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Antonie Boubong | A Little Gardener, 1886

Antonie Boubong (1842-1908) was a German portrait, genre, and landscape painter.


Antonie Boubong was born on 8 June 1842 in Werneck, Bavaria.
She studied at the Stuttgart Art School with Wilhelm von Lindenschmit the Younger in Munich.
Antonie Boubong worked in Strasbourg.

She had exhibitions in Munich, Berlin, Vienna, and Düsseldorf.
She became nationally known when Kaiser William I and Empress Augusta presented one of the annual exhibitions organised by the Verein der Berliner Künstlerinnen at the Akademie der Künste and bought one of her paintings there. | Source: © Wikipedia

Antonie Boubong (1842-1908) è stata una ritrattista, genere e paesaggista Tedesca.


Antonie Boubong nacque l'8 giugno 1842 a Werneck, in Baviera.
Ha studiato alla Scuola d'Arte di Stoccarda con Wilhelm von Lindenschmit il Giovane a Monaco.
Antonie Boubong ha lavorato a Strasburgo.

Ha tenuto mostre a Monaco, Berlino, Vienna e Düsseldorf.
Divenne nota a livello nazionale quando il Kaiser Guglielmo I e l'imperatrice Augusta presentarono una delle mostre annuali organizzate dal Verein der Berliner Künstlerinnen all'Akademie der Künste e vi acquistarono uno dei suoi quadri. | Fonte: © British Wikipedia