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Marcus Stone | Victorian Romantic painter

Marcus Stone RA (4 July 1840 - 24 March 1921) was an English painter.
Stone was born in London, and was educated at the Royal Academy.
Marcus Clayton Stone was the son of Frank Stone ARA. Marcus was trained by his father and began to exhibit at the Royal Academy, before he was eighteen.
A few years later he illustrated, with much success, books by Charles Dickens, Anthony Trollope and other writers who were friends of his family.

Stone was elected an Associate of the Royal Academy in 1877, and Academician in 1887.
In his earlier pictures, he dealt much with historical incidents, but in his later work, he occupied himself chiefly with a particular type of dainty sentiment, treated with much charm, refinement and executive skill.
One of his canvases is in Tate.
Most of his works have been engraved, and medals were awarded to him at exhibitions in all parts of the world.

Stone and fellow painter Luke Fildes both lived in Melbury Road, Holland Park, in houses designed by Richard Norman Shaw.
A blue plaque commemorates Stone at his house at 8 Melbury Road.
In 1871, at Marylebone, Stone married Laura Mary H Broun, the daughter of the New Zealand merchant William Brown.

Marcus Stone (1840-1921) è stato un pittore Britannico romantico vittoriano, pittore di storia, illustratore e pittore di genere.
Stone è nato a Londra e ha studiato alla Royal Academy.
Marcus Clayton Stone era il figlio di Frank Stone ARA.
Marcus fu formato da suo padre e iniziò ad esporre alla Royal Academy, prima dei diciotto anni.

Alcuni anni dopo illustrò, con molto successo, libri di Charles Dickens, Anthony Trollope ed altri scrittori amici della sua famiglia.
Stone fu eletto Associato della Royal Academy nel 1877 ed Accademico nel 1887.

Nei suoi primi quadri si occupò molto di avvenimenti storici, ma nei suoi lavori successivi si occupò principalmente di un particolare tipo di sentimento delicato, trattato con molta attenzione, fascino, raffinatezza e abilità esecutiva.
Una delle sue tele è alla Tate.
La maggior parte delle sue opere sono state incise e gli sono state assegnate medaglie in mostre in tutte le parti del mondo.

Stone ed il collega pittore Luke Fildes vivevano entrambi a Melbury Road, Holland Park, in case progettate da Richard Norman Shaw.
Una targa blu commemora Stone nella sua casa in 8 Melbury Road.
Nel 1871, a Marylebone, Stone sposò Laura Mary H Broun, la figlia del mercante neozelandese William Brown.