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Emma Sparre | Genre painter

Emma Josepha Sparre (1851-1913) was a Swedish baroness, artist and poet.
Emma Josepha Sparre née Munktell was born at Grycksbo in Dalarna County, Sweden.
She was the daughter of Henrik Munktell (1804-1861) and Christina Augusta Eggertz (1818-1889).
She was the sister of composer Helena Munktell (1852-1919).
She was married to fellow artist Baron Carl Axel Ambjörn Sparre (1839-1910) from 1870 to 1891.

They had a daughter, Märta Améen (1871-1940) who was also a painter.
She attended the Royal Academy of Art in Stockholm and was trained privately by August Malmström.
She later studied in Düsseldorf and Rome.
She also trained Paris with painters Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret and Gustave Courtois at Académie Colarossi.

Sparre exhibited her work at the Palace of Fine Arts at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois.
She also exhibited at the 1889 Exposition Universelle in Paris, where she received an honorable mention.
She returned to Sweden in the 1890s.

Sparre died in 1913 in Rättvik in Dalarna County, Sweden.
Her work is in the collection of the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm. | Source: © Wikipedia

Emma Josepha Sparre (1851-1913) è stata una baronessa, artista e poetessa Svedese.
Emma Josepha Sparre (nata Munktell) è nata a Grycksbo nella contea di Dalarna, in Svezia.
Era la figlia di Henrik Munktell (1804-1861) e Christina Augusta Eggertz (1818-1889).
Era la sorella della compositrice Helena Munktell (1852-1919).
È stata sposata con il collega artista Baron Carl Axel Ambjörn Sparre (1839-1910) dal 1870 al 1891.

Avevano una figlia, Märta Améen (1871-1940), anch'essa pittrice.
Ha frequentato la Royal Academy of Art di Stoccolma ed è stata formata privatamente da August Malmström.
Successivamente ha studiato a Düsseldorf e Roma.
Ha anche formato Parigi con i pittori Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret e Gustave Courtois all'Académie Colarossi.

Sparre espose le sue opere al Palazzo delle Belle Arti alla World's Columbian Exposition del 1893 a Chicago, Illinois.
Espone anche all'Exposition Universelle di Parigi del 1889, dove riceve una menzione d'onore.
Tornò in Svezia nel 1890.
Sparre morì nel 1913 a Rättvik nella contea di Dalarna, in Svezia.
Il suo lavoro è nella collezione del Nationalmuseum di Stoccolma. | Source: © British Wikipedia