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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | The Rocks of L’Estaque, 1882

This is one of a small series of radiant landscapes that the Pierre-Auguste Renoir painted during a stay with Paul Cézanne in L'Estaque, a small fishing port just west of Marseilles.
Renoir, who was travelling back to Paris having spent the previous months in Algeria and Italy, was immediately captivated by the raw light and rich beauty of the Provençal landscape.
"How beautiful it is!" he wrote to a friend, "It's certainly the most beautiful place in the world, and not yet inhabited… There are only some fishermen and the mountains…so there are no walls, no properties or few…here I have the true countryside at my doorstep".

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Alexandr Melnikov, 1959 | Romantic painter

Alexandr Melnikov / Александр Мельников, originally of Russian descent, was born in Moscow region.
He is graduated in the High School of Arts of Odessa and in the National Academy of Kiev.
Aleksandr Melnikov participated in many exhibitions in Geneva (Switzerland), Marseille (France), Yoko Gama (Japan), Frankfort (Germany), Vancouver (Canada).

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Il Post-Impressionismo

Vincent van Gogh | The starry night, 1888

Liberandosi dal naturalismo dell'Impressionismo alla fine del 1880, un gruppo di giovani pittori cercò stili artistici indipendenti per esprimere emozioni piuttosto che semplici impressioni ottiche, concentrandosi su temi di simbolismo più profondo.
Attraverso l'uso di colori semplificati e forme definitive, la loro arte era caratterizzata da un rinnovato senso estetico e da tendenze astratte.

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Yovka Mechkarova, 1976 | Romantic painter

Bulgarian painter Yovka Mechkarova / Йовка Мечкарова was born in the town of Kalofer, Bulgaria.
She graduated in art education for Applied Arts in the town of Troyan in 1995.
She currently resides in Veliko Ternovo (Bulgaria).

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Taeil Kim | Abstract painter

Korean artist Taeil Kim / 김태일 begins his art by thinking, “how will I observe and re-create the figure?
Influenced by his observations of people's daily interactions with nature, he is able to create moving and unique portraits.
Kim is heavily influenced by the work of such masters as Rembrandt and 19th Century Impressionism.

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Camille Roqueplan | Romantic painter

Camille Joseph Etienne Roqueplan (18 February 1802/03, Mallemort - 29 September 1855, Paris) was a French Romantic painter of landscapes, genre and historical scenes.
From an early age, he displayed an aptitude for drawing, and would often correct his classmates.
Around the age of eighteen, he began to take painting lessons.

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Pedro Roldán Molina, 1954 | Modern impressionism painter

Pedro Roldán Molina was born in Rute in the province of Còrdoba, Andalucía.
From a very young age he carried out his first drawing studies, obtaining different prizes for painting and other techniques, in his town, and also a national one at eight years.
He continued his studies in Barcelona where he has spent his entire career, surrounded by the modernists and very close to the impressionists, but fundamentally alongside the great creators who took over those lands in the last decade of the last century.

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Mascha Kaléko | Ricetta

Scaccia la paura
e la paura della paura.
Per qualche anno le cose basteranno.
Il pane nel cassetto
e il vestito nell’armadio.

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Emma Sparre | Genre painter

Emma Josepha Sparre (1851-1913) was a Swedish baroness, artist and poet.
Emma Josepha Sparre née Munktell was born at Grycksbo in Dalarna County, Sweden.
She was the daughter of Henrik Munktell (1804-1861) and Christina Augusta Eggertz (1818-1889).
She was the sister of composer Helena Munktell (1852-1919).
She was married to fellow artist Baron Carl Axel Ambjörn Sparre (1839-1910) from 1870 to 1891.

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Il Realismo magico di María Berrío, 1982

Nata a Bogotá, in Colombia, María Berrío ha completato il suo BFA alla Parsons School of Design nel 2004 ed il suo MFA alla New York School of Visual Arts.
Le sue opere su larga scala, meticolosamente realizzate da strati di carta giapponese, riflettono sulle connessioni interculturali e sulla migrazione globale viste attraverso il prisma della sua stessa storia.
La prima rassegna dell'artista María Berrío: Esperando mientras la noche florece (Waiting for the Night to Bloom) è stata esposta al Norton Museum of Art di West Palm Beach da gennaio a maggio 2021.

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Antonio Allegri detto il Correggio | Vita ed opere

Antonio Allegri detto il Correggio (Correggio, agosto 1489 - Correggio, 5 marzo 1534) fu un pittore Italiano.
Prendendo spunto dalla cultura del Quattrocento e dai grandi maestri dell'epoca, quali Leonardo, Raffaello, Michelangelo e Mantegna, inaugurò un nuovo modo di concepire la pittura ed elaborò un proprio originale percorso artistico, che lo colloca tra i grandi del Cinquecento.

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John Cooney, 1964 | Figurative painter

John Cooney is an artist from Carrickfergus. He paints in watercolour and oil.
- "I was born in Newry, Co. Down but have lived most of my life close to Belfast.
I went to art college in Belfast and Manchester, achieving a first class honours degree in illustration.
While at college, I won first prize at the North West Artists exhibition sponsored by BP.

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Yuri Klapouh, 1963 | Ucraina

Yuri Klapoukh / Юрий Клапоух è nato a Charkov.
Si è diplomato presso l'Istituto Statale Accademico d'Arte di Mosca -Surikov.
Professionalmente impegnato nella pittura per 15 anni.
I suoi temi preferiti sono il paesaggio russo, il ritratto classico e la scena di genere della vita rurale.
Ha partecipato a numerose mostre collettive e personali.
I suoi dipinti sono in collezioni private negli Stati Uniti, Repubblica Ceca, Polonia, Austria, Repubblica del Sud Africa e Germania.

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Sam Szafran | Pastel painter

Sam Szafran, pseudonym of Samuel Berger (Paris, 1934-2019) was a French artist.


Sam Szafran was born in Paris in 1934, a son of Polish Jewish immigrants.
He grew up in the Quartier des Halles.
As a child, he knew that art was what he wanted to do.

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Arthur Rimbaud | Sensazione / Sensation, 1870


Le sere azzurre d'estate, andrò per i sentieri,
Punzecchiato dal grano, a calpestare erba fina:
Trasognato, ne sentirò la freschezza ai piedi.
Lascerò che il vento mi bagni il capo nudo.

Willard Leroy Metcalf | On the river