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Maurice Ehlinger | Figurative painter

"I was just four years old and I said to myself: I too will paint!
I drew a lot and I escaped into nature where I was interested in everything.
I often skipped school, taking paper and colors with me".
- Maurice Ehlinger

Maurice Ambroise Ehlinger (1896-1981) was a French painter.
He joined the School of Fine Arts in Nancy.
Unfortunately, during the 1st World War, he was incorporated in 1916 and was not demobilized until 1919.
On his return, he went to Paris and joined the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux Arts where he became a pupil of the French painter François Flameng (1856-1923).

This one is very impressed by the works of his pupil.
Unfortunately having lost his father, Maurice is forced to provide for his own needs.

In 1921, he decorated the stairway of the Sorbonne together with Flameng.
Ehlinger was appointed a professor and received various awards.
His work was part of the painting event in the art competition at the 1932 Summer Olympics.

Until 1951, he lived in Saint-Dié, but later in Paris.
From the 1950s he traveled extensively to North Africa, Italy and Spain.
Ehlinger where he specialized in portraits, mainly women, children and contemporary personalities.

Other motifs were still lifes and flowers, but also religious topics.
He paints a lot of portraits, landscapes but also figures, with perfect bodies and languid poses.

All his life Maurice Ehlinger was faithful to the Salon of French artists where he exhibited from 1922 until 1981.
He obtained the silver medal in 1928, and in 1941 the gold medal, out of competition.
He becomes a member of the jury committee.
He was secretary of the Taylor Foundation.

"Avevo appena quattro anni e mi dicevo: anch'io dipingerò!
Ho disegnato molto e mi sono rifugiato nella natura dove ero interessato a tutto.
Spesso saltavo la scuola, portavo con me carta e colori
- Maurice Ehlinger

Maurice Ambroise Ehlinger (1896-1981) è stato un pittore e scultore Francese.
È entrato a far parte della Scuola di Belle Arti di Nancy.
Sfortunatamente, durante la prima guerra mondiale, fu incorporato nel 1916 e non fu smobilitato fino al 1919.

Al suo ritorno, andò a Parigi e si iscrisse all'Ecole Supérieure des Beaux Arts, dove divenne allievo del pittore Francese François Flameng (1856-1923).

Flameng rimase molto impressionato dalle opere del suo allievo.
Purtroppo avendo perso il padre, Maurice è costretto a provvedere ai propri bisogni.

Nel 1921 decora insieme a Flameng la scalinata della Sorbona.
Ehlinger è stato nominato professore e ha ricevuto vari premi.
Fino al 1951 visse a Saint-Dié, poi a Parigi.

Dagli anni '50 ha viaggiato molto in Nord Africa, Italia e Spagna.
Ehlinger si è specializzato in ritratti, principalmente di donne, bambini e personaggi contemporanei.
Altri motivi erano nature morte e fiori, ma anche temi religiosi.

Per tutta la vita Maurice Ehlinger fu fedele al Salon degli artisti Francesi dove espose dal 1922 al 1981.
Ottenne la medaglia d'argento nel 1928, e nel 1941 la medaglia d'oro, fuori concorso.
Diventa membro del comitato della giuria.
È stato segretario della Fondazione Taylor.