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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Canadian Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Paul Fenniak, 1965

Paul Fenniak was born in Toronto, Canada.
He received a Master of Fine Art degree from Concordia University in Montreal.
He is represented by Forum Gallery in New York where four solo exhibitions of his work have taken place to date (’99,’04,’09,‘16).
Two solo shows were held at Galerie de Bellefeuille in Montreal (’96,’02).

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Marco Tulio, 1966 | Magic realism painter

Born in Medellin, Colombia, self-taught artist, Marco Tulio began his artistic endeavors at a very early age; with both of his parents as artists, Marco has been painting since he was very young.
Certainly his talents must be innate as this prodigal child had his first exhibit at the age of eleven.
His father, abstract artist, Guillermo Espinosa instilled in him an appreciation of color but Marco practiced, refined, and has perfected his classically inspired scenes.

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Rob Gonsalves (1959-2017)

Rob Gonsalves è stato un artista multi premiato, nato a Toronto in Canada, prima di tutto architetto e scenografo: quello era il suo mestiere prima di dedicarsi completamente alla pittura.
L'interesse per l'arte nasce sin da piccolo, quando dimostra interesse per il disegno ed a dodici anni, quando la sua attrazione si sposta verso l'architettura grazie alla quale impara le tecniche di prospettiva, che sono il mezzo ideale per dar vita alle costruzioni immaginarie.
Sebbene il lavoro di Gonsalves sia spesso classificato come surrealista, si differenzia perché le immagini sono deliberatamente pianificate e derivano da un pensiero cosciente.

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Troy Brooks, 1972

Troy Brooks è un pittore Canadese contemporaneo.
Le sue immagini di soggetti femminili allungati in ambientazioni di film noir sono state riconosciute a livello mondiale come opere distintive del movimento Surrealista Pop moderno, con mostre a Parigi, Berlino, Londra, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal ed Australia.
Nel 2018 si è trasferito da Toronto in una banca del XIX secolo nella storica città di Wallaceburg, in Ontario, trasformandola nel suo principale spazio di lavoro in studio.

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Johanne Cullen, 1959

Johanne Cullen is born in Quebec City.
Graduated in Fine Arts at University of Quebec in Montreal.
She lives and works in Montreal.
She paints people whose stare roots us to the spot with its sheer presence and intensity, drawing the viewer willy-nilly into a moment of shared intimacy.

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Joseph Zbukvic, 1952 | Maestro acquerellista

Il maestro dell'acquarello Joseph Zbukvic è nato a Zagabria in Croazia. A diciotto anni si è trasferito in Australia.
Le sue impressionanti realizzazioni e l’enorme successo è dovuto alla sua capacità di trasformare qualsiasi oggetto in un linguaggio poetico visivo.
Su una varietà infinita di soggetti, i suoi dipinti sensibili, lirici ed atmosferici hanno catturato persone e gallerie da tutto il mondo.

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Anne-Marie Kornachuk, 1969

Anne-Marie Kornachuk, nata a Pin Court, Quebec, è una pittrice realista, meglio conosciuta per i suoi dipinti di donne circondate da risme di tessuto.
Nei suoi quadri la drammaticità del tessuto è al centro della scena.
Lavorando con l'olio ed utilizzando tecniche pittoriche tradizionali, è influenzata dalla teatralità dell'Arte Barocca.
La natura animata del tessuto parla dei drammi interiori nascosti delle sue figure.

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Lyse Marion | Abstract Mixed-media painter

Mixing and experimenting with various digital techniques and inspired by nature, Marion creates bold imagery with a touch of mystery.
A Canadian artist living near Montreal, Lyse Marion borrows from a range of visual imagery to create lyrical and evocative digital collages.
Marion is currently the manager of a small gallery near Montreal and draws upon her experience in social work and a passion for art to help create her images.

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Stikki Peaches | Street art

Canadian artist Stikki Peaches, is renown for having his work spotted around the world and also known for employing techniques through the uses of acrylic paint, collage and silk screens he covers international landscapes with his pop-culture references and lowbrow street art.
Stikki Peaches’ works are featured in the URBAN NATION 2018 exhibition, ‘UN-DERSTAND The Power of Art as a Social Architect’.
From his early stages in 2008, his tagline, “What If Art Ruled The World?” has captivated the public in contemplation and in awe of his unique skill and nostalgic street art.

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Bobbie Burgers, 1973 | Abstract floral painter

Vancouver artist Bobbie Burgers received a B.A. in Art History in 1996 from the University of Victoria in British Columbia.
Her work has been exhibited widely at home and abroad, notably including Art Market San Francisco and Equinox Gallery.
Today, her works are in the collections of the Berost Corporation in Toronto and the Royal Bank of Canada, among others.
Burgers lives and works in Vancouver, Canada.

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Rémi LaBarre (Canadian, 1977)

Inspired by romance lovers, music, Rémi LaBarre painted series of modern portraits in a vintage theme.
In 1977, in Thetford Mines, Rémi LaBarre gets a first glance of the world. In his childhoold, he draws, often, on paperboards and paper…
One day, a friend who paints suggests testing this medium.
He thus gets some brushes, a few colors and his first painting will dry throughout the days of September 1994. Since then, several paintings, whether portraits or still life, all tales told.
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Maurice Cullen | The pioneer of the Canadian Impressionism

Maurice Galbraith Cullen (1866-1934) was a pioneer of impressionism in Canadian art and is particularly noted for his winter landscapes.
Cullen moved to Montréal with his family in 1870.
There he began his art training as a sculptor at the Conseil des arts et manufactures and with sculptor Louis-Philippe Hébert.
Like other artists of his generation, he went to Paris for additional training.

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Mostafa Keyhani, 1954 | Modern impressionist painter

Mostafa Keyhani is an Award winning🎨 painter who lives and works in Toronto. His works are collected both in Canada and United States.
  • Artist statement:
His work is essentially in be field of modern impressionism.
Light plays an important role in his work, as well as movement of colours.

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Ginette Beaulieu, 1954 | Magical realism painter

Ginette Beaulieu was always passionate about drawing and in particular, was drawn to the techniques of the Renaissance masters, of which she completed formal training from 1979-1980.
Beaulieu is educated in art restoration and in ancient painting techniques. She defines herself as a hyperrealist painter and uses oil, pastel and pencil in her work.
Her work is distinguished by the use of mediums that she develops from decanted oils and natural pigments.

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Elizabeth Forbes (1859-1912)

Elizabeth Adela Forbes è stata una pittrice Canadese, principalmente attiva nel Regno Unito.
Il suo stile è stato influenzato dal post-impressionismo, dai Preraffaelliti e dai pittori realistici della Scuola di Barbizon.
Apparteneva alla Scuola di Newlyn

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Helen McNicoll | Impressionist painter

Helen Galloway McNicoll (1879-1915) was a Canadian impressionist painter. She was one of the most notable female artists in Canada in the early twentieth century and achieved considerable internal success during her decade-long career.
She played an important role in popularizing Impressionism in Canada at a time when it was still relatively unknown.
McNicoll was born in Toronto to an affluent family. Her parents were David McNicoll and Emily Pashley.

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Emmanuel Garant, 1953

Nato a Lévis, il pittore Canadese Emmanuel Garant, ha studiato disegno e pittura dal 1973-1976 con suo padre, André Garant, e sua madre, Louise Carrier, entrambi pittori di belle arti celebrati in Quebec ed in altri paesi.
Emmanuel è cresciuto in un ambiente favorevole e grazie ai sforzi artistici ha sfiorato gli amici dei suoi genitori come il pittore Jean-Paul Lemieux e molti altri.


- Membro di "Il figurativo Art Institut" (IAF), 2011;
- Accademico 2011;
- Accademia Internazionale di Belle Arti del Quebec, 2011;
- Vincitore di Elizabeth-Greenshields Grant (Montréal, QC, 1979)..

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Claude Theberge (1934-2008)

Canadian painter Claude Théberge was known primarily for his paintings, but also produced murals, stained glass and sculptures.
Over many years he divided is time between Paris and Montreal, all the while exploring the full range between pure Abstraction and Hyper-realism.

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Claude Théberge | Il pittore Romantico degli ombrelli

La carriera di Claude Théberge (1934- 2008) è un meraviglioso esempio di come un giorno segue l'altro per condurci verso un domani spesso imprevedibile..
Questo artista Canadese, laureato all'École des Beaux-Arts del Quebec, ha ricevuto una borsa di studio dal Canada Council for the Arts e dal governo del Quebec, e ha frequentato le più grandi istituzioni in Francia dedicate alle belle arti e alle arti decorative.
Ha strappato il primo premio dalle mani dei suoi coetanei in un concorso sponsorizzato dalle Nazioni Unite.
Ha vissuto a volte a Parigi e talvolta a Montreal, esplorando a sua volta l'astrazione e la figurazione.

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Yannick Bouchard (Canadian, 1982)

I am not claiming myself as a "surrealist artist", but my art is undeniably marked by their influence. I was also very impressed by some notable fantasy artists; the way they depict beauty and sensuality, and how they bring grandiose imaginary worlds to life.
Overall, my paintings are more or less a mixture of all those types; surrealism, fantasy with a touch of symbolism and even sometimes macabre.