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Yunior Hurtado Torres, 1977

Yunior Hurtado Torres, was born in Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba.
At 11 years old he began studying art at the Vocational School of Arts, Olga Alonzo, Santa Clara, Villa Clara.
He finished his studies as an artist in 1999 at the Professional Academy of Fine Arts Oscar Fernández Morera, Trinidad, Cuba.
Since then he has developed his artistic work participating in events inside and outside his country with more than 40 personal and collective exhibitions.

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Alex Kelly, 1968 | Alla prima oil painter

Alex Kelly received a Fine Art BA with honours from Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) in 1993.
He has also trained and worked as a graphic designer for over 20 years and has a HNC (Distinction) in Graphic Design from New College Nottingham (UK).
He has also had various studio practices and art related teaching positions with schools and colleges before devoting himself full-time to painting.
His work is in many private collections around the world.

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Henri Fantin-Latour | Madame Lerolle, 1882

Fantin-Latour exhibited this portrait of Madeleine Lerolle, wife of fellow artist Henry Lerolle, at the Paris Salon of 1882.
The Salon was the official, annual exhibition of the Académie des Beaux-Arts, the national art academy of the French government.
At the time of this portrait, Madeleine Lerolle was 26 years old.
Albert Besnard portrayed her more formally in his painting Madeleine Lerolle and Her Daughter Yvonne, currently on display in the other Romanticism to Realism gallery. | Source: © The Cleveland Museum of Art

Henri Fantin Latour | Madame Lerolle, 1882 | Cleveland Museum of Art

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Claude Monet in Italy

Claude Monet | Palm Trees at Bordighera, 1884 | Metropolitan Museum of Art

Monet first visited Italy’s southern coast with Renoir in December 1883.
Shortly thereafter, he returned alone to paint, writing his dealer that working "à deux" was constraining.
This scene and The Valley of the Nervia reflect Monet’s excitement at the new motifs offered by the region’s palm trees and mountains.
For this view, he ventured from his hotel in Bordighera and looked across the Bay of Ventimiglia toward the Alps on the French border.
The dazzling colors challenged him to "dare to use all the tones of pink and blue", although what he truly needed was a "palette of diamonds and jewels".

Claude Monet | Palm Trees at Bordighera, 1884 | Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Il Salon di Parigi (1667-1890)

A partire dal 1667, Il Salon de Paris fu la mostra d'arte ufficiale dell'Académie des Beaux-Arts di Parigi.
Per quasi 150 anni (1740-1890 ca.), il Salon è stato l'evento artistico annuale o biennale più prestigioso al mondo.
Di conseguenza, la sua influenza sulla pittura francese - in particolare lo stile artistico, le convenzioni pittoriche e la reputazione degli artisti - fu enorme.
Al Salon del 1761 contribuirono trentatré pittori, nove scultori ed undici incisori.
Dal 1881 in poi, è stato gestito dalla Société des Artistes Français.

Claude Monet | Donna con il parasole - Madame Monet con il figlio, 1875 | Washington D.C., National Gallery of Art

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Leis Schjelderup | Figurative painter

Georgia Elise (Leis) Schjelderup (1856-1933) was a Norwegian painter.
She came from the bourgeoisie in Bergen.
The family was part of an environment that cultivated literature, art and music.
Her father was a good singer, and her mother a skilled pianist.

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Fritz von Uhde | Genre painter

Fritz von Uhde (born Friedrich Hermann Carl Uhde; 1848-1911) was a German painter of genre and religious subjects.
His style lay in-between Realism and Impressionism, he was once known as "Germany's outstanding impressionist" and he became one of the first painters to introduce plein-air painting in his country.


Uhde was born in Wolkenburg, Saxony.
His family, moderately wealthy civil servants, had artistic interests.

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Joseph Oppenheimer | Impressionist painter

Joseph Oppenheimer (1876-1967) was born in Würzburg, Germany. From an early age his whole life was art.
At 15, before being old enough to enroll in the Munich Academy of Art, he left school and began studying art with some of the foremost German painters such as Fehr.
Perhaps the impetus for this was his chance meeting with The Iron Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, at the age on 14 when they both stayed at the same spa hotel in Bad Kissingen.
Joseph made a pencil sketch of Bismarck and presented it to him.

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Vincent Magni, 1963 | Abstract artist

Artist since always, Vincent Magni was born in St Etienne. He currently lives and works in France, in Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye, in the Yonne.
It is the place where he created in 2006, in an old industrial wasteland of 10 000 square meters, a village of artists called "The Poetry", where he invites other creators to come to settle there.
An innovative and inspired sculptor, the characters he creates are tribute to life and movement, while respecting the materials used.
Playing with the idea of an intrinsic dynamics, its metal mobiles are animated with a life of their own and interact directly with the spectator.
Their brilliant colors, like a hymn to joy, give them the appearance of human-sized toys.

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Vincent van Gogh ad Arles, 1888-89

Il desiderio di conoscere il Mezzogiorno francese, con la sua luce e le sue tinte mediterranee così lontane dal cromatismo nordico, fu una buona occasione per assimilare gli stimoli artistici raccolti a Parigi e per porre fine alla convivenza con Théo, resa più difficile dal carattere irritabile di entrambi.
«Ho intenzione una volta o l'altra, appena posso, di andarmene nel Sud, dove c'è ancora più colore e ancora più sole [...] Quest'estate, quando dipingevo il paesaggio ad Asnières, vi ho visto più colore che in passato».

Il Meridione francese, luogo elettivo di Zola, Cézanne (che vi avevano trascorso l'infanzia) e di Monticelli (che vi era morto), rispose splendidamente alle esigenze di van Gogh, che vi si stabilì nel febbraio del 1888.

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Sigrid Hjertén | Pittrice Espressionista

Sigrid Hjertén (1885-1948) è stata una pittrice Svedese, considerata una figura importante nel modernismo svedese.
Periodicamente era molto produttiva e ha partecipato a 106 mostre.
Sigrid Hjertén nacque a Sundsvall il 27 ottobre 1885.
Dopo i primi studi d'arte a Stoccolma, nel 1909 conobbe il suo futuro marito, il pittore Isaac Hirsche Grünewald, che sposò nel 1911.

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Vincent van Gogh | La maison de La Crau (The Old Mill), 1888

Vincent van Gogh | La maison de La Crau (The Old Mill), 1888 | Buffalo AKG Art Museum

Title: La maison de La Crau (The Old Mill);
Author: Vincent van Gogh (Dutch Post-Impressionist painter, 1853-1890);
Date: 1888;
Dimensions: Support: 64.77 x 53.975 cm; framed: 83.18 x 73.02 x 8.89 cm;
Current location: Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York.

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Eduard Gordeev / Эдуард Гордеев, 1968

Eduard Gordeev / Эдуард Гордеев, nato nel 1968 a Leningrado, è un fotografo Russo.
Gordeev è un avvocato di professione, ma il suo amore per la fotografia lo ha reso un vero fotografo professionista.
È un grande fan del tempo inclemente e dell'architettura antica.
Eduard Gordeev vive a San Pietroburgo.
Nel suo modo acquarello-surrealistico, fotografa varie città sotto la pioggia, ed in particolare la sua nativa ed amata San Pietroburgo.

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Andrea del Sarto | I disegni

Andrea del Sarto - Pittore, nato a Firenze il 6 luglio 1486 da Angiolo di Francesco sarto, donde il cognome assunto insieme con uno stemma di due seste incrociate.
Da Andrea d'Angiolo od Angeli alla latina deriva anche la sigla di due A incrociate, che si trova su varî dipinti di del Sarto, la quale, supposta da G. Cinelli (Bellezze di Firenze, Firenze 1677) composta di A e V, ne avvalorò lungamente la credenza in un casato Vannucchi.

Egli fu posto a sette anni presso un orefice, indi presso un pittore dozzinale, Giovanni o meglio Andrea Barile, che avvedutosi della meravigliosa attitudine di del Sarto per il disegno lo acconciò con Piero di Cosimo, presso il quale rimase varî anni, recandosi le feste alla sala del papa per studiare i celebri cartoni di Leonardo da Vinci e di Michelangelo.

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Giovanni Fattori (1825-1908)

Giovanni Fattori viene considerato, insieme a Silvestro Lega ed a Telemaco Signorini, tra i maggiori esponenti del Movimento dei Macchiaioli.
Caso unico fra gli artisti più conosciuti, tutta la sua produzione pittorica nota è posteriore ai suoi quaranta anni.
Fattori prese parte alle battaglie per l'Unità d'Italia, collaborando con il Partito d'Azione come 'fattorino di corrispondenza'.
Il primo lavoro di soggetto risorgimentale, Il campo italiano alla battaglia di Magenta, risale a questo periodo.

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Georgia O'Keeffe: "To create one's own world takes courage"

"I wish people were all trees and I think I could enjoy them then".
"Vorrei che le persone fossero tutte alberi e penso che potrei godermele allora".

"To create one's own world takes courage".
"Per creare il proprio mondo occorre coraggio".

"Long ago I came to the conclusion that even if I could put down accurately the thing I saw and enjoyed, it would not give the observer the kind of feeling it gave me. I had to create an equivalent for what I felt what I was looking at - not copy it".