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Mikhail Guida, 1955 | Figurative painter

Mikhail Yevgenievich Guida / Михайло Євгенович Гуйда is a renowned contemporary painte.
Born on a farm Quietly, Krasnodar Krai, Russia, where he followed his first training, Mikhail Yevgenievich Guida perfected at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kiev.
The theme of his oil painting includes covers a wide range from history and landscape paintings to genre, portraits and still life paintings.

He currently works in the National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture in Kiev.
With major international exhibitions where he has received numerous awards, his reputation is now well established.

He is honored with the title of "National artist of Ukraine" and academician of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine.
His works can be found in major museums such as the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, the National Museum of Fine Arts in Kiev, the Municipal Museum in Kyoto and the Museum of Fine Arts in Vilnius.

Mikhail Yevgenievich Guida / Михайло Євгенович Гуйда, rinomato pittore contemporaneo,
Nato in una fattoria tranquilla, Krasnodar Krai, in Russia, dove ha seguito la sua prima formazione, Mikhail Yevgenievich Guida si è perfezionata all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Kiev.
La sua pittura ad olio include dipinti storici, di genere, paesaggi, ritratti e nature morte.

È stato insignito del titolo "Artista nazionale dell'Ucraina" ed accademico dell'Accademia delle arti dell'Ucraina.
Ha vinto anche il Premio nazionale Shevchenko per le arti visive.

Attualmente lavora presso l'Accademia Nazionale di Belle Arti ed Architettura.