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Felix Ehrlich | Genre painter

Felix Ehrlich (1866-1931) was a German portrait and genre painter.
Ehrlich studied painting at the Königsberg Art Academy under Carl Steffeck since 1883 and became his master student in 1888.
Back in Berlin he was appointed court painter in 1896.
In the same year he married Bertha Homoth.
Felix Ehrlich portrayed Otto von Bismarck as well as Kaiser Wilhelm II and his wife, the crown prince couple and many high-ranking officials and officers.

Based on photographs taken by court photographers (including Reichard and Lindner, Thomas Heinrich Voigt), he created around sixty oil portraits of the emperor in various uniforms.
Portraits of the monarch as a grand admiral that are preserved in museum possessions show a moderate influence of impressionism in terms of color and style.

At least three portraits of Wilhelm II in field gray uniform were widely distributed as color reproductions on postcards during the First World War.
Ehrlich also worked as a genre painter.
He also painted animal pieces, religious and historical portraits. | Source: © German Wikipedia

Felix Ehrlich (1866-1931) è stato un pittore Tedesco di ritratti e di genere.
Ehrlich studiò pittura con Carl Steffeck all'Accademia d'Arte di Königsberg dal 1883 e divenne il suo studente maestro nel 1888.
Tornato a Berlino, fu nominato pittore di corte nel 1896.

Felix Ehrlich ha dipinto Otto von Bismarck, l'imperatore Guglielmo II e sua moglie, la coppia del principe ereditario e molti alti funzionari ed ufficiali.
Basato su fotografie di fotografi di corte (tra cui Reichard and Lindner, Thomas Heinrich Voigt) realizzò una sessantina di ritratti ad olio dell'imperatore in varie uniformi.
I ritratti del monarca come grande ammiraglio conservati nei musei mostrano una moderata influenza dell'impressionismo nel colore e nello stile. | Fonte: © German Wikipedia