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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Abstract Art. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Abstract Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Vera Kober, 1986 | Abstract painter

Vera Kober was born and raised up in difficult periods of collapse during the former USSR in family of musicians.
She studied fine art in school in Ukraine and end it in 1999 but her wish to pursue art education in college was not possible due to challenges of moving to another country with the family.
But Kober continued painting where her soul breathes and love flourishes in the face of difficulties.

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Taeil Kim | Abstract painter

Korean artist Taeil Kim / 김태일 begins his art by thinking, “how will I observe and re-create the figure?
Influenced by his observations of people's daily interactions with nature, he is able to create moving and unique portraits.
Kim is heavily influenced by the work of such masters as Rembrandt and 19th Century Impressionism.

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Vincent Magni, 1963 | Abstract artist

Artist since always, Vincent Magni was born in St Etienne. He currently lives and works in France, in Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye, in the Yonne.
It is the place where he created in 2006, in an old industrial wasteland of 10 000 square meters, a village of artists called "The Poetry", where he invites other creators to come to settle there.
An innovative and inspired sculptor, the characters he creates are tribute to life and movement, while respecting the materials used.
Playing with the idea of an intrinsic dynamics, its metal mobiles are animated with a life of their own and interact directly with the spectator.
Their brilliant colors, like a hymn to joy, give them the appearance of human-sized toys.

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Lyse Marion | Abstract Mixed-media painter

Mixing and experimenting with various digital techniques and inspired by nature, Marion creates bold imagery with a touch of mystery.
A Canadian artist living near Montreal, Lyse Marion borrows from a range of visual imagery to create lyrical and evocative digital collages.
Marion is currently the manager of a small gallery near Montreal and draws upon her experience in social work and a passion for art to help create her images.

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Agnes Lawrence Pelton | Abstract painter

Agnes Lawrence Pelton (1881-1961) was a modernist painter who was born in Germany and moved to the United States as a child.
She studied art in the United States and Europe. She made portraits of Pueblo Native Americans, desert landscapes and still lifes.
Pelton's work evolved through at least three distinct themes: her early "Imaginative Paintings," art of the American Southwest people and landscape, and abstract art that reflected her spiritual beliefs.

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Bobbie Burgers, 1973 | Abstract floral painter

Vancouver artist Bobbie Burgers received a B.A. in Art History in 1996 from the University of Victoria in British Columbia.
Her work has been exhibited widely at home and abroad, notably including Art Market San Francisco and Equinox Gallery.
Today, her works are in the collections of the Berost Corporation in Toronto and the Royal Bank of Canada, among others.
Burgers lives and works in Vancouver, Canada.

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Mohamad Tammam | Abstract painter

Tammam Mohamad is an Syrian painter, born in Lattakia (Latakia) the principal port city of Syria.
Mohamad is a Member of the Syrian Plastic Artists Union and residing in Syria - in Lattakia (Latakia).

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Claire Basler, 1960 | Abstract Flowers painter

French artist Claire Basler - born in Vincennes, France - studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts before bringing her work to the world - first exhibiting locally in Paris and later reaching an international audience with gallery exhibits spanning the globe from London to Beijing, Houston to Brussels..
It was at the Louvre, though, where she found her inspiration, spending hours around the masterpieces of the museum’s collections, becoming especially enamoured with the work of 18th Century French artists such as Watteau, which remain a point of reference for her own work.

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Michele Lehmann, 1940 | Abstract painter

Michele Lehmann was born in Switzerland but moved to Mijas in southern Spain over 30 years ago.
After arriving there, Michele opened an art gallery as an outlet for local artists.
Although not an artist herself she began sketching to pass the time.
It began with a sketch of an old woman in black who passed the gallery every day.
She moved too fast for Michele to draw so the image captured her from behind.

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Wassily Kandinsky | Abstract painter

Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky / Васи́лий Васи́льевич Канди́нский (16 December [O.S. 4 December] 1866 - 13 December 1944) was a Russian painter🎨 and art theorist.
Kandinsky is generally credited as the pioneer of abstract art🎨.
Born in Moscow, Kandinsky spent his childhood in Odessa, where he graduated at Grekov Odessa Art school.
He enrolled at the University of Moscow, studying law and economics. Successful in his profession - he was offered a professorship (chair of Roman Law) at the University of Dorpat - Kandinsky began painting studies (life-drawing, sketching and anatomy) at the age of 30.

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Henri Lamy, 1985 | Abstract painter

Henri Lamy is a French figurative painter, being used to paint, thanks to his father, when he was a kid, Henri admires Pollock «drip painting» technique (that consists in dropping paint from the palette knife he uses, straight to the canvas, or even throwing it).

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Nicola Simbari (1927-2012) | Abstract painter

Nicola Simbari was an Italian painter.
Though born in San Lucido, Calabria, Nicola Simbari was raised in Rome, where his father was an architect for the Vatican.
He studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma and in the 1940s he began devoting himself to painting in a studio at Via del Babuino in central Rome.
He began to develop a distinct style stemming from impressions of life, nature and the Mediterranean, impressions which abstractly reflect themselves in the purely vivid and passionate colors of his work.

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Fractal Art

Fractal art developed from the mid-1980s onwards.
Fractal art is a form of algorithmic art created by calculating fractal objects and representing the calculation results as still images, animations, and media.
It is a genre of computer art and digital art which are part of new media art. The mathematical beauty of fractals lies at the intersection of generative art and computer art. They combine to produce a type of abstract art.

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Christine Peloquin | Florida

Christine Peloquin è un'artista multimediale mista 2-D che disegna e dipinge volti, figure, paesaggi ed astratti su collage.
Utilizza molti materiali diversi tra cui carbone, acrilici traslucidi, acquerelli, monostampe, oggetti trovati, trasferimenti di foto, tessuti e carte su pannelli di legno.
Christine insegna le sue tecniche multimediali miste dal 2009 ed offre seminari nel suo studio a Orlando e negli Stati Uniti.
Da 30 anni vende le sue opere d'arte in gallerie e festival in tutto il paese.

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George McNeil (1908-1995)

Pioniere dell'espressionismo astratto della New York School, George McNeil ha tenuto oltre quaranta mostre personali durante la sua vita.
George J. McNeil nacque nel Queens, a New York, il 22 febbraio 1908, il figlio più giovane di una famiglia operaia cattolica irlandese.
Ha frequentato la Brooklyn Tech High School ed il Pratt Institute, che ha lasciato prima di conseguire la laurea.
Ha poi copiato opere al Metropolitan Museum of Art e ha frequentato i corsi della Art Students League, dove ha studiato con Jan Matulka nel 1931-1932.

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Raymond Poulet, 1934

Raymond Poulet è nato a Parigi da una famiglia modesta.
Ha ottenuto a borsa di studio per frequentare le scuole di Arts Decoratifs e Beaux-arts di Parigi.
Lui Frequenta inoltre corsi presso varie accademie di pittura e scultura a Parigi.
Lui tenne la sua prima mostra collettiva nel 1960, a cui seguirono quelle personali in Francia e negli Stati Uniti.

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Hasan Saygin, 1958

Hasan Saygin è nato a Karamanli, Turchia.
Dopo aver completato gli studi all'Ecole des Beaux Arts di Istanbul, è arrivato in Francia nel 1982 e da allora si è dedicato alla pittura.
Ha presentato le sue opere al Salon Automne di Parigi, Artistes Français, Comparisons -Fall, French Artists, Comparisons.
Ha ricevuto inoltre numerosi premi e medaglie - Deauville nell'89 - Premio Jacques Catinat a Chatou - Medaglia della Città di Parigi nel 1990 - Premio del Consiglio Generale degli Yvelines nel 1991 - Forme e colori 91 a Washington.

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Roberta Ubaldi, 1965 | Abstract /Figurative painter

Italian painter Roberta Ubaldi was born in Terni and lives and works in Narni, a small city rich in history in the region of Umbria.
In 1984 she obtained a diploma as Fine Arts Teacher.
The curiosity and the desire to grow, led her to experiment and so, after studying and applying various classical techniques, she gradually developed a well-defined style of her own, characterized by extreme painting techniques and colours reduced to the bone.

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Ben Nicholson (1894-1982)

Ben Nicholson, all'anagrafe Benjamin Lauder Nicholson, è stato un pittore Britannico.
Figlio del pittore William Nicholson, nasce a Denham, nel Buckinghamshire, studia in varie scuole a Londra (contemporaneamente con Paul Nash, Stanley Spencer, Mark Gertler e Edward Wadsworth), a La Tour e a Milano per recarsi infine anche a Pasadena.
Rimase molto legato alle esperienze neoplastiche, imponendosi fra i pittori astratto-geometrici più importanti del suo tempo.
Nicholson si sposa per tre volte dando alla luce sei figli.

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Hermin Abramovitch

Hermin Abramovitch è un talentuoso fotografo rumeno.
Attualmente vivo in Israele e lavoro come responsabile della garanzia della qualità e degli affari normativi presso Harmonic at Harmonic, prima di lavorare nella Six Sigma Black Belt presso GE Healthcare.
Ha studiato presso l'Universitatea 'Politehnica' di Bucuresti, Romania. Parlando in inglese, ebraico, francese, rumeno.
Dicono che mangi fotografia invece di pane.