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Maksymilian Novak-Zempliński, 1974

Maksymilian Novak-Zempliński was born in Warsaw.
In 1999, he graduated with honors from the European Academy of Arts in Warsaw.
He obtained his diploma in the studios of prof. A. Fałat and prof. A. Sadowski.
He deals with easel painting in oil and acrylic, illusionistic painting and occasionally sculpture.

For an artist, form is more important than content in painting, which is why when creating, he focuses especially on this first layer.
The artist's paintings are characterized by craftsmanship perfection.
Zempliński paints using the techniques of old masters, paying great attention to the final effect and finishing of his works.

"For me, form is more important than content in painting, so when creating I focus especially on the first layer.
When I look at the painting, I see abstract forms, even though it is largely a representational painting.
The entire sphere of meaning is slightly less mysterious to me than to the recipient of my work, and I believe that this is better than a situation where the image from A to Z is painfully "calculated".
For me, there must be room for randomness in a painting.

It gives you pleasure while working.
The painting then takes on a life of its own and surprises the creator himself.
I don't rule out the possibility that I unintentionally create some kind of meaning in the image, but I guess everyone does it.
Besides, I usually create under the influence of great emotions and there is more chance in the painting than is visible at first glance.
I feel a bit like someone who has lost his memory and is trying to recreate images from the past by painting. It's an amazing feeling".

Maksymilian Novák-Zemplinski è nato a Varsavia.
Ha studiato presso il Dipartimento di Pittura dell'Accademia Europea delle Arti e si è diplomato nel 1999 nello studio del prof. A. Falat ed il prof. A. Sadowski.
Novák-Zemplinski è noto per la sua pittura da cavalletto con tecnica ad olio ed acrilica, la pittura illusionistica e la scultura.

Utilizza le tecniche degli antichi maestri ed attribuisce grande importanza all'effetto finale ed alla finitura delle sue tele.
Le sue opere sono popolari e si trovano in numerose collezioni in Polonia ed all'estero.