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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Australian Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Penleigh Boyd | Silver Light, Hawkesbury River, 1922

During his lifetime, and in the decades following his premature death at the age of thirty-three, Australian artist Penleigh Boyd (1890-1923) received the greatest recognition for his evocative depictions of the Australian landscape shown under heightened atmospheric conditions.
Boyd’s life and art was inextricably connected to the First World War.
Serving with the Australian Imperial Forces in France, he was badly gassed at Ypres in September 1917, and convalesced in England, before returning home to Melbourne in March 1918.

Penleigh Boyd | Silver Light, Hawkesbury River, 1922 | Smith and Singer

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Emma Minnie Boyd

Australian artist Emma Minnie Boyd (1858-1936) was born into the privileged à Beckett family and became known to family and friends as Minnie.
While it was rare for women in late-nineteenth-century colonial Victoria to receive an art education, Minnie's family nurtured her artistic talent and she studied at the National Gallery School in Melbourne.
She would eventually become one of Australia’s most significant women artists of the late nineteenth century.

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Kathrin Longhurst, 1971 | Pittrice iperrealista

L'artista figurativa contemporanea Kathrin Longhurst è nata nella Germania orientale comunista.
Pittrice figurativa di formazione classica, Kathrin Longhurst ha iniziato a frequentare corsi di disegno dal vero all'età di quattordici anni.
Quando Kathrin aveva solo quindici anni, la sua famiglia fuggì da "dietro la cortina di ferro", trasferendosi in Svezia.
Questa stridente transizione da un regime totalitario a una democrazia ha acceso la passione di Kathrin per l'esplorazione dei concetti di libertà di parola e di espressione, concetti che continuano a permeare il suo lavoro oggi.

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Mel Brigg, 1950 | Exodus

Born in South Africa, Mel is self taught and started to paint full time in 1979.
Mel's paintings are expansive in Australian's vision and yet simple and skilled in application.
Particularly of note are his beautiful paintings of beaches and landscapes with two or three people to give scale.
His skies are famous for the moods they depict.

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Judith Bridgland, 1962 | Landscape painter

Judith Bridgland was born in Australia, and trained in Glasgow, Scotland where she now lives and works. She graduated from Glasgow University in 1984 with a Masters degree with Honours in Fine Art.
Judith creates paintings very much in the Scottish colourist tradition. Her art works are bold, exuberant and vibrantly joyful landscapes.
Working in oils, her paintings use bold, vigorous, rhythmical strokes of impasto paint combined with delicate brushwork.
This gives an exciting texture to the paint surface along with a sense of abstraction, which reflects nature’s contrasts and delicate harmonies. However, whilst the work is very painterly, it also has a strong sense of place.

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Catherine Abel (Australian, 1966)

Self-taught, Catherine Abel is a successful Australian artist🎨, renowned internationally for her striking figurative oil paintings. Combining the sleek, stylised geometry of the Art Deco period with the clarity, richness of colour, and depth of light of the Italian Renaissance Masters, her works are powerfully seductive compositions of beauty, elegance, strength and grace.
Abel began painting professionally after moving to Paris in 2000. Influenced greatly by European art and history, she immersed herself in her painting, rapidly building her reputation as a fine art painter. She has exhibited in Australia, France and the USA and is a sought-after portraitist.

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Egon Schiele | The portrait of the silent pale girl, 1910

An effusion of my love, – Yes.
I loved everything. The girl came, -
I found here face;
Her unconsciousness
Her worker’s hands,
I loved everything about

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Hilda Rix Nicholas (1884-1961)

Hilda Rix Nicholas was an Australian artist.
Born in the Victorian city of Ballarat, she studied under a leading Australian Impressionist, Frederick McCubbin, at the National Gallery of Victoria Art School from 1902-1905 and was an early member of the Melbourne Society of Women Painters and Sculptors.

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Albert Henry Fullwood (1863-1930)

Albert Henry Fullwood was an Australian artist who made a significant contribution to art in Australia.
He painted with Heidelberg School artists around Melbourne and moved with Tom Roberts and Arthur Streeton to live and paint at their camp in Sirius Cove, Sydney.
Fullwood was the Australian official war artist to the 5th Division in the World War I.
Fullwood was born in Hockely, Birmingham, son of Frederick John Fullwood, jeweller, and his wife Emma, née Barr.

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Arthur Streeton | Pittore Impressionista

Sir Arthur Streeton (1867-1943) è stato un pittore Australiano, membro della celebre Scuola di Heidelberg di artisti Australiani, meglio noto per i suoi paesaggi rurali.
Streeton nacque a Mount Duneed, a sudovest di Geelong, nello stato australiano del Victoria e la sua famiglia si trasferì a Richmond nel 1874. Iniziò i suoi studi presso le National Gallery Schools nel 1882.
Streeton fu influenzato dall'Impressionismo francese e dall'opera di Turner. Durante questo periodo iniziò la sua collaborazione con altri artisti come Frederick McCubbin e Tom Roberts — un gruppo che sarebbe divenuto in seguito il nucleo della Scuola di Heidelberg — iniziò inoltre a dipingere "en plein air" scene rurali della campagna attorno a Melbourne, inclusi il campo per artisti di Box Hill e Heidelberg.

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Deidre But-Husaim (Australian painter, 1959)

Deidre But-Husaim based in Adelaide, South Australia, undertook her formative art study at the Adelaide Central School of Art, where she has since taught painting.
After some years’ travel, exhibiting and working independently, she completed her degree through Adelaide Centre for the Arts in 2006.
Since then, in a number of portraits of both notable Australian public figures and ‘unknown’ subjects, she has sought to explore the dichotomy of the public and private self.
Her work has featured in solo and group exhibitions in Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney, and has been selected for exhibition in the Doug Moran Portrait Prize, the Portia Geach Memorial Award, the Sulman Prize, the Waterhouse National Science Art Prize, the Archibald Prize, the Sunshine Coast Art Prize, the Albany Art Prize, the Arthur Guy Memorial Painting Prize and the Geelong Contemporary Art Prize.

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Bec Winnel | Illustratore

Bec Winnel è un artista ed illustratore commerciale con sede a Melbourne. È nota per i suoi ritratti femminili unici, delicatamente dettagliati.
Il suo lavoro è stato descritto come una reminiscenza delle cartoline vintage vittoriane e i suoi soggetti come anime malinconiche, che iniziano da te attraverso volti belli travestiti.
Sfida i suoi spettatori a non giudicare i suoi soggetti dalla loro bellezza esteriore, ma a guardare nei loro occhi ed oltre. Per provare a vedere la storia più profonda.

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Margarita Georgiadis (Australian painter, 1968)

Internationally renowned Australian artist, Margarita Georgiadis studied both printmaking and painting at the National Art School and Sydney College of the Arts.
She has held many solo exhibitions, participates in regular group and solo shows, has won and been short listed for numerous prestigious National art prizes including: The Archibald, The Mosman Art Prize, The Paddington Art Prize. Awarded The Veolia Mulwaree Trust Scholarship in 2017 to undertake an artists residency in France.
Margarita's work is included in private and corporate collections world wide. Margarita's career as an artist spans over twenty years.
She lives and works in an old and much loved theatre in a small country town and teaches regularly at The Goulburn Regional Art Gallery. Margarita is founder and Principal Tutor at Gunning Fine Art Classes.

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Norman Lindsay | Modern painter / sculptor

Australian artist, etcher, sculptor, writer, editorial cartoonist, scale modeler Norman Alfred William Lindsay (22 February 1879 – 21 November 1969) was one of ten children of Dr and Mrs Charles Lindsay, of Creswick, Victoria. Remarkably, five of their progeny became artists of distinction. He is widely regarded as one of Australia's greatest artists.
From an early age, Norman showed an outstanding ability to draw. He became the principal cartoonist for the Bulletin magazine, fought many controversies against "wowsers", particularly defending his right to paint the figure, wrote novels and children's books including 'The Magic Pudding' and also made ship models and garden sculptures.

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Bec Winnel | Fashion

Bec Winnel - Artist, Illustrator and experimenter: "I enjoy creating beautiful and detailed portraits of imaginary women in imaginary worlds that celebrate the feminine spirit.
My 'girls' are often accompanied by elements of nature, fantasy and items from bygone eras.

My colour palette is mostly soft, subdued pastels, and my mediums include pencil, pastel, watercolour and acrylic.
To further enhance the mystery, my girls are often fading into or out of the background, as if they are nearly there, speaking to you from a distant place.

Whilst I love creating my girls, I also enjoying experimenting in all creative forms including abstract painting, exploring colour, texture, pattern and various subject matters".

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Trisha Lambi (Australian painter, 1962)

I am an Australian painter born in Warwick, a small country town in Queensland. I was raised on a farm as part of a large, happy family. My earliest memories are of drawing and reading for my maiden aunts when I was about 4 or 5 while my brothers and sisters were having a great time playing outside! I still love to draw and read - the maiden aunts didn't put me off..
Light on form is my inspiration. My latest work represents a fusion of the figurative into landscape using strong lighting and moody palettes to provide dramatic narratives.
After school I started a Bachelor of Visual Arts however the lure of money and independence proved too strong and I joined the workforce.

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Helmut Newton | Fotografo di moda

Helmut Newton (nato Helmut Neustädter; Berlino, 31 ottobre 1920 - Los Angeles, 23 gennaio 2004) è stato un fotografo Tedesco naturalizzato Australiano, famoso in particolare per i suoi studi sulla figura femminile.
Nato a Berlino nel quartiere di Schöneberg da una famiglia ebrea, figlio di Klara "Claire" Marquis and Max Neustädter che erano proprietari di una fabbrica di bottoni, cresciuto nella buona borghesia berlinese degli anni venti-trenta, frequenta il Heinrich von Treitschke Realgymnasium e la Scuola Americana a Berlino.