, all that is noble in you, you cannot fail to find a kindred soul who understands you, and you do not need a host of such spirits. Is not that all an artist should wish for?
  • When you do a thing with your whole soul and everything that is noble within you, you always find your counterpart.
  • It is only by drawing often, drawing everything, drawing incessantly, that one fine day you discover to your surprise that you have rendered something in its true character.
  • Work at the same time on sky, water, branches, ground, keeping everything going on an equal basis... Don't be afraid of putting on colour... Paint generously and unhesitatingly, for it is best not to lose the first impression.

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Bernardo Keilhau detto Monsù Bernardo

Eberhard Keil (Helsingør, 1624 - Roma, 3 febbraio 1687) o semplicemente Keil fu un pittore Danese, forse il più celebre pittore antico di questa nazione, venne conosciuto in Italia con lo pseudonimo di Monsù Bernardo, giunse nei Paesi Bassi diciottenne e fu nella bottega di Rembrandt ad Amsterdam, dove soggiornò tra il 1642-1644 anche se il suo primo maestro fu il danese Morten van Steenwinkel nella cui bottega venne messo dal padre all'età di dodici anni.

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Peter Mork Monsted (1859-1941)

Peder Mørk Mønsted (Balle Mølle, 10 dicembre 1859 - Fredensborg, 20 giugno 1941) è stato uno tra i rappresentanti del periodo d'oro della pittura Danese e fu noto come paesaggista.
Mønsted difficilmente può essere collegato alla pittura di paesaggio accademica perché venne molto influenzato dall'Impressionismo francese.

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Camille Pissarro | Le Marché de Gisors, Grande-Rue, 1885

On Monday mornings, Camille Pissarro often joined his wife Julie and a couple of their children, with some household helpers, for the two-and-a-half-mile excursion from their home in Éragny to attend market day in Gisors, a town of about four thousand inhabitants further down the Epte River.
While Julie stocked up on produce and provisions for the coming week, Pissarro sketched the many people from Gisors and nearby villages who gathered among the stalls set up on the Grand-Rue (today the rue de Vienne) near the town hall, as they engaged in selling, buying, or bartering, exchanging news, and socializing during this all-important, weekly communal event.

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Camille Pissarro | Jeanne Pissarro (Minette) holding a Fan, 1873

Jeanne-Rachel, known as Minette, was born in 1865 and died at Pontoise on 6 April 1874.
She was a sickly child and treated by Dr Paul Gachet.
In this portrait, painted when she was eight, the subdued colouring and tentative handling give an added intimacy to the scene.
She holds a Japanese fan, reflecting her father's increasing interest in Japanese art.

Camille Pissarro | Jeanne Holding a fan, 1873 | Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

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Camille Pissarro | Femme lavant une casserole, 1879

Included in the seminal Fifth Impressionist Exhibition that took place in 1880, Camille Pissarro’s Femme lavant une casserole encapsulates the quintessential Impressionist style and subject matter of the artist’s figure paintings.
As well as rustic, quotidian scenes of the rural French landscape, Pissarro frequently painted women absorbed in daily activities.
Indeed, from 1879, the year that he painted the present work, Pissarro began to create a number of monumental figure studies that reflected his growing interest in the primacy of the human form within the landscape setting, a theme that would continue throughout his career.
Here, a woman is framed by blossoming shrubs and flowers, bending over slightly as she washes objects in a bowl.

Camille Pissarro (1830-1903) | Femme lavant une casserole, 1879 | Christie's