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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Young Girl with Hat, 1893

Pierre-Auguste Renoir loved to paint his models wearing hats and bonnets.
"He put heaps of them on my head", one model reported.
"He took me to the milliners' shops; he never ceased buying lots of hats".
Renoir painted these accessories continually, even after his dealer, Durand-Ruel, advised him that hats were going out of fashion and that his works might sell better if he didn't include them.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Young Girl with Hat / Jeune fille au chapeau, 1893 (detail) | Barnes Foundation

In this canvas, the hat, rather than the woman wearing it, seems to be the focus of attention. | Source: © The Barnes Foundation

Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Jardin du peintre à Essoyes, 1909

Pierre-Auguste Renoir amava dipingere i suoi modelli indossando cappelli e cuffiette.
"Me ne ha messi un sacco in testa", ha riferito un modello.
"Mi portava nelle botteghe delle modiste; non smetteva mai di comprare tanti cappelli".
Renoir dipingeva questi accessori continuamente, anche dopo che il suo mercante, Durand-Ruel, gli aveva detto che i cappelli stavano passando di moda e che le sue opere avrebbero potuto vendersi meglio se non li avesse inclusi.
In questa tela, il cappello, più che la donna che lo indossa, sembra essere al centro dell'attenzione. | Fonte: © The Barnes Foundation

Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Young Girl with Hat / Jeune fille au chapeau, 1893 (detail) | Barnes Foundation

Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Young Girl with Hat / Jeune fille au chapeau, 1893 | Barnes Foundation

Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Woman with a Fan | The Clark Art Institute

Pierre-Auguste Renoir | The hatpin, 1898

Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Young woman in white head, 1892