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Anna Lapygina, 1980 | Figurative painter

Анна Юрьевна Лапыгина was born in Morshyn.

1992/1996 - Art school in Vladimir, graduated with "excellent".
1997/2001 - Vladimir State Pedagogical University.
2008 - Graduated from the Russian Academy of Arts diploma course with a mark of "excellent" and praised the AMC.
2005/2008 - Participated in the painting of icons Reigning Mother of God. St. Petersburg.
2007/2008 - Participated in the painting of an Orthodox church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the Iohanesburg, South Africa.

2009 - Set design for the play "Atanda" Alexander Pushkin ("The Queen of Spades") on the small stage of BDT, St. Petersburg.
2009 - Set design for the play "The Island. Seagulls. Three cat …" Martin McDonagh ("The lieutenant from the island of Inishmore") in the theater "In the Black River", St. Petersburg.
2010 - Member of the Union of Artists of St. Petersburg.
2010 - Scenography and costumes for the play "fairy tale from the alley".

In fairy tales Korney Chukovsky in the theater "For Black River", St. Petersburg.
2010 - Scenography and costumes for the play "Squaring the circle" of Valentin Kataev, small stage BDT im.Tovstonogova, St. Petersburg.
2010 - Publication of the work in the journal "Ostwind", Germany.

2010 - Participated in the painting of the Assumption prsv.Bogoroditsy gen.konsulstva in the territory of the Russian Federation in Turku, Finland;
2010/2011 - Teacher of painting in the studio E.S.Kochergina, Theatre Academy, St. Petersburg.

Grants and competitions:

1995 - Silver medal at the regional competition "Ex Libris";
1996 - Winner of the All-Russian contest of children’s book graphics in Gelendzhik;
2006 - Grant Elizabeth Greenshields, Canada;
2007 - Grant "Muse of St. Petersburg", St. Petersburg.

2008 - Creative scholarship from the Russian Union of Artists.
2009 - Awarded by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, Sergius of Radonezh Medal of the first degree for participation in the painting of an Orthodox church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the Iohanesburg, South Africa.
2009 - Creative scholarship from the Union of Theatrical Figures.

2010 - Finalist of the international competition of contemporary fine art ArtPreview, Moscow.
2010 - Creative scholarship from the Union of Theatrical Figures.
2011 - Awarded with a diploma theater festival "Theatre of St. Petersburg - the children" as an artist performance "fabulous stories of the lanes" (based on fairy tales Chukovsky) Theatre "For Black River".