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Charis Tsevis, 1967 | Designer Neo futurista

Charis Tsevis / Χαράλαμπος Τσέβης o Χάρης Τσέβης, è un visual designer Greco che vive e lavora a Pafos, Cipro.
Ha conseguito un Diploma in Graphic Design presso l'Akademie für das Grafische Gewerbe, München ed un Master in Visual Design presso la Scuola Politecnica di Design, Milano.
Gestisce un modesto studio sull'isola di Cipro al servizio di clienti in tutto il mondo.

La sua lista di clienti include aziende come Nike, Google, Ferrari, PepsiCo, Toyota ed IKEA, agenzie pubblicitarie come TBWA\Chiat\Day, Saatchi and Saatchi LA, DDB Munich e Leo Burnett Hong Kong e media come Time, Fortune, Wired e The Wall Giornale di strada.
Charis è professore in visita di disegno editoriale e tipografia presso l'AKTO College di Atene dal 1996.

Ha anche presentato seminari presso l'Università Panteion di Atene e ha tenuto conferenze in numerose conferenze e simposi nazionali ed internazionali come l'International Conference su Tipografia e comunicazione visiva, TEDx Athens, Adobe D-Day, World Design Day e molti altri.
Charis scrive spesso articoli sulla teoria del design, l'estetica e la storia dell'informatica in alcune riviste d'arte e IT molto rispettate in Grecia (+ design, RAM ecc.).

Ha anche scritto due libri su Adobe Photoshop.

Il lavoro di Charis viene premiato in ED Awards (Europa), Epica Awards (Europa), NPSA (USA), Behance (USA), EBGE (Grecia) ed altri.
Viene nominato per 4 volte di fila come uno dei 200 migliori illustratori del mondo da Lürzer's Archive.
Il lavoro di Charis è stato presentato in molti libri, riviste e siti web in tutto il mondo.

Le sue opere d'arte sono state presentate in mostre ad Atene, Barcellona, San Jose ed altre città in tutto il mondo.
Dal 2016 Lumas vende serie della sua arte.

Charis Tsevis (Greek: Χαράλαμπος Τσέβης or Χάρης Τσέβης) is a Greek visual designer, illustrator and art director.
Charis Tsevis studied visual design and advertising in Athens, Greece and Milan, Italy and his is mainly known for his work in digital mosaics, high complexity illustrations and neo-futuristic compositions.

He is collaborating with the major media and the multinational advertising agencies creating illustration and digital art for global campaigns, political and sports events.
He is particularly known for his mosaic portraits for Steve Jobs, Barack Obama and for his artwork for the USA House in the Rio Olympics, the Delta Air Lines Sky Club SFO mosaic and the Yahoo coverage of the London Olympics.

The mosaics

Tsevis is experimenting with digital mosaics since the early 90s.
It was the influence of cyberculture with genres like ASCII Art, ANSI/Pixel Art and text art that influenced him as well as the teachings of Gestalt psychology and especially the influence of it on Op Art and Illusive art.

Charis used the theories of Perspective Space by Nino Di Salvatore, founder of the Scuola Politecnica of Design, in mosaics.
He had the innovative idea of introducing variable sizes in digital mosaics in order to give a more three-dimensional atmosphere in them.

Instead of basing the mosaic in a rectangular grid with same sized tesserae his mosaics are using small images where the subject of the mosaic needs more detail and bigger images where no detail is needed.
For instance, in a portrait, Charis Tsevis was the first using very small sizes for the characteristics like the eyes, the lips or the nose and bigger ones for the chicks or the neck.
Tsevis combined the work in digital mosaics with the studies in computer history and created a series of mosaic artworks showing some of the biggest names of the IT world.

Especially his series of Steve Jobs mosaic portraits gave him world recognition after the use of his work from Fortune magazine in 2009.
The mosaic portrait that has illustrated an article in that magazine have been republished in hundreds of world media and became a viral success the late 2000s and gave him world fame especially after Steve Jobs’ death in 2011.

haris Tsevis continued evolving his techniques and to do so he used influences from ethnic traditions and folklore.
Today Charis Tsevis lives in Paphos, Cyprus and focuses more on fine art. | Source: © Wikipedia