Dammi il mio giorno;
ch’io mi cerchi ancora
un volto d’anni sopito
che un cavo d’acque
riporti in trasparenza,
e ch’io pianga amore di me stesso.
Antonio Nunziante | Cometa
Ti cammino sul cuore,
ed è un trovarsi d’astri
in arcipelaghi insonni,
notte, fraterni a me
fossile emerso da uno stanco flutto;
un incurvarsi d’orbite segrete
dove siamo fitti
coi macigni e l’erbe.
Alexandre-Auguste Hirsch (1833-1912) | Calliope teaches Music to the young Orpheus, 1865 | Musée d'art et d'archéologie du Périgord
Salvatore Quasimodo | Grant me my Day
Grant me my day;
so I might yet search myself
for some dormant face of the years
that a hollow of water
returns in its transparency
and weep for love of myself.
You are a path in the heart
and a finding of stars
in sleepless archipelagos,
night, kindly to me
a fossil thrown from a weary wave;
a curve of secret orbit,
where we are close
to rocks and grasses.
Salvatore Quasimodo (Italian poet and translator, awarded the 1959 Nobel Prize in Literature, 1901-1968)
Antonio Nunziante | Arcadia