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Carla Paine, 1982

American painter Carla Louise Paine was educated in the traditions and techniques of classical oil painting in Florence, Italy.
There, at the Florence Academy of Art, she completed three years of intense study, spending her last trimester in 2010 in Sweden at the Academy’s Scandinavian branch.
Prior to that she studied at the highly regarded School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Carla has received numerous awards and recognition for her work including being two times awarded 'Best Nude' in the annual Art Renewal Center Salon as well as being awarded 'Collections Magazine Award' and the 'Duel Category Award'.

She has received both 'Best Figurative' and 'Collector's Choice Award' from the International Guild of Realism, multiple Bold Brush Awards, second place in The Artist’s Magazine figurative competition, and has been included in Southwest Art Magazine 'Artist to Watch' feature.

She has also been a participant in exhibitions nation wide as well as over seas, including exhibiting with The Art Renewal Center’s 2015 and 2020 Exhibition at the European Museum of Modern Art in Barcelona Spain, Oil Painters of America, The National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society, The International Guild of Realism, and The Scottsdale Salon of Fine Art.
Currently living in Washington State, Carla has set up a studio on her small farm just outside of the state’s capitol, Olympia.

La pittrice Americana Carla Louise Paine è stata educata nelle tradizioni e nelle tecniche della pittura ad olio classica a Firenze, Italia.
Lì, presso l’Accademia d’Arte di Firenze, ha completato tre anni di intenso studio, trascorrendo il suo ultimo trimestre nel 2010 in Svezia presso la filiale scandinava dell’Accademia.
In precedenza ha studiato presso la prestigiosa School of the Art Institute di Chicago.
Carla ha ricevuto numerosi premi e riconoscimenti per il suo lavoro, tra cui il premio "Best Nude" per due volte nell'annuale Art Renewal Center Salon, nonché il "Collections Magazine Award" ed il "Duel Category Award".

Ha ricevuto sia il "Miglior figurativo" che il "Collector's Choice Award" dall'International Guild of Realism, numerosi Bold Brush Awards, il secondo posto nel concorso figurativo di The Artist's Magazine ed è stata inclusa nella funzione "Artist to Watch" del Southwest Art Magazine.
Ha anche partecipato a mostre a livello nazionale ed oltremare, tra cui l'esposizione con la mostra 2015 e 2020 dell'Art Renewal Center al Museo Europeo di Arte Moderna di Barcellona, Spagna, Oil Painters of America, The National Oil and acrilico Painters Society, The International Guild of Realism e The Scottsdale Salon of Fine Art.
Attualmente vive nello Stato di Washington, Carla ha aperto uno studio nella sua piccola fattoria appena fuori dalla capitale dello stato, Olympia.