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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Algerian painter. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Algerian painter. Mostra tutti i post
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Abdelhalim Kebieche | Expressionist / Genre painter

"Abdelhalim Kebieche: "I am a friend of the wretched, and so are my colors".".

Abdelhalim Kebieche is an visual artist who was honored with the gold medal at the international competition of Professional d'Art 2020 all categories, organized by the Mondial Art Academy (MAA) of Paris.
A graduate of the National School of Fine Arts in Algiers, Abdelhalim Kebieche has taken part in national and international exhibitions from 1994 until today.
Moreover, his last collective exhibition was last November where he represented Algeria for the 2nd edition of the Contemporary Art Days of Carthage (JACC), in Tunisia.
Kebieche received his first gold medal for his painting "The Absurd" exhibited at the competition of the Mondial Art Academy (MAA) in Paris.

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Jean Bailly, 1940 | Pittore surrealista

Jean è nato ad Algeri.
Dopo l'infanzia ad Orléans, vive a Parigi fino al 1966.
Da quel momento, torna nel suo paese d'infanzia.
Iniziando come kinesiterapista, dedica il suo tempo libero alla pittura.
Poi decide di dedicarsi completamente alla sua arte e lavora come artista free lance.