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Visualizzazione post con etichetta British Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Joseph Wright of Derby | A view of Vesuvius from Posillipo, Naples

From: Art Gallery of South Australia

Joseph Wright (1734-1797) began his career as one of Britain foremost portrait painters, but, following a visit to Italy between 1773 and 1775, he turned his gaze to landscape painting, becoming recognised for his deep understanding and exploration of light.
Wright visited the Bay of Naples in 1774, finding its awe-inspiring view of Mount Vesuvius particularly moving.

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John Gulich | A Violin Concerto, 1898

John Percival Gülich (also Gulich) (1864-1898) was a British illustrator, engraver and artist.
Gülich was born in Wimbledon in 1864, the son of Hermann Gülich, a London merchant of German origin, and Eleanor. He was educated at Charterhouse School.
He lived in Bremen for five years, working in his father's office.
He became Art Editor of the illustrated newspapers The Pictorial World and The Graphic, and also contributed to Harper's Magazine.

John Gulich | A Violin Concerto, 1898 | Tate

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Meteyard / Tennyson | The Lady of Shalott

Sidney Harold Meteyard RBSA (1868-1947) was an English art teacher, painter and stained-glass designer.
A member of the Birmingham Group, he worked in a late Pre-Raphaelite style heavily influenced by Edward Burne-Jones and the Arts and Crafts Movement.
His best-known painting - I am half sick of shadows, said the Lady of Shalott (1913), based on the poem The Lady of Shalott (1832) by Lord Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892) - is in the collection of Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.
In this piece The Lady of Shalott is at her tapestry with a wedding couple reflected in her mirror.

Sidney Harold Meteyard (1868-1947) | I am Half-Sick of Shadows - Said the Lady of Shalott, 1913

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Richard Westall | The Reconciliation of Helen and Paris after his Defeat by Menelaus, 1805

Richard Westall RA (1765-1836) was an English painter and illustrator of portraits, historical and literary events, best known for his portraits of Byron.
He was also Queen Victoria's drawing master.
Westall was the more successful of two half-brothers (both sons of a Benjamin Westall, from Norwich) who both became painters.
His younger half-brother was William Westall (1781-1850), a much-travelled landscape painter.

Richard Westall | The Reconciliation of Helen and Paris after his Defeat by Menelaus, 1805

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Ellen Montalba | Dreams

Ellen Emeline Montalba (1842-1912) was a British artist. She was born in Bath, England, one of four daughters of the Swedish-born artist Anthony Rubens Montalba and Emeline.
She and her three sisters all attained high repute as artists.
The 1871 British census shows Anthony Montalba living at 19 Arundel Gardens, Notting Hill, in London, with four daughters, all artists.
The Montalba sisters were regular contributors to the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition during the 1870s.

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Beryl Cook | Naïve painter

Beryl Cook, OBE (1926-2008) was a British artist best known for her original and instantly recognisable paintings.
Often comical, her works pictured people whom she encountered in everyday life, including people enjoying themselves in pubs, girls shopping or out on a hen night, drag queen shows or a family picnicking by the seaside or abroad.

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Wilfrid de Glehn RA (1870-1951)

Wilfrid Gabriel de Glehn RA è stato un pittore impressionista Britannico, eletto alla Royal Academy nel 1932.
Il padre di De Glehn era Alexander de Glenn di Sydenham, Londra, lui stesso figlio di Robert von Glehn, un barone baltico con proprietà vicino a Tallinn in Estonia, che era diventato un suddito britannico naturalizzato in seguito al suo matrimonio con una donna scozzese.

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Alfred Elmore | Victorian painter

Alfred Elmore RA (1815-1881) was a British history and genre painter.
Alfred Elmore was born in Clonakilty, Ireland, the son of John Richard Elmore, a surgeon who retired from the British Army to Clonakilty.
His family moved to London, where Elmore studied at the Royal Academy of Arts.
His early works were in the troubadour style of Richard Parkes Bonington, but he soon graduated to religious work, notably The Martyrdom of Thomas à Becket, commissioned by Daniel O'Connell for Westland Row Church in Dublin.

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Lucy Grossmith, 1972

Lucy Grossmith (Case) was born at Horncastle, Lincolnshire.
Always surrounded and inspired by nature, she sketches and makes mental notes whilst out and about.
These become ingredients for her work when back in her studio at the bottom of her garden.
She loves to paint wild birds and animals, countryside and coastal scenery along with gardens and old buildings.

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Vicky Mount, 1975

Vicky Mount is an established artist, known for Humorous figure, town scenes and animal paintings.
Her oil paintings represent the quirkiness and love of everyday life… mostly through cats’ eyes.
Vicky lives in Edinburgh, Scotland with her husband, daughter, two cats, and a big old dog.

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Susan Entwistle | Pointillist painter

British artist Susan Entwistle is one of the few pointillist painters practising their art.
Her unique style of painting is created with layers of colourful dots.
This technique captures the vibrancy and essence of beautiful gardens, flowers and landscapes.
Susan's work has sprung out of the nostalgia of a childhood that was so often centred on the garden and the natural landscape around her.

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Robert McGregor | Genre painter

Robert McGregor RSA (1847-1922) was a Scottish landscape painter, genre painter, portrait painter and marine painter.
His genre was particularly painting working men such as fishermen, shepherds, crofters, pedlars, and farm labourers.
However he also painted Scottish, French and Dutch country and coastal scenery.
He usually signed his work in the right hand bottom corner.

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Dianna Cotter | Le creazioni con foglie autunnali

Queste meravigliose opere d'arte autunnali compostabili, sono state realizzate interamente con foglie e semi caduti dall'artista Britanica Diana Cotter di Salisbury, Wiltshire.
La Cotter trascorre fino a sette ore, selezionando attentamente centinaia di foglie cadute di colori diversi dal suo giardino per creare splendide immagini di uccelli ed altri animali selvatici.
Aggiunge bacche, muschio e ramoscelli alle basi di argilla da giardino per creare un effetto finale abbagliante e fotografa le sue creazioni stagionali prima che si secchino, prima di metterle nel compost.

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Marcus Stone | Victorian Romantic painter

Marcus Stone RA (4 July 1840 - 24 March 1921) was an English painter.
Stone was born in London, and was educated at the Royal Academy.
Marcus Clayton Stone was the son of Frank Stone ARA. Marcus was trained by his father and began to exhibit at the Royal Academy, before he was eighteen.
A few years later he illustrated, with much success, books by Charles Dickens, Anthony Trollope and other writers who were friends of his family.

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L'arte romantica di Nicholas Hely Hutchinson, 1955

Nicholas Hely Hutchinson ha studiato alla St. Martins School of Art ed al Bristol Polytechnic (Fine Art).
Dalla sua prima mostra personale nel 1984 Nicholas ha esposto costantemente a Londra, Dublino e Hong Kong.
I suoi dipinti sono diventati sempre più richiesti e ora sono presenti in molte collezioni private ed aziendali.
È stato rappresentato dalla Portland Gallery dal 1997 al 2022 ed è ora rappresentato dalla John Martin Gallery.

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Anna Alma-Tadema (British, 1867-1943)

Anna Alma-Tadema was a British artist and suffragette.
Alma-Tadema primarily worked with drawings and paintings, creating many portraits and representations of interior scenes, flowers and buildings.
She was influenced by her father, Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, and showed her works at exhibitions with him and her step-mother, Laura Theresa Alma-Tadema.

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John Everett Millais | La confraternita dei Preraffaelliti

Sir John Everett Millais, RA (Southampton, 8 giugno 1829 - Londra, 13 agosto 1896) è stato un pittore ed illustratore Inglese dell'Età Vittoriana, cofondatore della Confraternita dei Preraffaelliti.
John Everett Millais nacque a Southampton, in Inghilterra, figlio di John William e Emily Mary Millais, entrambi appartenenti a una ricca famiglia nativa del Jersey.
Fu proprio sull'isola di Jersey, d'altronde, che Millais trascorse la sua prima fanciullezza, maturando una vera e propria devozione per questo luogo: quando un giorno William Makepeace Thackeray, noto scrittore inglese dell'Ottocento, gli avrebbe chiesto "quando l'Inghilterra conquistò Jersey", egli avrebbe risposto con veemenza: "Giammai! Jersey conquistò l'Inghilterra".

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Alex Kelly, 1968 | Alla prima oil painter

Alex Kelly received a Fine Art BA with honours from Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) in 1993.
He has also trained and worked as a graphic designer for over 20 years and has a HNC (Distinction) in Graphic Design from New College Nottingham (UK).
He has also had various studio practices and art related teaching positions with schools and colleges before devoting himself full-time to painting.
His work is in many private collections around the world.

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James Sant | Courage, Anxiety and Despair: Watching the Battle, 1850-60

At his death in 1916, at the age of ninety-six, James Sant, R.A., C.V.0. (British painter, 1820-1916) was the longest living member of the Royal Academy since the institution's foundation in 1768, having exhibited well over two hundred pictures during a period of seventy-six years.
Sant was a prolific artist who worked his way through a range of influences, including symbolism (as in this effort) and impressionism.

James Sant | Courage, Anxiety and Despair: Watching the Battle, 1850 | Christie's

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Damian Elwes, 1960 | Gli atelier da dove è nata l'Arte

L'artista Britannico Damian Elwes è conosciuto principalmente per la serie di dipinti che rappresentano gli studi e gli atelièr dei maggiori artisti del XX secolo: Paul Gauguin, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Frida Kahlo, René Magritte, Marcel Duchamp, Andy Warhol e Salvador Dalí.
I suoi dipinti esplorano il ciclo della vita e della creatività.
A tutt’oggi Damian afferma di aver dipinto circa 200 studi di artisti.

Damian Elwes | Matisse’s Studio in Collioure