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Visualizzazione post con etichetta 21st Century Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Mariangela Gualtieri | Se la parola amore è

Se la parola amore è
uno straccio lurido,
se non ho altra lingua per dire cosa
amo, se l’anima adesso è un ingombro
e il cielo un posto come un altro
se dormiamo e dormiamo

Alfred W. Elmore (1815-1881) | A Greek Ode | Christie's

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Stefan Draschan, 1979 | Coincidences at Museums

Austrian photographer Stefan Draschan is a self-confessed flâneur(a French term popularized in the 19th century for a type of urban male "stroller", "lounger", "saunterer", or "loafer").
Draschan commutes between Vienna, Berlin, Naples, and Paris.
His penchants for museum-going and people-watching blossomed into a wildly successful blog-turned-book: Coincidences at Museums (2019), in which he photographed other museum-goers who inadvertently matched with the paintings in front of them.

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Giuseppe De Palma, 2001 | Portrait painter

Giuseppe De Palma is an Italian painter born in Puglia and established in Florence.
Giuseppe De Palma currently is a advanced painting student at the Florence Academy of Art.
His works are inspired by the narrative component of works from the past, a sort of storytelling capable of making painting a communicable language with a social function.
In 2023, Giuseppe de Palma, winner of the first prize of the competition organized by the ARC Scholarship Competition, was awarded the Brian Yoder (Founder of the Art Renewal Center, 1961-2021) Memorial Scholarship.

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Paulo Coelho: "Ciò che ci ferisce, ci cura anche"

"Dicono che durante la nostra vita abbiamo due grandi amori. Uno con il quale ti sposerai o vivrai per sempre, può essere il padre o la madre dei tuoi figli: con questa persona otterrai la massima comprensione per stare il resto della tua vita insieme.
E dicono che c’è un secondo grande amore, una persona che perderai per sempre. Qualcuno con cui sei nato collegato, così collegato, che le forze della chimica scappano dalla ragione e ti impediranno sempre di raggiungere un finale felice. Fino a che un giorno smetterai di provarci, ti arrenderai e cercherai un’altra persona che finirai per incontrare.

Abdullah Evindar

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Olga & Aleksey Ivanov Illustration

Olga and Aleksey Ivanov are considered two of the top Egg Tempera Fine Artists in the country today.
Olga and Aleksey Ivanov are clearly a team built on ingenious creativity, mythology, technical precision, playful storytelling combined with a traditional execution proving masterpieces each time they offer a painting.
Olga and Aleksey Ivanov are considered two of the top Egg Tempera Fine Artists in the country today.
Their modern approach to an ancient art form shows reverence to the medium.

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Mariangela Gualtieri | Non sono capace, amore / I cannot, my love

Non sono capace, amore, di farti un canto.
Tu sei tutto di spine e di fuoco
e mi tieni lontana dal tuo cuore

pericoloso. Io non so bastarti alla gioia
e così poco così poco mi pare
t’incanto, sollevo quell’ombra scontrosa

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René Magritte | Le Préméditation, 1943

"Before the war, my paintings expressed anxiety", René Magritte explained, "but the experiences of war have taught me that what matters in art is to express charm.
"I live in a very disagreeable world, and my work is meant as a counter-offensive".

Painted during the final months of 1943, Le Préméditation is one of the earliest in a series known as Le Surréalisme en plein soleil (Surrealism in sunshine), created by Belgian Surrealist René Magritte (1898-1967) during the turbulent years of the Second World War in the hope of re-enchanting daily life.
A radiant bouquet of springtime flowers all improbably sprouting from the same plant, Le Préméditation captures a magnificent vision of optimism and hope.

René Magritte | Premeditation, 1943 | Christie’s

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Rudi Hurzlmeier, 1952 | Cartoonist / Illustrator

Rudi Hurzlmeier (born in Mallersdorf Abbey, in Bavaria) is a German cartoonist, painter and author.
Hurzlmeier has been dedicated to comic art since the early eighties.
His works have also been acclaimed by classical art critics.
In 2010 he was awarded the German Caricature Prize in Dresden, the most important award for cartoonists in Germany.

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Jane Crowther, 1962

Originally from York (UK), Jane Crowther studied Illustration BA(Hons) at Kingston Polytechnic.
In the early 1990’s, whilst based in North London, Jane designed a small range of greeting cards to supplement her meagre income as an artist, initially selling them at craft fairs alongside her large multi-media paintings.
The cards started to sell really well and Jane made the commercial decision to concentrate on her card designs.

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Alex Gross, 1968 | Pop surrealism painter

Alex Gross lives in Portland, Oregon. In 1990, he received a BFA with honors from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena.
Since then, he has had ten solo exhibitions at various galleries, and participated in dozens of museum and gallery exhibitions across the globe.
His 2017 exhibition with Corey Helford Gallery was his most recent solo exhibition.
In the summer of 2007, Alex's first retrospective museum show was held at the Grand Central Art Center in Santa Ana, California.

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Joseph Lorusso, 1966 | Il pittore romantico

Di origini italiane, Joseph Lorusso è stato esposto all'arte in tenera età.
Attraverso diversi viaggi iniziali in Italia, i suoi genitori lo hanno introdotto alle opere dei maestri italiani.
Lorusso avrebbe guardato a queste influenze durante il suo primo sviluppo artistico e sono ancora evidenti nel suo lavoro odierno.
Durante gli anni della scuola, Lorusso si è specializzato in acquerelli e si considera un autodidatta come pittore ad olio.

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Eva Melhuish | Scandinavian Christmas cards

Eva Melhuish is an illustrator who has been published across Europe, the USA and has worked on global projects with UNICEF.
With a Swedish mother and English father, Eva is bi-lingual and has travelled extensively.
Her work reflects this diverse background and she illustrates a wide range of subjects, from natural history and horses to gardening and educational books.
Eva grew up in Sweden and her Scandinavian roots are a key influence.

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Ed Wheeler | Santa Classic

In a series of self-portraits dressed as Santa Claus, Philadelphia-based artist Ed Wheeler, photographer, incorporates himself in classical paintings from Botticelli to Caravaggio to Monet.
In so doing he transforms the masterworks of art history from the Renaissance to the Surrealists. Santa Classics, his derivative art series, is based on a digital photography process.
Wheeler’s goal is to pay homage to the original paintings while offering art lovers an additional reason to smile.

Francesco Hayez | The Kiss, 1859 | Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan

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Wisława Szymborska / René Magritte | A Note / Una nota

Life is the only way
to get covered in leaves,
catch your breath on the sand,
rise on wings;
to be a dog,
or stroke its warm fur;

to tell pain
from everything it's not;

to squeeze inside events,
dawdle in views,
to seek the least of all possible mistakes.

An extraordinary chance
to remember for a moment
a conversation held
with the lamp switched off;

and if only once
to stumble upon a stone,
end up soaked in one downpour or another,

mislay your keys in the grass;
and to follow a spark on the wind with your eyes;
and to keep on not knowing
something important.

René Magritte | L'Utopie, 1945 | Cleveland Museum of Art

Wisława Szymborska | Una nota

La vita - è il solo modo
per coprirsi di foglie,
prendere fiato sulla sabbia,
sollevarsi sulle ali;

essere un cane,
o carezzarlo sul suo pelo caldo;
distinguere il dolore
da tutto ciò che dolore non è;

stare dentro gli eventi,
dileguarsi nelle vedute,
cercare il più piccolo errore.

Un’occasione eccezionale
per ricordare per un attimo
di che si è parlato
a luce spenta;

e almeno per una volta
inciampare in una pietra,
bagnarsi in qualche pioggia,
perdere le chiavi tra l’erba;

e seguire con gli occhi una scintilla
nel vento;

e persistere nel non sapere
qualcosa d’importante.

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Mahmoud Darwish | Un altro giorno verrà / Another day will come

Mahmoud Darwish (1941-2008) è stato un poeta, scrittore e giornalista Palestinese.
È autore di circa venti raccolte di poesie, pubblicate a partire dal 1964, e sette opere in prosa, di argomento narrativo o saggistico.
È considerato tra i maggiori poeti in lingua araba.
Darwish ha vinto numerosi premi per le sue opere.
È stato giornalista e direttore della rivista letteraria "al-Karmel" (Il Carmelo), e dal 1994 era membro del Parlamento dell'Autorità Nazionale Palestinese.
È considerato poeta nazionale della Palestina per cui scrisse nel 1988 la Dichiarazione d'indipendenza, poi proclamata da Yasser Arafat.
I suoi libri sono stati tradotti in più di venti lingue e diffusi in tutto il mondo.

Mahmoud Darwish | Un altro giorno verrà

Shamsia Hassani | Hope is always beautiful even when you know you are the loser

Un altro giorno verrà, un giorno femmineo,
alla metafora trasparente,
compiuto, diamantino, di visita nuziale, soleggiato,
fluido, allegro. Nessuno sentirà
alcun bisogno di suicidio o di migrazione.

Poiché ogni cosa, fuori del passato, è naturale e vera,
sinonimo dei suoi attributi originari.

Come se il tempo oziasse in vacanza… "Prolunga il bel
della tua grazia. Illùminati nel sole dei tuoi seni di seta,
e aspetta l’arrivo della buona novella. Poi,
potremo crescere. Abbiamo ancora tempo
per crescere dopo questo giorno…"

Un altro giorno verrà,
un giorno femmineo,
dal cenno canterino e dal saluto e verbo azzurri.

Tutto è femmineo fuori del passato,
l’acqua scorre dalle mammelle della pietra.

Nessuna polvere, nessuna siccità, e nessuna sconfitta.
E le colombe dormono in un carro armato abbandonato
quando non trovano un piccolo nido
nel letto degli amanti.

Mahmoud Darwish | Another day will come

Another day will come, a womanly day
diaphanous in metaphor, complete in being,
diamond and processional in visitation, sunny,
flexible, with a light shadow. No one will feel
a desire for suicide or for leaving. All
things, outside the past, natural and real,
will be synonyms of their early traits. As if time
is slumbering on vacation…"

"Extend your lovely
beauty-time. Sunbathe in the sun of your silken breasts,
and wait until good omen arrives. Later
we will grow older. We have enough time
to grow older after this day…"/

Another day will come, a womanly day
songlike in gesture, lapis in greeting
and in phrase. All things will be feminine outside
the past. Water will flow from rock's bosom.

No dust, no drought, no defeat.
And a dove will sleep in the afternoon in an abandoned
combat tank if it doesn't find a small nest
in the lovers' bed…

Mahmoud Darwish (1941-2008) was a Palestinian poet and author who was regarded as Palestine's national poet.
In 1988, Darwish wrote the Palestinian Declaration of Independence, which was the formal declaration for the creation of a State of Palestine.
Darwish won numerous awards for his works.
In his poetic works, Darwish explored Palestine as a metaphor for the loss of Eden, birth and resurrection, and the anguish of dispossession and exile.
He has been described as incarnating and reflecting "the tradition of the political poet in Islam, the man of action whose action is poetry".
He also served as an editor for several literary magazines in Israel and the Palestinian territories.
Darwish wrote in Arabic, and also spoke English, French and Hebrew.

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Book sculptures by Jodi Harvey-Brown

- "I have always loved art, and I have always loved to read.
Books pull you into a new world, while art lets you see it.
It made sense to me that these two mediums should come together.
The books that we love to read should be made to come to life.
Characters, that we care so much for, should come out of the pages to show us their stories.
What we see in our imaginations as we read should be there for the world to see.
My book sculptures are my way of making stories come alive" - Jodi Harvey-Brown.

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Cindy Hendrick | Watercolor illustrator

A love of gardening, nature and woodland animals inspire Hendrick’s artwork.
Spending time in her surroundings, she observes these friends of the forest and field and their quirky behaviors.
The small company Hendrick started from her home in 2004, Woodfield Press has grown from humble beginnings with a handful of notecards and a couple of paper doll kits to a business with products in up to 450 stores throughout the US and the ability to print 40,000 cards at a time.

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Alaa Awad, 1981 | Neo-pharaonic style art

Dr. Alaa Awad is an Egyptian painter and muralist, known for his public murals in Cairo and Luxor, Egypt.
Inspired by ancient Egyptian heritage and contemporary society, some of Awad’s most popular work includes scenes of celebration, victory, Sufism, Egyptian social life and culture.
Currently, he serves as an assistant lecturer and PhD candidate at South Valley University (SVU), Faculty of Fine Arts.
His PhD working dissertation title is, "Artistic Vision Inspired by the Murals of War and Peace in Ancient Egyptian Art" and will be released in 2019.

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Balbusso Twins, le gemelle dell'illustrazione

Anna ed Elena Balbusso, gemelle, vivono e lavorano a Milano.
Diplomate in pittura all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, dal 1994 operano come illustratrici freelance per la pubblicità e l’editoria sia in Italia che all’estero.
Dal 1998 illustrano libri per ragazzi e copertine con varie case editrici.
Dal 2003 lavorano con testate francesi nell’ambito della comunicazione e dei magazine.
Nel 2006 hanno iniziato nuove collaborazioni nell’editoria per ragazzi in Francia ed in Corea del Sud.

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Chiaki Okada | Children's book illustrator

Chiaki Okada / 岡田 千晶 is an illustrator and author of children’s books from Osaka, Japan.
Her gentle, calming artwork was selected at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in 2010 and she has since illustrated books by authors from around the world.
Her first picture book published in English, For All the Stars Across the Sky, was released in 2019. She lives in Japan.