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Joseph Henry Sharp | Tao Society artist

Joseph Henry Sharp (September 27, 1859 - August 29, 1953) was an American painter and a founding member of the Taos Society of Artists, of which he is considered the "Spiritual Father".
Sharp was one of the earliest European-American artists to visit Taos, New Mexico, which he saw in 1893 with artist John Hauser.
He painted American Indian portraits and cultural life, as well as Western landscapes.

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Clodoaldo Martins, 1987 | Genre painter

Clodoaldo Martins was born in Agulha, a small town in the Fernando Prestes district, in the state of São Paulo - Brazil.
While still young, at the age of nine, Clodoaldo was already very aware of his vocation: painting.
He started drawing and, at the age of 13, encouraged by his parents, Clodoaldo took up a course with drawing teacher Luis Dotto in the neighboring town of Catanduva.
It was there that the young local talents concentrated.

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Elisabeth Chaplin | Post-impressionist painter

Élisabeth Chaplin (17 October 1890, Fontainebleau, France - 28 January 1982, Fiesole, Italy) was a French/Tuscan painter in the Nabis style.
She is known for her portraiture and Tuscan landscapes, most of which reside in the Pitti Palace’s Gallery of Modern Art collection in Florence.
She has two self-portraits in the Vasari Corridor collection.

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Oleg Aradushkin, 1951 | Impressionist painter

Oleg Afanasievich Aradushkin / Олег Афанасьевич Арадушкин is known in Russia and abroad as a distinguished and original master working in easel painting and graphic art.
He was born in Podolsk, Moscow Region in 1951.
He graduated from the Moscow State Academy Art College in Memory of the Year of 1905 and Gerasimov State Institute of Cinematography.
As an artist-director Oleg Aradushkin was involved in the creation of a number of feature films.
In 1977 he became a member of the Union of Artists.

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Teresa Wilms Montt: "È difficile essere donne in questo mondo"..

Sono Teresa Wilms Montt
e anche se sono nata cento anni prima di te,
la mia vita non è stata tanto diversa dalla tua.
Anche io ho avuto il privilegio d’essere donna.

Julio Romero de Torres | Portrait of Teresa Wilms Montt, 1920

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Joseph Zbukvic, 1952 | Maestro acquerellista

Il maestro dell'acquarello Joseph Zbukvic è nato a Zagabria in Croazia. A diciotto anni si è trasferito in Australia.
Le sue impressionanti realizzazioni e l’enorme successo è dovuto alla sua capacità di trasformare qualsiasi oggetto in un linguaggio poetico visivo.
Su una varietà infinita di soggetti, i suoi dipinti sensibili, lirici ed atmosferici hanno catturato persone e gallerie da tutto il mondo.

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Fernando Botero: "Nell'arte, il segreto per crescere è confrontarsi!"

"Un grande artista nasce da una profonda conoscenza della tradizione e dei problemi della pittura. Ci sono però molte opere in cui la freschezza e l'audacia sorprendono, come si può vedere nell'arte popolare e in certi esempi di arte moderna".

"A great artist is born from a profound knowledge of the tradition and problems of painting. However, there are many works in which freshness and audacity surprise, as can be seen in popular art and in certain examples of modern art".

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Il Realismo Magico di Louise Camille Fenne

L'artista Danese Louise Camille Fenne è nata nel 1972 a Copenaghen, in Danimarca, da padre danese e madre inglese.
È cresciuta e ha studiato sia in Danimarca che in Inghilterra.
Incuriosita dalla possibilità di studiare tecniche tradizionali di pittura e disegno, Louise C. Fenne ha studiato disegno ad Aix-en-Provence, in Francia, ed al The Glypotek di Copenhagen prima di iscriversi nel 1995 alla The Florence Academy of Art, dove ha studiato disegno di calchi e figure.

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Queen María Isabel of Braganza | Founder of the Museum del Prado

María Isabel of Braganza was born in Lisbon on 19 May 1797, daughter of John VI of Portugal and Carlota Joaquina of Spain.
She became queen of Spain when she married her uncle, Ferdinand VII, on 28 September 1816 and became his second wife.
She died during childbirth in Aranjuez on 26 December 1818.
It must be noted that this is a posthumous portrait.
The artist was the son of Vicente López and his most faithful disciple.

Bernardo López Piquer (1801-1874) | Maria Isabel of Portugal in front of the Prado in 1829 | Museo del Prado

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Tanya Chuvasheva, 1977 | Figurative painter

Born in Moscow, Татьяна Чувашева graduated from the Moscow Art Lyceum and the Surikov Art Institute in Moscow (faculte of monumental painting, studio under the guidance of professor E. N. Maksimov).
Member of the International Federation of Artists and National Artist's Union of Russia.
Refinement of colour with simple, but finely constructed composition of a canvas is a characteristic feature of T. Chuvasheva's art.

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Madre Teresa di Calcutta: Ci sono persone che hanno un compagno..

Ci sono persone che hanno un compagno, ma che si sentono talmente sole e vuote che è come se non lo avessero.
Altre, invece, pur di non aspettare, decidono di camminare accanto alla persona sbagliata e, nel loro egoismo, non permettono a quella persona di allontanarsi, anche se sanno che non la rendono felice.
Ci sono persone che portano avanti matrimoni o fidanzamenti ormai distrutti, perché credono che stare da soli sia difficile ed inaccettabile.
Ci sono persone che decidono di occupare il secondo posto cercando di arrivare al primo, ma quel viaggio è difficile, scomodo e ci riempie di dolore e di abbandono.

Aron Wiesenfeld | Lost Track

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Jean Charles Cazin | Tonalist painter

Jean-Charles Cazin (1840-1901) was a French landscapist, museum curator and ceramicist.
The son of a well-known doctor, FJ Cazin (1788-1864), he was born at Samer, Pas-de-Calais.
After studying in France, he went to England, where he was strongly influenced by the pre-Raphaelite movement.
His chief earlier pictures have a religious interest, shown in such examples as The Flight into Egypt (1877), or Hagar and Ishmael (1880, Luxembourg); and afterwards his combination of luminous landscape with figure-subjects (Souvenir de fête, 1881; Journée faite, 1888) gave him a wide repute, and made him the leader of a new school of idealistic subject-painting in France.

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Marcus Stone | Victorian Romantic painter

Marcus Stone RA (4 July 1840 - 24 March 1921) was an English painter.
Stone was born in London, and was educated at the Royal Academy.
Marcus Clayton Stone was the son of Frank Stone ARA. Marcus was trained by his father and began to exhibit at the Royal Academy, before he was eighteen.
A few years later he illustrated, with much success, books by Charles Dickens, Anthony Trollope and other writers who were friends of his family.