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Thomas Faed | Genre painter

Thomas Faed RSA (1826-1900) was a Scottish painter.
Faed was born on 8 June 1826, at Barlay Mill in Gatehouse of Fleet, Kirkcudbrightshire, and was the brother of the artists James Faed, John Faed and Susan Faed.
He received his art education in the school of design, Edinburgh and was elected an associate of the Royal Scottish Academy in 1849.
He went to London three years later, was elected an associate of the Royal Academy in 1861, and academician in 1864, and retired in 1893.

He had much success as a painter of domestic genre, and had considerable executive capacity.
In 1850 he was living at 16 Comely Bank in north Edinburgh with his brother James Faed, an engraver.
During his time in Edinburgh he was a member of the Edinburgh Smashers Club alongside William Fettes Douglas.
Three of his pictures, The Silken Gown, Faults on Both Sides and The Highland Mother are in the Tate Gallery and a further two, Highland Mary and The Reaper hang in the Aberdeen Art Gallery.

The Last of the Clan, completed in 1865 and arguably his best known work, is in the Kelvingrove Gallery in Glasgow.
He produced several versions of this work, including a smaller version now in The Fleming Collection.
Two other celebrated pictures are The Motherless Bairn and Scott and His Literary Friends at Abbotsford.
He died in London on 17 August 1900. | Source: © Wikipedia

John Pettie | Portrait of Thomas Faed, 1887

Thomas Faed RSA (1826-1900) è stato un pittore Scozzese.
Vita Faed nacque l'8 giugno 1826, a Barlay Mill a Gatehouse of Fleet, Kirkcudbrightshire, ed era il fratello degli artisti James Faed, John Faed e Susan Faed.
Ricevette la sua educazione artistica alla School of Design di Edimburgo e fu eletto socio della Royal Scottish Academy nel 1849.
Andò a Londra tre anni dopo, fu eletto socio della Royal Academy nel 1861 ed accademico nel 1864, e si ritirò nel 1893.

Ebbe molto successo come pittore di genere domestico ed ebbe notevoli capacità esecutive.
Nel 1850 viveva al 16 di Comely Bank, nel nord di Edimburgo, con suo fratello James Faed, un incisore.
Durante la sua permanenza a Edimburgo fu membro dell'Edinburgh Smashers Club insieme ad William Fettes Douglas.
Tre dei suoi quadri, The Silken Gown, Faults on Both Sides e The Highland Mother sono alla Tate Gallery ed altri due, Highland Mary e The Reaper sono appesi alla Aberdeen Art Gallery.

L'ultimo del clan, completato nel 1865 e probabilmente la sua opera più conosciuta, si trova alla Kelvingrove Gallery di Glasgow.
Ha prodotto diverse versioni di quest'opera, inclusa una versione più piccola ora nella Collezione Fleming.
Altri due celebri tele sono The Motherless Bairn e Scott and His Literary Friends at Abbotsford. | Fonte: © British Wikipedia
Morì a Londra il 17 agosto 1900.