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Félicie Schneider | Genre painter

Félicie Schneider or Felicie Fournier (1831-1888) was a French portrait painter.
Schneider was born in Saint-Cloud and first learned to paint from her father, Amable Nicolas Fournier, and later went to the school run by Leon Cogniet.

She showed works at the Paris Salon from 1849.
Her work "The Last Survivors of a Family" was included in the book Women Painters of the World.

Félicie Schneider o Felicie Fournier (1831-1888) è stata una ritrattista Francese.
Schneider è nata a Saint-Cloud e ha imparato a dipingere per la prima volta da suo padre, Amable Nicolas Fournier, e successivamente è andata alla scuola gestita da Leon Cogniet.

Ha mostrato opere al Salon di Parigi dal 1849.
Il suo lavoro "The Last Survivors of a Family" è stato incluso nel libro Women Painters of the World.