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Olga and Sergey Kamennoy

Sergey and Olga are the couple of artists working together under a pseudonym "KAMU Sergey and Olga" for more than 15 years.
Sergey Kamennoy / Сергей Каменной is Ukrainian and Olga Kamennoy / Ольга Каменная is Russian, born in Moscow.
Sergey was born in the city of Kharkov in 1959, Ukraine, in the artist’s family.

From 1974-1978 he studied at the Art school, from 1978-1983 - at the Academy of Art, Kharkov, Ukraine.
From 1988 he is the Member of the Artists Union of Ukraine.
Olga and Sergey are the Members of the Artists Union of France.
They live near Paris.
During his studies, Sergey discovered that he is colour-blind, he excelled in drawing, engraving and etching during this period and built a successful career in drawing.

His collaboration with Olga consists today of working together on every piece of art.
Sergey makes preparative drawings in black and white, he draws the characters, subjects on gold leafs and adds engravings.
Olga chooses and works with colours and also draws faces.