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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Czech Artist. Mostra tutti i post
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Jakub Schikaneder | The Kampa Lovers, 1894

"The Kampa Lovers" is an 1894 painting by the Czech painter and professor Jakub Schikaneder (1855-1924).
Schikaneder is known for his soft paintings of the outdoors, often lonely in mood.
His paintings often feature poor and outcast figures and "combined neo-romantic and naturalist impulses".
Other motifs favoured by Schikaneder were autumn and winter, corners and alleyways in the city of Prague and the banks of the Vltava – often in the early evening light, or cloaked in mist.

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Franz Kafka | "Il male conosce il bene, ma il bene non conosce il male"!

Che cos'è l'amore?
È semplicissimo!
L'amore è tutto ciò che eleva,
amplia e arricchisce la nostra vita.
Ci spinge verso le vette più alte e gli abissi più profondi.

L'amore quindi è privo di problemi quanto un veicolo.
Sono problematici solo il volante,
i passeggeri e la strada.

Tishk Barzanji - Provoke

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Josef Loukota (1879-1967) | Portrait / Genre painter

Josef Loukota, baptized Josef Jindřich, was a Czech painter🎨, graphic artist, illustrator and professor of the Prague Academy.
He studied in 1896-1899 at the Prague School of Applied Arts under K.V. Mašek and E.K. Liška; then - at the Prague Academy under Václav Brožík and Hanuš Schwaiger.

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Wlastimil Hofman | Pittore simbolista

Wlastimil Hofman (1881-1970) era un pittore accademico Ceco-Polacco, rappresentante del simbolismo.
Era il più giovane dei sei figli di Ferdinand Hofmann e della sua moglie polacca, Teofila Muziková.
Nel 1889, la famiglia si trasferì a Cracovia, dove Wlastimil frequentò la St. Wenceslas School.

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Milan Kundera | Quotes / Aforismi

Rene Magritte (Belgian Surrealist painter, 1898-1967) | Les Amants / The Lovers

"..No one can do a thing about feelings, they exist and there's no way to censor them. We can reproach ourselves for some action, for a remark, but not for a feeling, quite simply because we have no control at all over it".

"Contro i sentimenti siamo disarmati, poiché esistono e basta - e sfuggono a qualunque censura. Possiamo rimproverarci un gesto, una frase, ma non un sentimento: su di esso non abbiamo alcun potere".

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Max Svabinsky (1873-1962)

Max Švabinský (1873-1963) was a Czech painter🎨, draughtsman, graphic artist, and professor in Academy of Graphic Arts in Prague.
Švabinský is considered one of the more notable artists in the history of Czech painting and produced significant work during the first half of the 20th century.
He was relatively unusual among modernist artists in that his work was accepted by the communist regime; this was due at least in part to his having formed his artistic personality prior to 1900, prior to the advent of cubism. | © Wikipedia

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Antonietta Brandeis | The Ponte Vecchio, Florence

Antonietta Brandeis was born in Miskowitz, Austria in 1849. She studied under Karel Javurek in Prague before moving to Venice to become a pupil at the Academy.
The development of international tourism in the nineteenth century meant that many more people were travelling to the beauty spots of Europe.
Venice was a very popular destination for these travellers and the demand for paintings of Venice grew. This demand resulted in an influx of artists to Venice who all produced topographical views of the city and its environs.

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Alena Plihal (Canadan painter)

Born in the Czech republic Alena as been established in Quebec for many years, Alena explores several techniques at her disposal to create vibrante paintings.
Since her firt work painting has been a deliverance and freedom!
The pictorial expression of Alena is passionate and communicative.

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Alphonse Mucha | The Abyss, c.1898

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Alphonse Maria Mucha | Master of Art Nouveau

Alphonse Maria Mucha 1860-1939 | Czech Art Nouveau Printmaker

Alphonse Mucha was born in what is now the Czech Republic in 1860 and moved to Paris in 1890 where he became the star of the poster-art movement under the patronage of the Sarah Bernhardt. After World War I he returned to Czechoslovakia and became the father of a slavic arts and crafts movement which combined elements of art nouveau with classic national themes. In addition to commercial art, jewelry design, interior decoration, sculpture and stage design, Mucha experimented with lettering and calligraphy to produce excellent source material for unique typefaces. Mucha's style is virtually synonymous with French Art Nouveau and he is one of the most imitated artists and designers of all time.
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Peter Gric, 1968 | Scuola viennese del Realismo Fantastico

Peter Gric, o Petr Gric, (nato nel 1968) è un pittore, disegnatore ed illustratore Austriaco originario della Repubblica Ceca.
I motivi dei paesaggi e dell'architettura futuristici, il surrealismo biomeccanico ed il realismo fantastico possono essere trovati nel suo lavoro.
Gric è membro dei gruppi artistici Libellule e Labyrinthe.