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Aleksandr Bylich, 1971 | Romantic painter

Belarusian painter Aleksandr Leonidovch Bylich / Александр Леонидович Былич graduated from art school, studied at the St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. Repin at the Russian Academy of Arts, worked in advertising.
The author is passionate about his local nature.

His favorite topic of creativity is a landscape, an urban landscape, where the artist conveys a subtle understanding of nature, perceiving it as a living, constantly changing element, where all components (trees, earth, clouds) and processes (lighting, rain, wind) are connected just like in a living organism.

The multifaceted personality of A. Bylich, his creative achievements, paintings created by him evoke the true interest of the audience, the recognition of authoritative masters of art and professional criticism.
During his creative life, the artist created more than five hundred works presented in private collections in Russia, neighboring countries - Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, etc., as well as Germany, Italy, France and the United States.

"Looking at my paintings, you find yourself in the past.
Cozy St. Petersburg streets and squares familiar from childhood seem, for some reason, even nicer and more beautiful.
Warm light of lanterns, bizarre breaks of shadows on the pavement, stately buildings and bent branches of trees waiting for rain. It seems that you will hear the clatter of horse hooves or the rattle of the first tram.
In an effort to express myself and my attitude to life, I use in my work different directions in painting: this is both realism and abstraction, but the main direction is urban and romantic landscapes". Aleksandr Bylich

Il pittore Bielorusso Aleksandr Leonidovch Bylich / Александр Леонидович Былич si è diplomato presso l'Istituto accademico statale di pittura, scultura ed architettura di San Pietroburgo intitolato a I. Repin presso l'Accademia delle arti russa ed ha lavorato nella pubblicità.
L'autore è appassionato della sua natura locale.
Il suo tema creativo preferito è un paesaggio, un paesaggio urbano, in cui l'artista trasmette una sottile comprensione della natura, percependola come un elemento vivo, in continua evoluzione, dove tutti i componenti (alberi, terra, nuvole) e processi (illuminazione, pioggia, vento) sono collegati proprio come in un organismo vivente.

La poliedrica personalità di A. Bylich, i suoi risultati creativi, i dipinti da lui creati evocano il vero interesse del pubblico, il riconoscimento di autorevoli maestri d'arte e critica professionale.
Durante la sua vita creativa, l'artista ha creato più di cinquecento opere presenti in collezioni private in Russia, paesi limitrofi - Ucraina, Bielorussia, Estonia, Lituania, ecc., oltre alla Germania, Italia, Francia e Stati Uniti.