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Jusepe de Ribera | Saint Joseph, 1635

Born in Spain, Jusepe de Ribera spent his entire active career in Italy.
He arrived in Spanish-ruled Naples between 1607 and 1614.
Caravaggio’s presence had a profound impact on Neapolitan painting.
Ribera then travelled to Parma, Rome, before settling in Naples.

Jusepe de Ribera | Saint Joseph, 1635 | Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

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Fernando Yáñez de la Almedina | Saint Catherine, 1510

This is one of the Spanish Renaissance's most emblematic depictions of a female figure and the best known of Yáñez de la Almedina’s works.
Both considerations are due to the visibility this work has received at the Museo del Prado, where it has been one of the essential icons in its galleries of 16th-century Spanish painting ever since it arrived in 1946.

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Ambrogio de Predis | Portrait of a Lady, 1490

The first time Leonardo da Vinci’s name resounded in the Ambrosiana, it was through the pen of its founder, Cardinal Federico Borromeo, who attributed this little panel to the great Master, describing it as “A portrait of a Duchess of Milan, by the hand of Leonardo”.
Following the Cardinal’s statement, the portrait was for long assumed to depict Beatrice d’Este, the wife of Ludovico il Moro.

Ambrogio de Predis | Ritratto di una dama (probabile ritratto di Beatrice d'Este) | Veneranda Pinacoteca Ambrosiana Milano

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Federico Barocci | Aeneas fleeing Troy / La fuga di Enea da Troia, 1598

Aeneas Fleeing from Troy is a painting by Federico Barocci (Federico Fiori), located in the Borghese Collection in Rome.


Considering Barocci’s only attempt at a historical narration, this scene was twice ordered by the Della Rovere family as a gift for their further social connection.
The first, now lost, the artwork was intended for the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Rudolph II.
The second was given to Cardinal Scipione Borghese, adapting the imperial allegory as a scene of the spiritual purity of the Roman Cardinal.

Federico Barocci | Aeneas fleeing Troy, 1598 | Galleria Borghese

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Violante Beatrice Siries | Portrait painter

Violante Beatrice Siries (1709-1783) was an Italian painter.
She was born in Florence and studied under Hyacinthe Rigaud and François Boucher in Paris from 1726.
Returning later to Florence she married Giuseppe Cerroti and continued her artistic studies under Conti.

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Anna Hills | Impressionist painter

Anna Althea Hills (1882-1930) was an American plein air painter who specialized in impressionist landscapes of the Southern California coast.
Hills was born in Ravenna, Ohio. Her father was the Reverend Aaron Merritt Hills and her mother was Althea Alamanda Ford. Anna was the second of five children.
In 1886, her mother died and her father remarried. Because of her father’s occupation, Anna’s family moved often, living in several places throughout the Midwest.
In 1898, Hills enrolled for art classes at Olivet College in Michigan.

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Felix Ziem | Pittore Orientalista

Félix Ziem (26 febbraio 1821 - 10 novembre 1911) è stato un pittore Francese nello stile della scuola di Barbizon, che ha anche prodotto alcune opere orientaliste.
Nacque Félix-Francois Georges Philibert Ziem a Beaune, nel dipartimento della Côte-d'Or, nella regione francese della Borgogna.
Sua madre era originaria della Borgogna che aveva sposato un immigrato dalla Croazia.
Inizialmente, Ziem intendeva diventare un architetto, studiò all'École des Beaux-Arts di Digione e per un certo periodo lavorò come architetto.

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Salvador Fuster Vercher, 1966

Nato ad Alcoy, Salvador Fuster è figlio del pittore Rafael Fuster, dal quale ha ereditato la sua grande maestria nel disegno e nel colore.
Salvador Fuster è un pittore che, come suo padre, padroneggia tutte le tecniche pittoriche ed è considerato uno dei migliori ritrattisti del panorama artistico attuale.
La sua pittura è presente in gran parte delle migliori collezioni di pittura in Europa, in America ed anche la lontana Australia ha ritratti ed opere di questo grande artista.
Quando si entra nello studio di Salvador Fuster si ha la sensazione di essere entrati nella bottega di un artigiano, il fortino del demiurgo.

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Jeanne Saint Cheron, 1973 | Pittrice Romantica

Nata nei Paesi della Loira, Jeanne Saint Chéron ha fatto le sue prime mostre da adolescente.
Le sue ispirazioni sono in parte tratte dal mondo dei cavalli, affascinata sia dalla potenza esplosiva che dalla raffinata eleganza dell'animale, quest'ultima da alcuni anni molto spesso associata nelle sue composizioni a delicati personaggi femminili.
Anche la musica e la danza compaiono tra i temi prediletti dall'artista.

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Mel Brigg, 1950 | Exodus

Born in South Africa, Mel is self taught and started to paint full time in 1979.
Mel's paintings are expansive in Australian's vision and yet simple and skilled in application.
Particularly of note are his beautiful paintings of beaches and landscapes with two or three people to give scale.
His skies are famous for the moods they depict.

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Alexander Shandor / Шандор Олександр, 1981

Alexander Shandor / Шандор Олександр è nato nella città transcarpatica di Vinohradiv, nell'Ucraina occidentale.
Ha studiato all'Erdeli College of Arts di Uzhhorod, presso il dipartimento di lavorazione dei metalli in studio e sotto la guida dei professori Petretsky, Lukac e Mykhailyuk.
Alex sta lavorando con un olio su tela o con un acquerello su carta, la maggior parte dei suoi dipinti sono tratti dalla natura, all'aria aperta, nei generi di paesaggi e nature morte.
Tutte le sue opere sono uniche ed irripetibili anche da lui stesso.

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Valerie Otte, 1977 | Figurative sculptor

Valerie Otte is an award-winning sculptor based in Germany whose work has been exhibited both nationally and in the UK.
Valerie Otte's art can be described as a play of the eyes at distance, which is a classical description for figurative sculpture.
The rule: Close observation.

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Antonio Bueno | Modern painter of Reality

Antonio Bueno (21 July 1918 - 26 September 1984) was an Italian painter of Spanish origin, who acquired Italian citizenship in 1970.
He was born in Berlin while his journalist father was posted there by the newspaper ABC of Madrid.
Bueno undertook art studies in Spain and Switzerland. In 1937, he was in Paris, where he exhibited at the Salon des Jeunes; then in 1940 with his brother Xavier, he moved to Italy.
After a post-impressionist experience, immediately after World War II he joined the school of Armenian artist Gregorio Sciltian, painting trompe-l'œil work.

Antonio e Xavier Bueno | La carrozza (Passeggiata alle cascine), 1942

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Edmond Jean de Pury | Genre painter

Baron Edmond Jean de Pury (1845-1911) was a Swiss painter and engraver.
De Pury was born on 6 March 1845 in Neuchâtel.
He was a member of a Prussian noble family and was a nephew of James-Ferdinand de Pury.
He trained at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, studying painting and engraving.

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Lytras Nikephoros | The Kiss (1878) at the Louvre

In "The Kiss", the scene is set in a courtyard, in which a slender girl is rising on the tips of her tows in order to kiss her beloved, whose head can be seen through the window high up.
The lily in the pot symbolises purity, while its slender stem echoes the slender girl’s motion. Ochre and white prevail, along with some red on the girl's fez.
The latter colour was a favourite of Nikephoros Lytras'.
The abandoned slipper suggests the girl's rush to meet her beloved, while at the same time marking space, that is, making us part of the scene. | Source: © National Gallery - Alexandros Soutsos Museum, Athens

Lytras Nikephoros | The Kiss, 1878 | National Gallery - Alexandros Soutsos Museum, Athens

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Paolo Veronese | Pittore Rinascimentale

Paolo Caliari (o Cagliari) (1528-1588) prese il cognome Veronese dalla sua città natale, Verona.
Fu un famoso pittore del Rinascimento, il cui lavoro a Venezia fu magistrale.
Insieme ad altri artisti veneziani, come Tiziano (1485-1576) e Tintoretto (1518-1594), Veronese fu uno degli artisti di spicco in città.
Rappresentativo della scuola veneziana, Veronese fu un colorista eccezionale, che dipinse elaborati cicli narrativi in un drammatico stile manierista.

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Camille Corot | Paysages

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796-1875) is a pivotal figure in landscape painting. In his long and productive life, he painted over 3,000 paintings. His work simultaneously references the Neo-Classical tradition and anticipates the plein-air innovations of Impressionism.
Of him Claude Monet exclaimed in 1897, "There is only one master here - Corot. We are nothing compared to him, nothing".

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Anna Lapygina, 1980 | Figurative painter

Анна Юрьевна Лапыгина was born in Morshyn.

1992/1996 - Art school in Vladimir, graduated with "excellent".
1997/2001 - Vladimir State Pedagogical University.
2008 - Graduated from the Russian Academy of Arts diploma course with a mark of "excellent" and praised the AMC.
2005/2008 - Participated in the painting of icons Reigning Mother of God. St. Petersburg.
2007/2008 - Participated in the painting of an Orthodox church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the Iohanesburg, South Africa.

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Heinz Kahlau | Se non ci sei..

Se non ci sei,
ho sempre
quel che hai detto
e ho il tuo volto.

Marc Chagall | The Lovers, 1929

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Khalil Gibran: "Ascolta la donna quando ti guarda, non quando ti parla"

"Le donne che hanno cambiato il mondo non hanno mai avuto bisogno di dimostrare nulla, se non la loro intelligenza"!
"The women who changed the world never needed to show anything other than their own intelligence"!

Rita Levi-Montalcini (1909-2012) è stata una neurologa Italiana.
Negli anni cinquanta, con le sue ricerche, scoprì ed illustrò il fattore di accrescimento della fibra nervosa (nella fattispecie della struttura assonale) NGF, e per tale scoperta è stata insignita nel 1986 del premio Nobel per la Medicina.
Insignita anche di altri premi, è stata la prima donna ad essere ammessa alla Pontificia accademia delle scienze.
Il 1º agosto 2001 è stata nominata senatrice a vita "per aver illustrato la Patria con altissimi meriti nel campo scientifico e sociale".

"Le donne hanno sempre dovuto lottare doppiamente. Hanno sempre dovuto portare due pesi, quello privato e quello sociale. Le donne sono la colonna vertebrale delle società".
Rita Levi Montalcini

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Le Thi Luu | Impressionist painter

Lê Thị Lựu (19 January 1911 - 6 June 1988) was a Vietnamese woman painter.
She was one of the first women and rare notable female alumni of Victor Tardieu's École des Beaux-Arts de l'Indochine in Hanoi, becoming the school's first female painter at the age of 16.
With Mai Trung Thứ, Lê Phổ and Vũ Cao Đàm she was one of four Vietnamese artists in the 1930s to emigrate to and make a career in Paris.

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Egisto Ferroni | At the fountain / Alla fontana, 1879

Artist: Egisto Ferroni (Firenze, 1835-1912);
Date: 1879;
Current location: Museum Pitti Palace, Collection Gallery of Modern Art;
Technique: Oil on canvas;
Size: cm 285x165;
Inventory: Gen. 342.

Egisto Ferroni | At the fountain / Alla fontana, 1879 (detail) | Museum Pitti Palace, Collection Gallery of Modern Art

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James Sant | Courage, Anxiety and Despair: Watching the Battle, 1850-60

At his death in 1916, at the age of ninety-six, James Sant, R.A., C.V.0. (British painter, 1820-1916) was the longest living member of the Royal Academy since the institution's foundation in 1768, having exhibited well over two hundred pictures during a period of seventy-six years.
Sant was a prolific artist who worked his way through a range of influences, including symbolism (as in this effort) and impressionism.

James Sant | Courage, Anxiety and Despair: Watching the Battle, 1850 | Christie's

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Andrey Zadorin / Андрей Задорин, 1960

Andrey Zadorin (Andrey Zadorine) è nato a Berezovka, in Bielorussia e vive nei Paesi Bassi dal 1997.
Si è laureato presso l'Istituto Bielorusso delle Arti nel 1984 e ha completato i suoi studi universitari presso l'Accademia Russa delle Arti di Minsk nel 1990.
Ispirato dalle memorie dell'infanzia e dell'adolescenza, Andrei fonde immaginazione e realtà, e le cattura nei suoi magnifici dipinti che evocano ricordi perduti.