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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Awarded Artist. Mostra tutti i post
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Georges Girardot | Le reverences de la lune, 1890

Georges Marie Julien Girardot (1856-1914) was a French figure, landscape and marine painter.
Girardot was born in Besançon, Doubs on 4 August 1856.
He was trained by the artist Albert Maignan in Paris.
Girardot was active in Paris, painting mostly genre paintings, female nudes and landscapes.

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William Bouguereau | Joueur de flûte, 1878

In his accounts, Bouguereau gave a title of Tête d’enfant avec une flûte to the present work, yet the instrument depicted more closely resembles a piffero, an Italian folk instrument related to the modern oboe, which was used by the musical troupes who would descend from the hills around Rome to celebrate Christmas.
Both the music and the sweet expression of Bouguereau’s young musician likely evoked the artist’s happy memories of travel to Italy in the late 1840s.
Bouguereau had painted young musicians as early as 1870 in works like Pifferaro (Bartoli, no. 1870/80, and sold in these rooms April 18, 2007, lot 90).

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Hermann Krüger | Park near Rome, 1899

"Park near Rome" (View of the Alban Hills) is an 1899 oil painting by German landscape painter of the Düsseldorf School Hermann August Krüger (1834-1908).
After initially studying art in Munich, Hermann Krüger continued his education in Düsseldorf from 1867 onwards, having spent time in Dresden and Berlin in between.
There, Kruger was a private pupil of Oswald Achenbach and undertook numerous study trips to Italy and Egypt.

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James Tissot | Holiday, 1876

The autumn sun glows through the yellow leaves of the horse chestnut tree in this picnic scene.
The setting is the garden of James Tissot’s house in St John’s Wood, London, very close to Lord’s cricket ground.

Artist: James Tissot (1836-1902)
Medium: Oil paint on canvas
Dimensions support: 762 × 994 × 20 mm frame: 925 × 1185 × 95 mm
Collection: Tate

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Karol Bąk, 1961

Karol Bąk artista - pittore, illustratore e grafico. I suoi dipinti sono caratterizzati da illusione e surrealismo.
Si è diplomato alla Scuola Secondaria di Belle Arti di Poznań come espositore di interni.
Nel 1984 ha iniziato gli studi presso la Facoltà di Grafica della Scuola Superiore Statale di Belle Arti (ora Accademia di Belle Arti di Poznań).
Si è laureato con lode nel 1989 ottenendo due diplomi sia in grafica con il professor Tadeusz Jackowski, che in disegno con il professor Jarosław Kozłowski.

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Lionel Walden | Breaking Waves

Lionel Walden (1861-1933) was an American painter active in Hawaii, Cornwall and France.
He was born in Norwich, Connecticut.
He first became interested in art in Minnesota, where the family moved when his father became rector of an Episcopal Church there.

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Nikolay Dubovskoy | Hushing (Calm Before the Storm), 1890

Isaac Levitan: "Not everyone can convey such a capture from nature itself, like "Calm before the storm", where you feel not the author, but the elements themselves".

The painting Притихло" ("hushing" or "silencing", before the storm) display at the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, is a masterpiece of Nikolay Nikanorovich Dubovskoy / Николай Никанорович Дубовской (1859-1918), a Russian landscape painter, associated with the Peredvizhniki (The Itinerants) - group of Russian realist artists who formed an artists' cooperative in protest of academic restrictions; it evolved into the Society for Travelling Art Exhibitions in 1870.
The artist's most famous and landmark painting, which placed his name among the most famous Russian landscape painters.
It marked the beginning of the "Landscape of Mood" genre, developed by Nikolay Dubovskoy and Isaac Levitan.

Nikolay Dubovskoy | Calm Before the Storm, 1890 | State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

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Alphonse Spring | Violin Player, 1890

Alphons Spring (1843-1908) was a genre painter of the Munich School and co-founder of the artists' society Allotria in Munich.
Alphons Spring, who wrote himself Alfons Spring from around 1878, was born in Liepaja in Latvia and studied at the art school and academy in Saint Petersburg.
He moved to Munich 1870 where he became a student of Professor Wilhelm Diez.

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Constance Marie Charpentier | Melancholy, 1801

Constance Marie Charpentier (1767-1849) was a French painter.
She specialized in genre scenes and portraits, mainly of children and women.
She was also known as Constance Marie Bondelu.

Constance-Marie Charpentier | Melancholy, 1801 | Musée de Picardie, Amiens

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Carolus-Duran | Portrait of Édouard Manet, 1880

Carolus-Duran (1837-1917), a successful society portraitist, painted this informal view of his friend Édouard Manet (1832-1883) at a villa outside of Paris.
Manet was known for his impeccable grooming, but Carolus-Duran portrays him in a moment of ease, flushed by the effects of a warm afternoon, wearing a straw boater pushed back on his forehead.

Carolus Duran | Portrait of Édouard Manet, 1880 | Paris, Musée d'Orsay

Working quickly, he captures Manet’s appearance and mood with broad, summary strokes, painting him “à la Manet”-employing his friend’s loose brushwork rather than his own tighter style. | Source: © RISD Museum of Art

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Anthonore Christensen | Flowers painter

Anthonie Eleonore Christensen (1849-1926), generally known as Anthonore Christensen, née Tscherning was a Danish flower painter.
She exhibited from 1867 at Charlottenborg, winning the medal of the year in 1893.
As a painting teacher, her students included Queen Louise and Queen Olga of Greece.

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Wisława Szymborska | Domande poste a me stessa / The questions you ask yourself

Qual è il contenuto del sorriso
e d’una stretta di mano?
Nel dare il benvenuto
non sei mai lontana
come a volte è lontano
l’uomo dall’uomo
quando dà un giudizio ostile
a prima vista?

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Pablo Neruda | Un giorno / Un dia / One day..

Un giorno moriremo entrambi,
l’uno lontano dall’altra,
e nessuno si ricorderà più di noi.


William Brymner | In the Orchard Spring, 1892

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Johan Krouthén | Skagen painter

Johan Krouthén (1858-1932) was a Swedish artist.
He broke away from the traditions of the Swedish Academy, turning to Realism and Idealism.
Immediately after his studies, he spent a few months in Paris and in Denmark where he associated with the Skagen Painters.

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Oscar Ghiglia | Post-Macchiaioli painter

Born and raised in Livorno, Italian painter Oscar Ghiglia (1876-1945) chose Florence to pursue his artistic ambitions.
Ghiglia was initially trained by his father, who was also a painter, before studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence.
He was particularly influenced by the teachings of Giovanni Fattori while also open to innovations from across the Alps, in particular to the oeuvre of Cézanne and from as well as Swiss and German artists such as Arnold Böcklin and Franz von Lenbach.

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Luigi Busi | Genre painter

Luigi Busi (1837-1884) was an Italian painter, born in Bologna.
Busi studied at the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna, though by 1868, he is documented to be in Milan.
He was named academic professor at the Bolognese Academy in 1871.
In 1876, he was named Honorary Associate of the Brera Academy.
His early training was in an environment characterized by Realist depictions.

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Konstantinos Kavàfis | Per quanto sta in te / As much as you can

E se non puoi la vita che desideri
cerca almeno questo
per quanto sta in te: non sciuparla
nel troppo commercio con la gente
con troppe parole in un viavai frenetico.

Marc Chagall | Over the Town, 1918 | Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia

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Ghiannis Ritsos | Il tuo corpo sulla spiaggia..

II tuo corpo sulla spiaggia sabbiosa
la sabbia attaccata alla tua carne
la sabbia sulle mie mani
sulla mia lingua
perch’io ti scopra

Vladimir Volegov

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Jeffrey T. Larson, 1962

Jeffrey T. Larson è un artista raffinato di formazione classica ed è fondatore e direttore della Great Lakes Academy of Fine Art.
Larson si è formato alla maniera degli antichi maestri presso il prestigioso Atelier Lack, uno studio/scuola le cui tradizioni e metodi di formazione risalgono all'impressionismo ed alle accademie francesi del XIX secolo.
Ha seguito la sua formazione formale di quattro anni con studi museali negli Stati Uniti ed all'estero.

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Pablo Neruda | Walking around / Andando in giro..

Succede che mi stanco di essere uomo
Succede che entro nelle sartorie e nei cinema smorto,
impenetrabile, come un cigno di feltro
che naviga in un’acqua di origine e di cenere.

L’odore dei parrucchieri mi fa piangere e stridere
Voglio solo un riposo di ciottoli o di lana
Non voglio più vedere stabilimenti e giardini
Mercanzie, occhiali e ascensori.