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Paul Fenniak, 1965

Paul Fenniak was born in Toronto, Canada.
He received a Master of Fine Art degree from Concordia University in Montreal.
He is represented by Forum Gallery in New York where four solo exhibitions of his work have taken place to date (’99,’04,’09,‘16).
Two solo shows were held at Galerie de Bellefeuille in Montreal (’96,’02).

In 2000 a traveling exhibition of his work was organized by two Canadian museums: The Mendel Art Gallery in Saskatoon and The Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa.
He has participated in many group exhibitions in museums across the United States such as "New Old Masters" (2006) at the Naples Museum of Art in Florida, which featured work by John Currin, Julie Heffernan, Vincent Desiderio and Odd Nerdrum among others.

In 2016 his work was included in the exhibition "Truth and Vision: 21st Century Realism" at the Delaware Art Museum which featured paintings from the book "Behind the Easel: The Unique Voices of 20 Contemporary Representational Painters", published in 2015.

Critic Donald Kuspit called Fenniak "a master of the psychological realism that has existed in secular North European painting from Dürer through Rembrandt to Degas and Max Beckmann".
Writing in the New York Times, critic Ken Johnson said of Fenniak’s work: "… there is a genuinely haunting, cinematic monumentality.
It reminds one that the narrative as well as painterly possibilities of traditional, figurative representation are still far from exhausted".
He has received awards from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, and the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation.

Paul Fenniak è nato a Toronto, in Canada.
Ha conseguito un Master in Belle Arti presso la Concordia University di Montreal.
È rappresentato dalla Forum Gallery di New York dove fino ad oggi hanno avuto luogo quattro mostre personali del suo lavoro ('99,'04,'09,'16).
Due mostre personali si sono tenute alla Galerie de Bellefeuille di Montreal (’96,’02).
Nel 2000 una mostra itinerante del suo lavoro è stata organizzata da due musei canadesi: The Mendel Art Gallery a Saskatoon e The Robert McLaughlin Gallery a Oshawa.

Ha partecipato a numerose mostre collettive in musei negli Stati Uniti come "New Old Masters" (2006) al Naples Museum of Art in Florida, che presentava opere di John Currin, Julie Heffernan, Vincent Desiderio e Odd Nerdrum tra gli altri.
Nel 2016 il suo lavoro è stato incluso nella mostra "Truth and Vision: 21st Century Realism" al Delaware Art Museum che presentava dipinti tratti dal libro "Behind the Easel: The Unique Voices of 20 Contemporary Representational Painters", pubblicato nel 2015.
Il critico Donald Kuspit definì Fenniak "un maestro del realismo psicologico che è esistito nella pittura secolare del Nord Europa, da Dürer a Rembrandt fino a Degas e Max Beckmann".

Scrivendo sul New York Times, il critico Ken Johnson ha detto del lavoro di Fenniak: "…c'è una monumentalità cinematografica davvero inquietante.
Ci ricorda che le possibilità narrative e pittoriche della rappresentazione figurativa tradizionale sono ancora lungi dall'essere esaurite".
Ha ricevuto premi dalla Pollock-Krasner Foundation, dalla Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts e dalla Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation.