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Xing Jianjian, 1959 | Ballet dancers

Chinese painter Xing Jianjian / 邢健健 is from Nantong, in southeastern Jiangsu province.
In 1986, he graduated from Nanjing University of the Arts majoring in oil painting with a bachelor's degree and stayed on as a teacher there.

He is currently a professor and master tutor at the School of Fine Arts of Nanjing University of the Arts.
Jianjian is member of China Artists Association. Director of Jiangsu Oil Painting Society.

His works have participated in the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th National Art Exhibitions, the 2nd and 3rd Chinese Oil Painting Exhibitions, and exhibitions in the United States, France, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and other countries and regions.

Works participated in Hong Kong Sotheby's, China Poly, Guardian, Hanhai, Rongbao and other auctions.
Some works are in domestic and foreign art museums, galleries, clubs and private collections.

Il pittore Cinese Xing Jianjian / 邢健健 è di Nantong, nella provincia del Jiangsu.
Nel 1986 si è laureato presso l'Università delle Arti di Nanjing specializzandosi in pittura ad olio ed è rimasto lì come insegnante.
Attualmente è professore e master tutor presso la School of Fine Arts della Nanjing University of the Arts.
Jianjian è membro della China Artists Association.

È direttore della Jiangsu Oil Painting Society.
Le sue opere hanno partecipato all'8a, 9a, 10a e 11a mostra d'arte nazionale, alla 2a e 3a mostra di pittura ad olio cinese ed a mostre negli Stati Uniti, Francia, Giappone, Corea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore ed altri paesi e regioni.

Le opere hanno partecipato a Hong Kong Sotheby's, China Poly, Guardian, Hanhai, Rongbao ed altre aste.
Alcune opere sono in musei d'arte nazionali ed esteri, gallerie, club e collezioni private.